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The word soufflé used to strike terror in the heart of cooks far and wide. I never got that memo, though, and one of the first things I ever baked was a chocolate soufflé when I was less than sixteen years old, from my mother’s copy of The Settlement Cookbook, the 1951 edition. The ingredient list is pretty concise; looking at the book now, there are two chocolate soufflé recipes in it – one with four ingredients and the other with six.

The author explains how to put the soufflés together with only four or five concise sentences. There are no mixing bowl or baking dish sizes given, and chocolate is just listed as “chocolate.” There’s no mention of whether it’s bittersweet, semisweet, or unsweetened chocolate. (There are also no substitutions for any ingredients offered, and storage instructions weren’t included, presumably because people just figured that out for themselves.) It’s fascinating how times have changed in terms of how recipes are written today.

Back in those days, we didn’t have a soufflé mold in our suburban American kitchen. We had an assortment of Pyrex glass baking dishes and measuring cups. Somehow, my little brain (at the time, which hopefully has grown since then) had figured out that a straight-sided dish might be best for a soufflé, so I used a Pyrex measuring cup to bake the soufflé in, guessing at the size I should use. My thirteen-year-old head must’ve either been spinning, or I just used whatever was available without giving it a second thought. My guess is that it was the latter. In spite of all the vagarities that wouldn’t pass muster today, it came out really well.

Even though I now have a collection of French soufflé molds I’ve picked up at flea markets, these days I prefer to use an oven-proof shallow baking dish when I make a soufflé. Why? Because I like the ratio of crust-to-filling better in a wider dish, and the soufflé also tends to bake more evenly, and is easier to serve as well.

(FYI: My recipe for a Chocolate Soufflé baked in a gratin-style baking dish, is in my book L’Appart and I have a recipe for Individual Double-Chocolate Soufflés, baked in ramekins, in The Great Book of Chocolate.)

If you want to use a soufflé mold, or a Pyrex measuring cup, for this, you can. You’ll just need to toggle the baking time a bit, using visual and tactile clues to check for doneness. Soufflés aren’t as fussy as you think but when the top starts to brown, give it a very gentle jiggle; if it moves a lot and seems liquidy, it’s probably not done. If it moves mostly in the center, but the area a few inches close to the rim of the dish is relatively firm, it’s probably done.

But everyone is different. Some people like soufflés very runny and underbaked. I worked a waiter like that, who insisted that customers preferred them that way. In reality, though, I suspect he liked them that way more than the customers. (Or, he liked asserting himself over me.)

Either way, soufflés aren’t hard to make and the only skill required is knowing that you should gently, but with purpose, fold the egg whites into the base. You don’t want to stir the heck out of them so they lose their volume. A few thin, visible streaks of egg whites are better than an overfolded mixture. (Less than what is shown above.) When baked, you won’t notice those.

Cheese soufflé makes a wonderful lunch or dinner with nothing more than a green salad to go alongside. I like to add a handful of aromatic herbs, which, like the cheese, will change the flavor depending on which you use. Here I used chives, but tarragon and chervil are also favorites that I sometimes add.

