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The Time Out Paris: Eating and Drinking has reviews that are solid and well-researched. The newest guide, Edition 8, has essential information on over 850 restaurants, and included are chapters on Bistros, Brasseries, Classics, Haut Cuisine, Trendy, and Regional cuisines, as well as a good section for les Vegetarians. But my favorite is the section on Budget restaurants, which are fun to explore…especially if you’re interested in veering slightly off-the-beaten path.

There’s also chapters packed with addresses directing you to gourmet stores, tea salons, and an enormous amount of information on ethnic dining. Plus sidebars directing you to gastronomic specialties around town; where to find cheese, ice cream, or where to take a wine tasting.

The index is particularly excellent, as it allows you to search for restaurants alphabetically or by arrondissement, where the restaurants are also broken down by cuisine. There’s city maps and a lexicon of French-English culinary translations too.

Although I have little space on my book shelf for lots of guidebooks, I always buy the new Time Out Paris Dining guide as it gets updated. It’s easy to carry, compact, and truly a useful culinary guide to Paris, in English.

Very highly-recommended if you live here or are planning a visit!



    • Taina

    Thanks for this, David! Do you know if any of the English-speaking bookstores in Paris carry it?
    BTW, saw your credit on the Confiture de Lait recipe in the NY Times article today (“Bistronomy”).

    • David

    Hi Taina: I’m almost certain they’d have copies at WH Smith at the Place de la Concorde. That’s where I’ve gotten mine in the past. It’s quite new so they may not have them yet.

    And thanks for the heads-up on the New York Times mention, and to the readers who also sent word of it!

    • mimi

    Excellent recommendation. Our apartment is in the 7th, maybe not the liveliest area. This will help us ferret out some places.

    Did I say “our apartment?” I meant, our rented apartment. But it was fun to say.

    • Jessie

    Hi David,

    I received the 2005/2006 edition for Christmas, do you think the 2007 one is still worth getting?

    Thank you!


    • David

    Hi Jess: I haven’t received my 07 copy yet, but personally, I buy each new edition since restaurant information does change rather rapidly; chefs move on, places get sold, restaurants close, etc… (yours was probably written in 04).

    That said, most of the info in your guide is likely fairly au courant, but I like to be on top of things…especially where good food is concerned!

    • Sara, The Wine Makers Wife

    David, I really enjoy your blog. I am going to SPain this spring and oh how I wish such a book was made for Madrid or Barcelona!! At least I know what to pack for my next trip to Paris, thanks for the recomendation!

    • adrian

    Yeah, they must have some really cutting-edge, and highly intelligent food writers on their roster (hint, hint ;) )

    • adrian

    and it’s not that up to date———- since this guide, there hasn’t been a new one!!!!! Dommage!


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