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I’ll be joining the kids of Candelaria this Sunday for a Halloween Jumble Sale!

The event will be taking place this Sunday, October 28th and I’ll be there from 12 to 2pm signing books. You can pick up copies of The Perfect Scoop, Ready for Dessert, and The Sweet Life in Paris. (I’m happy to sign previously purchased books as well.) There will be hardback and softcover editions available, but since it’s a “jumble” sale – it’s subject to what’s on hand, while supplies last.


Also at the event will be the talent who makes the desserts at Candelaria, with baked goods for sale (rumor has it there will be salted honey pie, caramel apples and chocolate chip cookies!) and I may crash the cocktail bar, too. You can get a haircut or have your nails done – there’s info and links on how to snag one of the sought-after appointments on the Facebook event page – and perhaps there will be some other spooky surprises.

A few details: The event will be taking place from 12 to 5pm and I will just be there from 12 to 2pm. There is a โ‚ฌ1 entry fee. If you’d like, you’re welcome to RSVP at the Facebook event page, although it’s not necessary. No credit cards can be accepted for purchases.

However I will consider cocktails, or tacos.

52, rue Saintonge (3rd)
Mรฉtro: Filles du Calvaire



    • rv

    david, Good luck with your book, I like your recipes, I wish I could be in Paris now and come to the booksigning event.

    • Lindie

    I recently purchased the paperback Ready for Desserts — if only I were in Paris now so you could sign… :(

    • Will

    Great idea! I hope the event is a huge success. Oh, how I wish I were in Paris right now.

    • Jane

    Hi David,
    I recently purchased RfD, and it’s fast becoming a favorite. I made the gingersnaps and they’re fantastic. If you come to NYC for a signing, please post!
    Q: For a ‘gluten-free’ brownie, can I sub something like oat flour, you think, for your brownie recipe? Is the wheat flour critical. I have teff flour too. I think coconut flour or rice flour might be too gummy. Would appreciate feedback. If you think wheat’s a ‘gotta’, then it’s a ‘gotta’ … okay, maybe spelt.
    btw … the gluten-free thing is for a friend. I’m a huge fan of gluten.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Happy you’re enjoying the book! I haven’t tried other flours, but generally speaking, I am pretty sure you could use oat flour (make sure it’s gluten-free since not all is) or perhaps buckwheat for the wheat flour. There are also gluten-free flour mixes out there that supposedly mimic wheat flour, so that’s another possbility. Happy baking!

        • Jane

        Thanks so much! I’ll let you know if they “translate”. Jane

    • The 3 F’s

    Oh my gosh I wish we could be there. What a fantastic combinations of pleasures – and in the city of pleasure. Do let us know if there is a “mail in our copy and have it signed and returned” option ;)

    • Christine

    Sounds like an awesome event. Would love to swing by but it would be quite a commute from San Diego. ;)

    • Megan

    David, I’m on my way. Your signing is the only cause worth leaving the house for on this bitter cold, but deceivingly sunny day!

    • sandra

    Enjoy the goulish goings on! Wish I could be there!
    I did some baking for a charity event today and themed it around Halloween. I baked choc chip buns with blood coloured sugar on top, and shortbread fingers (literally) with painted almonds for nails. I did some shortbread bones too but sadly left them in the oven too long. They looked like they had been through the crematorium…..

    • Mika

    I bought your book, The Perfect Scoop! I spotted it in a Sur La Table near my school today, squealed with excitement and immediately picked up the copy. I love it! I’ve been reading your wonderful blog for a while now, and adore it as well. I wish I could have gone to the booksigning, too, but it *is* a rather long trip from New York. I hope you had a great time at the Jumble Sale today :)

    • Kate

    David, I cannot believe I am here and checked your blog a day too late! I love your blog, and it inspires me! I have not yet purchased your books, but I have tried many of your posted recipies! I am sorry I missed the opportunity to meet you. I hope it was a great success!! Kate

    • Chau

    Mr. Lebovitz, my sister just bought me the paperback copy of your Ready for Dessert book recently and I absolutely love it, especially your coconut macaroons. They are just delicious!

    You have no idea how lovely Paris sounds at the moment. For one thing, who can deny a stroll down those avenues in the chilly weather? (maybe those who actually live in Paris, but it just seems wonderful to me). And for another, your book signing! I wish I could be there.
    Good luck with the book signing and happy Halloween! :)

    • BarbaraC

    Arghhh! I arrived in Paris on Saturday but didn’t read this until Monday morning! I will now read your blog every day rather than letting a day go by – and hope that another pop-up might happen in the next 5 weeks that I will be here.

    • bobster

    Hey David, you can delete my posting, (which is pending moderation) was abit abrupt! and I may email directly since I have some other suggestions/comments. Thanks – Bob. ;)

    Hi Bob: I did send you a response to your questions/suggestions direct to you, since they were about a different subject. If you didn’t get it, let me know and I can try to resend. (Or check your spam folder?) – david

    • Lindsay

    Woe!!! I cannot believe I missed this. I’ve been in Paris for three months waiting for you to have an event!
    I bought, “The Sweet Life in Paris” before I made my trip here and read it cover to cover.
    What was supposed to be my one year stay has turned into three months because of the terrible time I’ve had adjusting to “la vie Parisien.” So I am now heading back state side in a week.
    I just wanted to let you know that your book has been one reason I have been able to make it this long in this perplexing, yet wonderful city. I’ve used it as a guidebook, a cookbook, as inspiration and a source of comfort to get through some of the tougher gray days here and I can’t tell you how grateful I am you wrote it! I don’t know how many food-writers are credited with indirect moral-support, so I wanted to offer you a very sincere merci beaucoup for doing such. I am off to Pรขtisserie Viennoise for some chocolat chaud now… thank you, thank you for your great writing, and of course, your great food.


      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Lindsay: Thanks for your nice words about the book and glad you enjoyed it. Yes, Paris is both a wonderful and not-always wonderful place to live (like most cities) but there are certain obstacles here that I think are specific to the city and country. The gray days, bureaucracy, and other stuff are tough, but the chocolat chaud makes up for it – well, sometimes…

      Enjoy your time back in the states and luxuriate in all that American customer service! : )

    • Lisa Guidoboni

    I’m reading, “The Sweet Life in Paris” for the second time so I can get some of “The Rules” in my head before my visit in two weeks. I have made some ridiculous and embarrassing comments (never intentional!) all over the wonderful place and I must say I’ve never been treated badly by the natives….yet. Once I got over the puzzlement and shock of being blatantly cut in line at Laduree I have enjoyed just diving in to the the endless possibilities in Paris.

    Thank-you for your wonderful books and blog that allow so many of us to keep the dream of our next visit alive. All the best to you!



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