Cheese Souffle

This is one of those dishes where the less you futz with it, the better it'll be. A perfect cheese soufflé on its own is a thing of beauty and the best-tasting cheese produce the most delicious souffle That said, you don't usually see chives in cheese soufflés. But why not? I like the pretty little green flecks, and they add a delicate herbal, onion flavor. You could swap it out with a smaller amount of minced chervil, tarragon, or another herb, or leave it out. I do like a flavorful, slightly aged cheese in my souffle but you don't want anything too aged (or dry) because you want it to melt and meld nicely with the other ingredients. Although I suggested Comté or Gruyère, a good-quality Emmenthaler, Gouda, or cheddar would be nice. (Although I did make one with cheddar and it tended to be denser, and not as light, as one made with Comté.) I use 8 ounces of cheese but if you want it lighter, and less-cheesy, you can go with 6 ounces. Cheese can vary in salt so I used a minimum, but feel free to taste the white sauce before using it and if you want to add a bit more salt to it, or the egg whites, you can. What to do with the extra egg yolk? Add it to your next omelet mixture or batch of ice cream (UPDATE: Several commenters said they just added the additional egg yolk when making the soufflé base.)
Servings 6 servings
  • 4 tablespoons (60g) unsalted butter, cubed, plus additional softened butter for preparing the baking dish
  • grated Parmesan cheese
  • 5 tablespoons (45g) flour
  • 1 3/4 cups (430ml) whole milk, warmed
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher or coarse sea salt
  • freshly-ground black pepper
  • pinch of grated nutmeg
  • bigger pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 5 large egg yolks
  • 6 large egg whites, at room temperature
  • 8 ounces (225g) Comté, Gruyère, or another favorite cheese, coarsely shredded, (see headnote)
  • 1/4 cup (12g) minced chives
  • Butter a 1 1/2-2-quart (2l) baking dish generously. Dust the bottom and sides with Parmesan cheese.
  • To make the soufflé base, Melt the butter in a medium saucepan. Stir in the flour and bring to a low boil. Cook until the mixture has thickened a bit, 1 to 2 minutes. Turn off the heat, whisk in the warm milk and turn the heat to medium-high and bring to a boil, whisking frequently. Once the mixture comes to a boil, cook for 1 minute, whisking constantly.
  • Remove from heat and whisk in the salt, a generous amount of freshly ground pepper, nutmeg, and cayenne. Whisk in the egg yolks vigorously, one at a time. Scrape the mixture into a medium to large bowl and let cool a bit until only slightly warm.
  • To make the soufflé, preheat the oven to 400ºF (200ºC.) Reserve a handful of the cheese, and stir the rest of the cheese and chives into the soufflé base. In a large, clean bowl, or in the stand mixer with the whip attachment, whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they hold their shape but are still moist and creamy. Don't overbeat them.
  • Fold one-quarter of the beaten egg whites into the soufflé base thoroughly, then fold the remaining egg whites in just until there are no (or few) visible streaks of egg whites. Scrape the mixture into the prepared baking dish, gently smooth the top, and strew the reserved handful of cheese over the top.
  • Bake the soufflé on the middle rack of the oven for 20 minutes, without opening the oven door. Depending on how you like your soufflés, if you like them on the soft, somewhat runny side, it's probably done. If you like them firmer, usually 25 minutes (total) is the right baking time. The best way to check it to touch the center at the 20 minute mark. If the soufflé still jiggles and moves freely in the center when you touch it, it's done, if you like softly-cooked soufflés. If not, put it back in the oven for another 5 minutes.


Serving: Serve immediately, with a green salad, steamed green beans, wilted greens, or another vegetable.
Storage: Some people make soufflès ahead then bake them later. I've done that with individual soufflés but have not tried that with a larger one. The egg whites might deflate under the weight of the sauce so if you're a do-ahead type, you can make the sauce up to step 3, then smear a little butter over the top (to prevent a skin from forming and cover it snugly with food-safe plastic wrap. It can be refrigerated for a few days but brought up to room temperature, before using.



    • Bodkingriffs

    Well, that’s lunch sorted for today!
    ( I too like chives in a cheese soufflé)

      • jane

      And doesn’t it seem like this would make an amazing breakfast/brunch? I’d much prefer this to pancakes.

    • Fazal Majid

    When I left school to work, I’d make a spinach and gruyère soufflé about once a week. They are indeed easy to make, if time-consuming.

    • Gavrielle

    Haven’t had one of these for years! That will be swiftly remedied as those photos are far too alluring.

      • Marc Moreels

      I made the soufflé tonight following your instructions – it was incredible. I’ve never made a soufflé before and this was so easy. Your instructions are very easy to follow, David. By the way, I included the 6th egg yolk – all is good. Love following your blog and instagram. I’ve followed you from your early days in Northern California – cheers!

