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Being confined for two weeks has been, um, interesting. As someone who works at home, I was, like, “I got this…” But by day two I started getting loopy. As much as I think Romain is the greatest thing ever, it’s hard to be cooped up and not allowed to go out. True, we can go to the grocery store or bakery if we bring a signed attestation with us for each trip we make (good thing we keep plenty of paper on hand for printing and photocopying here all the paperwork) but I was surprised how much I missed the interactions of daily life, much more than I thought.

Today they suddenly closed one of my local bakeries because they didn’t have enough masks and other supplies to protect their employees and customers, and tears welled up when I talked to one of the owners, who I’ve known since they opened the place. I ran over to get a baguette and a loaf of bread. They’re not the only bakery in the neighborhood, but it was sad to see them go and I hope they can reopen.

I knew from living in earthquake country, when this started, to have extra provisions on hand, so I bought a few extra bags of non-perishables like sardines, tuna, canned tomatoes, and pasta sauce. I have tons of grains and pasta always on hand, but I wanted to make sure I had enough butter, eggs, and flour, which I usually keep well-stocked. But when I was at the grocery store last week and saw all those blocks of butter on the shelf, I thought, “Why not?”

In the end, it was a wise idea because I’ve been doing a lot more baking than I thought. Being locked inside, I also was doing a lot more eating, too. (Which is why, when this is over, I’m going to be doing a lot more exercising.) Some of that butter went to these Chocolate Chip “Kitchen Sink” cookies, which I’ve already made a few times. I first tried them out last week, developing the recipe, and took some pictures to post here along with the recipe.

But yesterday when I searched for the photos on my computer, they weren’t there. I don’t know what happened. Maybe the virus is transmittable to computers? So I made the cookies a third time.

Which gave me ample time to try to come up with a name for these cookies. Some call cookies with lots of stuff in them things like “granola” cookies, which implies (at least to me) that you can have them for breakfast. Another term that gest bantered about is “compost” cookies. I’ll leave your morning meal choices up to you (and leave mine to me), but wet soil littered with scraps of food, and critters crawling all over them, well…probably Cookies de compostage would be a tough sell around here…

For some reason, I settled on Chocolate Chip Kitchen Sink cookies. For those unfamiliar with that term, it’s used to describe something that seemingly has “everything but the kitchen sink” in it. I’m not an expert on language or grammar, and for those willing to endure the occasional grammar or spelling gaffe here on the blog, I’ll admit that I’m pretty good in the cookie department. There are those who have a lot more time to analyze these things than I do, who may point out that, 1) These cookies don’t actually have everything in the kitchen in them, and 2) Why would anyone name a dessert after something that wasn’t in it?

Your points are well-taken, and I promise to never bake another “flourless chocolate cake” again. And I’m fine if everyone agrees to give up “nonfat half-and-half,” too. But I wanted to get this recipe to you, so you could enjoy them. So took off my thinking cap, which was getting too tight, and focused on baking.

The Chocolate Chip Kitchen Sink cookies are great. I wanted a choc-a-bloc amount of ingredients in them, while preserving their chewy cookie texture. The trick is to underbake them, which keeps everything soft and moist. You want to bake them just to the point where, you look in the oven at the 9-minute mark, and touch them, but you still think they’re not done yet. That’s when they’re done. Depending on your oven, you might need to take them out a minute before or after that number, but if you just want to bake a few off before you do the rest, and taste one after it cools, that might put your mind at ease.

Romain gave these cookies a big thumb’s up, although I think he was thinking that it was the confinement that made me call these Cookies ร  l’รฉvier. I bought some to a neighbor in my building who has been under the weather, and within minutes, my phone lit up with a marriage proposal by text.

Normally I’d say that’s not the way one should propose marriage, but in tough times, we take what we can get. But he didn’t know the name of the cookies and was judging me solely by taste. It’s the people that put up your flaws, inconsistencies, grammar flubs, and occasional bouts of temporary insanity when you’re confined together, who you should really hold onto. But I’m holding onto my text messages, because one should always be prepared, in case of an emergency.

