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Warning: A baguette may be dangerous to your health




    • Mady

    Hee hee! pain de licorne

    • Susan

    Is that the one they call a sword (epee)?

    • Alisa

    You make me laugh. Daily. I just haven’t had the time to let you know that lately. Ahhhhh…..thank you.


    • Alexis

    Looks delicious, yet painful.

    • Camille

    Well, that’s one way to maximize the quignon!

    • Lainey

    looks like something i would do if i was bored.

    • Dana McCauley

    If you squint, it looks like a pencil.

    • David

    Dana: Now that’s not something that many men would be happy to hear!

    • Marysol

    David, as long as ‘pain’ means bread, then, I’d be willing to risk it, even at my jeans’ protest.

    • Susan

    er..good point.

    • Mary Beth

    *snaps off pointy crunchy deliciousness and pops it into mouth* Oops, sorry. I couldn’t resist.

    • Jazzalto

    I hate when this loaf comes out the end of the bag on the way home! Ridiculous!

    • Paula Maack

    The BREAD is mightier than the sword!!!

    Dang!! That’s positively Medieval! No sudden moves…

    Were it the U.S., you would have to obtain a a permit to carry that weapon. And, the liability insurance would be through the roof!



    ~ Paula
    (of Ambrosia Quest)

    • Rianne

    I can’t take it anymore, stop making me laugh. Okay, maybe a little bit more.
    Your mincemeat post was hilarious. Thanks David! I needed some comic relief this week.

    • Tags

    I wonder how many angels could dance on the tip of that sucker.

    Couldn’t be too many.

    • Randy Goldberg

    ROFL! It looks a little too… overdone to even be tasty.

    • TARA

    Ha Ha!

    When I was in culinary school our culinary history instructor told us that in France a day old baguette was once legally considered a murder weapon… Now, that’s a “pain!”

    • Louisa

    So are you going to share the name and address of your S&M boulangerie or what? ;)

    • Travel Insurance Lady

    It’s the perfect crime!

    • Vivienne

    I can barely type for the tears in my eyes! And then to realize there was only a one-word text!! Superbly insane and hilarious. Reminds me of a very nasty bird. Yikes!

    • Kathy

    Call Homeland Security!

    • Pat

    I will take this opportunity to thank you, in pointed fashion, for a lovely year of fabulous entertainment!

    • Kristin

    David, I feel your pain (no pun intended!).
    I have poked myself and hurt the inside of my mouth with those banettes more than a few times….but they’re so good!

    • krysalia

    david said : “outch”

    i’d say Cr-ou(n)tch :D

    I love those pointy ends of the fresh bread ♥ !

    i’m sure they’re made to sell more !

    See, you go to the baker’s shop, you machinally eat those crusty pointy ends on the road, bit by bit (crountch chrinch croc), and when you come back home you see that the 1 foot long bread you bought is only a sad 6inch long now. => You just go back to the baker’s and buy some again :D

    • David

    Krysalia: Yes, they do make it a little too easy to consume those fresh baguettes, don’t they?

    I suppose one could view this as a warning to stay away—but it didn’t work!

    • Sylvie, Rappahannock Cook & Kitchen Gardener

    En garde!
    Where is the reblochon?

    • Sarah

    The poor unsuspecting butter….. ;-)

    • LB

    This is why Indiana Jones avoids Paris.

    • alina

    hilarious. thanks for sharing.

    • maangchi

    I would use the pointed part of the baguette as my pen and put it in ink and write “Happy New Year!” : 0)

    • Angela

    I can attest to the accuracy of that statement. I actually cut my thumb wide open on a crusty piece of bread once in a restaurant and had blood gushing everywhere… The waitress had to run get me a band-aid.


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