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Strawberry Frozen Yogurt Recipe

During spring and summer in Paris, there’s an overwhelming amount of strawberries at the outdoor markets. The sweet, fruity scent pervades the air as you get closer to the stands and I always walk around and take a look at what people have, to find the most fragrant and deeply color baskets. For me, it’s impossible to come home with just one basket. And when…


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Lucques Olives

While at the market yesterday looking for things to snitch, I bought a sack of my favorite olives, les Lucques. Lucques olives are originally from Italy, but are now most closely associated with France and they’re unlike any other olive you’re likely to sample, free or otherwise. Grown in the Hรฉrault region in the south of France, the Languedoc, they’re harvested in the fall and…


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What They Say vs. What They Mean

When they say,“Non”, they mean, “Convince me.” When they say,“We do not take returns”, they mean,“Convince me.” When they say,“It’s not broken“, they mean,“Convince me.” When they say, “You need a prescription for that”, they mean,“Convince me.” When they say,“The restaurant is completely full”, they mean,“Please come up with a better story.” When they say,“The restaurant is completely full”, they mean,“We already have enough Americans…


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Award-Winning Chocolate Friends

Every year the International Association of Culinary Professionals hands out awards for what they deem are the Best Cookbooks of the Year. Last month in Seattle, I attended the ceremony with a few friends and instead of getting drunk on the free wine and champagne and heckling the winners as usual, I was thrilled when the names were called and not one…not two…but three of…


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Choxie Lady

Everytime I go back to the United States, I’m certain to spend a good part of one day wandering aimlessly up and down the aisles at Target. (And can everyone please stop correcting folks when they say “Target”, with “Tar-jay“, which was somewhat funny…about 10 years ago. But we’ve all heard it a zillion times before, and people expect us to laugh in response, but…


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Caramelized Matzoh Crunch with Chocolate

I make this every year for Passover. It’s not that I’m all that religious (for some reason I seem to celebrate only the holidays where there’s lots of eating, drinking…and presents, of course.) But I always pick up a box or two of matzoh, which is stacked high in supermarkets this month, plus I love the sweet-crunch of this toffee-like confection. The only problem is…


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Euro Blogging By Pest…I Mean, Post

This April marks a very special three-year anniversary. Do I celebrate with a coupe of Champagne? Do I whip out the mixer and make a celebration cake? Do I pull out what’s left of my hair and be bitter? No, no…and maybe. In April of 2003, I shipped two cases of books to my address in Paris, and somewhere between here and there, someone is…


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