[Note: I tested this recipe at least five times before posting it, yet some readers noted their cookies spread more than mine did. I made them again, posting videos and photos of how I made them, and what quantities of ingredients I used, in my Instagram Stories – which you can watch here. Nevertheless, some still had spreading issues. So I reduced the amount of butter in the recipe, noting that you can use 4 ounces (115g) of butter rather than 6 ounces, which worked for everyone who tried it. I linked to people who’ve made the cookies and posted pictures in my comment here. So I recommend readers use the 4 ounces/115g amount of butter.]

Chocolate Chip "Kitchen Sink" Cookies

UPDATE: Several people noted in the comments that their cookies spread while baking, others noted they came out just as shown in the post. I tested the recipe several times before posting it, but made them again (which was the fifth time) and did a step-by-step video and photo tutorial in my Instagram Stories. I followed this recipe exactly, only swapping out raisins for the sour cherries as I didn't have any more. But for most people the 4 ounces/115g of butter seemed to work best, I recommend using that amount. Also, some people asked if the cookies could be made without the coconut, I baked one scoop of the dough off before adding coconut, and you can see how it came out, which is the cookie shown in the bottom of this photo. So yes, you can leave out the coconut if you want. The cookies will spread a little more without it and won't need to be tamped down. I edited the recipe to make sure that in step 1, you only beat the butter and sugar together just until well blended; you don't want to whip any air into it, which can cause cookies to spread. Some suggested it was the difference between French and American butter, which is 19 years of baking between the two countries, I've never had this kind of problem with. So I am advising those in the U.S. to use the 4 ounces (8 tablespoons) of butter amount. And I added to chill the rounds of cookie dough before baking, which may also help prevent spreading, although as you can see if you watch my Instagram Story, it didn't make a big difference. I hope those tips help! -David _______ The recipe calls for candied peanuts that I purchased, which are sometimes sold as honey-roasted peanuts. You could make your own candied peanuts or use roasted peanuts. And yes, you could use another kind of nut in place of the peanuts, such as chopped toasted walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, or almonds. (For those who are nut-free, pumpkin seeds would probably be the best swap-out.) Raisins can be added in place of the dried sour cherries or cranberries. I kept the peanuts and chocolate rather coarsely chopped as I think big, discernable pieces are better than little bits that might get lost in the mix. (The picture I had to show you the size got eaten by the virus that deleted all the other pictures.) Because of that, the dough may be a little rough when rolling it into rounds before baking, and the cookies will likely be somewhat irregular. But thems the breaks for those of us that like cookies with a lot of stuff packed into them. As mentioned in the post, you want to underbake these cookies, so after you tamp them down, they'll remain soft and chewy. As you can see by the picture, they don't spread as other chocolate chip cookies do; they should be just lightly golden brown across the top when you take them out of the oven, not deeply golden brown.
Servings 16 Cookies
  • 3/4 cup (110g) flour
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher or sea salt
  • 4 to 6 ounces (115-170g) unsalted butter, at room temperature (Please read headnote regarding which amount of butter to use!)
  • 1/2 cup (95g) packed dark brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup (50g) granulated sugar
  • 1 large egg, at room temperature
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 1/4 cups (125g) old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 3/4 cup (80g) candied or roasted peanuts, very coarsely chopped
  • 3/4 cup (60g) dried or flaked coconut, (I used unsweetened but either would work)
  • 3/4 cup (100g) coarsely chopped bittersweet or semisweet chocolate
  • 3/4 cup (90g) dried sour cherries or cranberries, coarsely chipped
  • In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.
  • In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment (or in a large bowl with a wooden spoon or spatula) beat the butter and dark brown and granulated sugars together at medium speed until well-combined, about 30 seconds. Scrape down the sides of the bowl beat in the egg and the vanilla extract just until combined.
  • With the mixer on low speed, gradually add the flour mixture until it's completely incorporated. Add the remaining ingredients; the oats, peanuts, coconut, chopped chocolate, and dried cherries or cranberries and mix until the dough comes together.
  • Form the dough into balls about 1 3/4-2-inches (5cm) round with your hands and set them on a dinner plate. Cover, and chill them in the refrigerator.
  • Preheat the oven to 350ยบF (180ยบC) and line two baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats. Place balls of dough evenly spaced apart on the baking sheets, leaving a few inches between them. Bake the cookies for 9 to 10 minutes, rotating the baking sheets midway during baking, so they bake evenly. When they are very light golden brown (see headnote for more doneness clues) remove the cookies from the oven and use a spatula to flatten down the cookies until they're 1/2-inch (1.5cm) high. Let cookies cool on baking sheets.