        • Kathy C

        Me, too for the sixth egg yolk. Followed the recipe closely, used Manchego cheese because I had it. The soufflé was great! David’s recipes are consistently clearly written and produce outstanding results, aren’t they?

    • Ellen

    Any suggestions for making it Gluten Free?

      • Marsha Leutza

      Bring the flour to a low boil ?

      • Samantha

      I like to use potato starch to replace small amounts of wheat flour; it doesn’t seem as gummy as some other starches.

      • David

      I use rice flour for all my béchamel type of sauces, with great success. Honestly, you can barely see the difference taste wise, and they hold as nicely.

    • usi

    This post makes my mouth water! Soufflés are always a treat, whether sweet or savoury. I haven’t made one for a long time (just like that
    British classic, bread pudding) for fear of the calories but I will put this on my list for the next cool day. And I would encourage all your fans here to do likewise. In more than 50 years in the kitchen, I’ve never had a soufflé fall on me, and I’ve made many.

    • laura

    With all due respect, (and as an avid reader and lover of your blog and recipes), shouldn’t it be mentioned in the list of ingredients that the cheese one uses should be grated or shredded? Just concerned that novice cooks might be confused and need clarification.

    Fixed! -dl

      • helen

      “8 ounces (225g) Comté, Gruyère, or another favorite cheese, coarsely shredded (see headnote)”

    • Querino De Freitas

    I have made souffles in the past,the photos are delightful…and tempting…thanks Querino

    • Dule

    So I wonder… What would happen if you used all 6 egg yolks instead of just 5? Is the recipe fragile enough to notice the difference?

      • Peggy Lyons

      I am wondering that also – about using all 6 yolks. Seems silly to omit the 6th.

        • David
        David Lebovitz

        Soufflés always (or almost always) have less yolks than egg whites so that’s how I’ve always made them, but if you make it using 6 yolks, let us know how it turns out. It would be interesting to know.

          • rainey

          I always use the extra yolk. I mean as in *always* so I can’t compare it to a yolk-spare soufflé, but I think it works just fine. It’s probably more dense. Maybe less fragile. I know I’ve never had a soufflé fall and even leftovers are still light and tasty.

          I plan to try your shallow pan tip. Extra crustiness sounds good to me!

          • Gavrielle

          I used the sixth yolk and the souffle was absolutely perfect. Great recipe and I loved your tip about using a shallow dish – sheer genius!

    • Marty

    David, how would you proportion the ingredients for serving 2 eight ounce individual soufflées? Thanks

    • Tom

    omg I *just* gave Goodwill my mother’s Settlement Cookbook, vintage probably about ’51 too. Bookshelf real estate finally trumped sentimentality.

      • Katie Haley

      I’m heading to the Colorado mountains (8500 feet!) to visit my folks and would love to make this for them. Any tips on baking a souffle at that altitude?
      Thank you!
      Katie Haley

    • Deb

    I agree with another poster….as soon as I get home from vacation, this is on my must try list. I bet I haven’t made one in over 25 years. The photos are to die for.

    • Karen

    David, this is one of the easiest recipes I’ve seen for soufflés.

    I made my frost cheese soufflé when I was 12. My mom kindly bought me a French souffle dish — I am still using it regularly decades later — but have cooked souffles in other dishes as well. The souffle came out overly dense at the bottom but puffed as it should and was delicious and, to my eyes, a miracle. I’ve made souffles often since and like serving them to friends as they come together easily and have that wow factor of beauty and flavor.

    During the past few months, I’ve made souffles with a bunch of different friends via Zoom or Facetime. Some are learning to cook for the first time on their own because they have no choice and embracing the experience and others are getting more adventurous as they miss restaurant food (but will happily go back to having other people cook for them). We used to cook together often before corona in our various kitchens with jobs shared by skill level, or at the community kitchen we started together — but life is so different now. Cooking together is fun no matter what the medium, but being in the same physical space together is special.Really missing that.

    • Fran

    David, thanks for this recipe. I have made numerous souffle’s, but I would love to make one with the sides that go straight up all around (like your Goat Cheese Souffle’ post). Do you have any suggestions- I’m dying to know the method. Mine always turn out with sort of a ‘curvy’ top, even though I would place an aluminum or cardboard strip around the side for support. Thanks!

    • D. Jaclyn Regel

    David, your instructions indicate that the souffle’ can be prepared ahead of time up to “step 00”. I am not sure what that means, but have to assume that the base can be refrigerated and brought back to room temp just before folding in the egg whites. Is this correct?

    Added! -dl

    • mm

    gave your super book to friends, who live in englishcountryside….they would love to use the ‘correct glasses’ for each cocktail…..could you suggest a book that would list such…would be buying max 6 thank you cant wait for lockdown to end…..thank you

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I don’t know any books that specifically focus on cocktail glassware but Jim Meehan’s Bartender Manual has a very comprehensive list of things about building a bar, somewhat geared toward professionals.

      • UncommonMuse

      I’ve never made soufflé and I’m excited to try. In the photos I see you used a gorgeous copper bowl to whisk the eggs and I’ve read copper enhances the loft in the egg whites. Do you recommend a copper bowl over a regular glass or metal one? Have you ever tried a copper whisk?
      I’ll be making this for dinner tonight, seems less intimidating the way you explain the recipe!

        • David
        David Lebovitz

        I’ve never seen a copper whisk but I like to use a copper bowl; the whites seem to be more stable.

    • Lolly S.

    I just said at breakfast this morning that I’ve been craving a cheese soufflé and there you were! Can’t wait for one of my favorite dinners of cheese soufflé, green salad and a nice chilled glass of white wine.

    • Janet

    Since my mother used to make cheese souffles all the time, I learned to make them when I was young and have never found them difficult.For my birthday every year, I make a Grand Marnier soufflé–yummy. I like your idea of baking the souffle in a shallow container so there’s more crusty top. Thanks!

    • Taste of France

    There’s nothing like a soufflé to wow guests. I never thought of adding herbs–great idea.
    Once I got a soufflé ready for an impromptu dinner party–to replace the cheese course because all I had at home was grated emmenthal. Threw it in as we sat down, and it was perfect.

    • Michael

    The last of our spinach is starting to bolt. We have enough for a salad for six. Your recipe arrived in my e-mail box this morning. This cheese soufflé looks like the perfect fit! We have plenty of chives in the garden. Our Settlement Cookbook is copyright 1965. The French Cheese Soufflé recipe is similar to yours. Butter is melted in a double boiler and flour whisked in, then egg yolks. The recommended cheese in that recipe is aged cheddar. I am leaning toward Fontina Val d’Aosta. Thanks!

    • myrna1

    This is going on the menu for Saturday lunch! David did you ever eat at Cafe Jacqueline in San Francisco in North Beath? The only items on the menu are souffles with a few side salads. The chef, Jacqueline is in her 80s and before the shelter in place order was still running the kitchen.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I’ve never eaten there when I lived in North Beach (the parking so always so notoriously difficult) but I’ve heard it’s a great place and nice to know that until recently, she was still going strong.

      • Casey

      I lived in SF for 15 years and loved that cafe! We lived on Mason Street, on the cable car line, and I miss having such ready access to so many great restaurants a few paces away…. So delighted to learn Chef Jacqueline was still going strong as of this summer.

        • Casey

        PS – I am making this souffle for my family’s New Year’s Eve dinner tonight, with some fabulous French champagne. Best way I can think of to usher out this godawful year and welcome 2021.

    • Beth P

    Oh The Settlement Cookbook! fond memories. Yesterday, I received a gift of a large Mauviel copper bowl, and have been trying to decide which whipped egg white delight to make first. Thank you for your perfectly timed article. Cheese souffle it is! You are always an inspiration

    • Cynthia

    Cheese souffle – my favorite!

    • Romain PELLAS

    It’s the best puff recipe I’ve ever eaten it’s too good

      • jane
    • Rene Lafayette

    This looks delicious, I’ve had souffles too infrequently. Perhaps this will prompt me to actually make one!

    • Shell


    • MR in NJ

    Love the yolk caught in midair. AAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!1

    • Laura

    I always have extra egg whites from making mayonnaise, caesar salad dressing, etc. I put them individually into sandwich bags and freeze them. Perfect for that extra white needed for a souffle. Or an angel food cake…….

    • Robin

    I just made this for dinner, with scamorza cheese and no chive. It was superlative! The smoked cheese flavor was phenomenon but ultimately the base recipe produced a light as cloud soufflé. Thank you! (I’m only a few miles away in Yvelines!)

    • Lee

    With all respect to your recipe and your wonderful site here’s another suggestion. Jacques Pepin has a recipe he calls Maman’s (mom’s) Cheese Souffle. He tells the story that when his mother was newly married she asked a friend how to make a souffle. In true French fashion her friend was rather vague – make a béchamel, add eggs, bake. No mention of separating the eggs. So she just beat the eggs together and added them to the béchamel. And it worked! That’s Jacques’ (less than traditional) technique. The beauty is that it can’t deflate and you can make it hours ahead or even a day ahead. Put it in the fridge and bake it when you are ready to serve. He also makes it in a gratin dish and so, like yours, it has lots of crusty bits. Both techniques are delicious. Thanks for all your work and joy in cooking David.

    • Anne Epstein

    I learned to cook as a ‘tween in the mid ’50’s from the 1947 edition of The Settlement Cookbook! I was encouraged and intrigued by the phrase “The way to a man’s heart” on the cover. I STILL use it to this day, having made Baked Pickled Peaches (page 570) just 4 days ago.

    • WendyK

    I have a 1945 edition of the Settlement Cookbook, my grandmother’s. And she did make the chocolate soufflé…the recipe calls for a “chocolate square”, which was almost always Hershey’s-unsweetened. And, I have made cheese souffles without separating the eggs when I’m not in mood, even baking it in a Pyrex loaf pan. Came out beautifully, and delicious!

    • Sabrina

    This was lovely and so easy! Perfect for a weeknight dinner with roast veg. We plan on experimenting with baking times in the future to see what we prefer. Thank you for a great recipe.

    • Mary Ann Falciani Falciani


    Your souffle brought back memories of the most fabulous souffle I have ever eaten. It was the lemon souffle we had for dinner at the restaurant called J.Lameloise in Chagny en Bourgogne. We had to order it when we ordered our dinner. I would love for you to share a recipe for this type of souffle if you have one. As I recall some type of lemon curd was poured into the souffle when it was served at the table. Thanks

    • jane

    Don’t shoot the messenger but after the success of you and romain in your cocktail videos and the demise of bon appetit on youtube I’d kind of love to see video accompaniment to your recipes {ducks the kitchen towel you are no doubt throwing at me}.

    Sigh, it’s fine though, truly. I’ve loved your blog from inception and enjoy reading it as much as ever.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Creating videos is quite complicated, especially baking videos. Bon Appétit (and others) have studios or teams that shoot the videos, edit, gather ingredients, prepare the food, have lighting, etc. And a well-made video is costly (and time-consuming) to make as well. Bon Appétit has a test kitchen and a full staff of cooks, who can concentrate on preparing the food without worrying about all the technology and so forth. To create and test a recipe, write a story and the recipe, photograph, publish, and share on social media, a blog post, then respond to questions about the recipe, all takes a few days and while videos are great, there’s only so much I can do. The cocktail/apéritif videos are fun and don’t require much pre-prep or editing or all that stuff, so I’ll stick to them : )

        • Sunny

        I feel like post pandemic, the expectation of production values have reduced significantly. Would you consider doing something fairly casual like your apero hour for your simpler recipes?

        You (and Romain) are so charming and charismatic, that I think you’d do so well even without high production values. I’ve watched a lot of you FB Live videos you’ve done for other media venues and loved them.

    • PZ

    Ok. You’ve talked me into it. I’ll make this soufflé when I am done with finals. It will be a reward for the hard work.

    • Gayle

    This soufflé recipe turned out to be the perfect solution to the question of how to celebrate our 41st anniversary during the time of Covid-19. Your blog post was timed perfectly, David!

    The soufflé was absolutely delicious and it paired nicely with champagne.

    As a note, the recipe specifies to use a 1-1/2 to 2 quart dish. I used my 1-1/2 quart dish. It turned out to be too small, so we had a small “overflow” soufflé.

    • Eliza

    Hello David! I’ve been enjoying a handful of your recipes for quite some time as staples. Your french green lentils and also your gougeres are family favorites. I just subscribed to your email the other day and was so excited to find this recipe in my inbox. We just enjoyed it for dinner this evening. I hit amongst the adults as well as the toddlers! I lack a proper souffle dish and so I used a pyrex 2 quart rectangular baker. It came out very well, with many crispy bits and corner pieces to indulge in. I used fresh thyme instead of chives. I added just 5 grams, since they impart such a strong flavor. The cheese in my fridge is a Dubliner Irish cheddar. I was concerned it wouldn’t be melty enough, but it worked out just fine. It’s been out of the oven for 20 minutes now, and very little remains. Thank you, David!

    • Neela

    The last time I made a souffle was with Jacques’ Pepin’s recipe about 12-13 years ago. About time I tried your recipe. Thanks!

    • Nisha Sapra

    Just made my first cheese soufflé for Saturday lunch using your recipe and it was delicious. Thank you! I was always intimidated by the idea but it turned out to be much easier than anticipated. I halved the recipe and used all 3 yolks – rose beautifully and not too dense at all by the way.

    • Sue Horn-Caskey

    Have you ever tried Jacques Pépin’s mother’s souffle? Entire eggs added to cooled base. No separating, no whisking. Works every time and rises beautifully! Maman’s Cheese Soufflé in “The Apprentice, My Life in the Kitchen”. Delightful book.

    • Percy Larsen

    I made my first souffle in a loaf pan. It’s all about mise en place; if you do that, it’s easier than cake.

    And you can definitely prep souffles in advance; i normally do that, and because of that it’s a great dish for a single host – you just need to have an appetizer course to cover the cooking time that begins no sooner than once all guests are present. To quote Amanda Hesser at length:

    “What puts off many home cooks is the assumption that souffles are a last-minute affair. But almost any souffle can be made ahead. Simply complete the recipe up to the point of baking, fill the molds and cover them with plastic wrap, then refrigerate until a few minutes before baking. If the egg whites have been whipped well and the mixture combined thoroughly, it will hold for several hours. The cool temperature helps firm up the ingredients, too.

    Though I have made souffles up to a day ahead, I have found them to be at their peak when baked within four hours. Uniform homogeneous mixtures such as chocolate, cheese and vanilla hold best. But ones with ingredients such as mushrooms or onions, which “weep” over time, or looser mixtures such as yolkless souffles, may not rise as well.

    But even in those cases, the base can be made and the molds prepared, so that all you have to do at the last minute is whisk the egg whites. “

    • Joy Dhar

    Just finished reading l’appart – what a fabulous story! Thank you for including the meanings for the French words. I am glad you cleared up Romain’s name. I always thought that his parents named him after lettuce. Keep the stories and recipes coming we love all of you books.

      • Karen Roseth

      Hi David, to be clear, the soufflé is baked in a flat baking dish and not a soufflé Dish. I Have been making Julia Child’s soufflé recipes for A very long time with success. I will make yours this week and want to me sure about the baking dish. Thanks.

        • David
        David Lebovitz

        Yes: “Butter a 1 1/2-2-quart (2l) baking dish generously.” The photo in the post shows the orange gratin/baking dish. Here are some examples of baking dishes.

          • Karen Roseth

          Thank I have all but the Pyrex. I am awash on baking dishes.

          • Ann

          The gratin/baking dish pictured looks like a Le Creuset enamel cast iron one. Is this so? Or was it ceramic? Does it matter — ie the cast iron would get too hot, retain heat too long…? Asking as we’re making tonight and I have those, but no ceramic…..Thx!

            • David
            David Lebovitz

            It’s an Emile Henry baking dish that’s glazed cast iron.

    • Adrienne A

    My sister, now sadly gone, and I made cheddar soufflés when we were teens based on the recipe in the 1960’s Betty Crocker cookbook. We felt so sophisticated. I am looking forward to making this recipe. I have yet to be disappointed by one of your dishes (or drinks).

    • Adrienne A

    PS. I have also enjoyed your accounts of life as an ex-pat in Paris. I lived there for two yeas as a graduate student and every time I had to deal with a French person of any degree of authority, I knew that the first response to any question would always be “C’est impossible, mademoiselle.” It was just their opening gambit. Anyway, I loved my time there and it was a great place to be a starving graduate student because there was so much great food even on a stringent budget.

    • Amy B

    Great timing – I was just thinking of bringing cheese souffle back into rotation. When I was 10, my mom started working outside the home. She had each of us (5!) kids over the age of 8 cook one night a week. My first dish was a cheese souffle with a side of green salad. She’s been an amazing role model – she taught herself to cook and owned every Time Life cookbook which we read religiously over bowls of cereal in the morning. She taught us that failing at a recipe was no big deal. Just try again. I made a mean souffle. Hopefully, I can again!

    • Joan Munger

    First time ever I made a souffle with this recipe. Not only delicious, but beautiful too. The turning point was no souffle dish with paper collars, etc. I had the perfect dish and it came out perfect. This will be a standard for me. Thanks!Joan

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      glad it was a hit! : )

    • Charlie

    Thank you for this recipe. It’s perfect. I tried the wide dish and it worked great. Guests raved. Served with a BLT salad. Broiled peach halves (sprinkled sugar on top to caramelize a bit) topped with vanilla ice cream for dessert.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Very happy you liked – the whole meal sounds great!

    • Hope

    Wonderful recipe, thank you! I followed your directions exactly and it was perfect. I used a 9×2 round stoneware baking dish. Served it for dinner with a green salad – delicious!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Hi Hope, Thanks for letting us know the dish you used worked well. So happy you enjoyed the soufflé!

    • Vela

    I use this recipe as my starting point. Last night I made it with Dijon and horseradish added to the base and folded in chopped smoked salmon and dill with the Comte. Using 3 yolks and 4 whites made it just the nice size for two. Lovely with the requisite nice green salad.

    I think I might toss in the extra yolk next time to help “hold up” the extra ingredients as these did deflate rather quickly. Delicious nonetheless.

    Thank you for all the inspiration.

    • Michelle

    It was delicious! I truly thought there was no way that a nervous novice like me could actually pull off a souffle. I had a few panicky moments, for sure, but I followed each step exactly as written, and couldn’t believe it when I pulled six gorgeous souffles out of the oven. Like, what?! David Lebovitz is an actual genius. His recipes for banana bread and a pecan/ gorgonzola salad are also pure perfection. How does he do it?! #superfan

    • Susan

    My eggs must have been bigger than David’s because the thing was huge and overflowed. Next time smaller eggs or a collar. It was divine. Good directions. Thank you.


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