Storage: You can refrigerate the rounds of cookie dough for up to 5 days before baking, or freeze for up to 3 months. The baked cookies can also be frozen, too.



    • Eilonwy

    I especially appreciate these smaller batch recipes right now! (I know, I could do the math on larger recipes). I want a baking project, and I’ll want another one tomorrow or the next day, but I don’t want my kids subsisting entirely on cookies. (Though we did eat your split pea soup a few days ago along with your sables.) Thanks as well for keeping the posts coming amid difficult times.

      • Jo

      Buy the Paprika App it does the math for you – great way to save recipes from internet. Does so much more. Itโ€™s the best $4.99 Iโ€™ve spent. I also love the small batch recipes Iโ€™m cooking for 2.

        • Joan

        Paprika is the best recipe app! I recommend it to everyone.

          • Lori

          Just made these cookies. Deelish! I compromised and put 5 oz of butter. I used hazelnuts, coconut, dried tart cherries and chocolate chips. Wouldnโ€™t change a thing. They spread just a bit but still I flattened them. Now I am chowing down. Thanks for the recipe. 2 thumbs up

            • David
            David Lebovitz

            Happy that they worked out for you. Glad the solution for you was to find the middle ground :)

        • Bunny

        Sounds like cowboy cookies to me,but I will give them a try, sounds good.

      • Mary Christo

      David, thanks for all the incredible inspiration! I am not Blog savvy so I did not know how to reply directly to your recipe but wanted to comment. Roll your eyes, read what I have to say and tell me what I need to do next time please ;>)
      #1 I used your Polenta Cookie recipe and made it kitchen sink style like this one and added pecans, cherries and mini dark chips. Once again you are truly inspiring.

      More importantly and trying to not sound preachy

      #2 If everyone of us who is fortunate to not only read this blog but also make the indulgences it produces, let us give thanks. Here is what I am doing: for every cookie I make, I put 50 cents into a jar and after each batch I calculate that donation to a hunger organization (mine is Feed the Children). So you are giving back a tiny piece of your great fortune but also keeping a tally on how many cookies you may be snarfing ;>)(you need to chip in for not just the ones you eat but you also need to donate for the other indulgers)
      Yes, apart we are closer and I believe in humankind … stay well my fellow cookie lovers

        • Maureen

        What a fabulous idea. Our charity of choice food wise is WFP. World Food Program. We became aware of their tremendous efforts to feed the hungry around the world after our daughter started working for them.

    • Lee Rosenthal

    Can these be made as bars? Thanks

    • dale

    I love you

    • Rebecca

    I love this post so much! Thank you for sharing. Also love hearing how you are coping and what is happening in your corner of Paris. Please keep the stories and DELICIOUS recipes coming.
    Love from a Brooklyn family of 4.
    x Rebecca

    • Georgette

    Dear David,
    Thank you for this recipe. I live in Sausalito and it will make our โ€˜shelter in placeโ€™ more bearable. Georgette

    • Jessica Van Nuys

    Many thanks for this post. I found it extremely comforting.

    • Kate Turner

    Perfect – was planning to make cookies today!

    • Cathy Mockler

    Oh David, I just love you to pieces – chocolate pieces!

    • GiGi

    On the other side of this we will see how creativity blossoms in difficult times.
    I will make these today.
    After I make homemade bread.
    Blessings to you. And thanks for your inspiration.

    • Diana

    I think this will be one of my weekend baking projects along with some bara brith and Kaiser rolls (I have some poppy seeds lying around). I am writing to you from lockdown Italy. We are only allowed to go to a food store, pharmacy or hospital and of course we must have our โ€œautodichiarazioniโ€ on us at all times. We no longer permitted to walk 200 meters from our domicile as of today. Happy to comply so we can hopefully stop this horrible pandemic. Luckily, I live across the street from a small panificio so getting fresh bread is never a problem! Closed in the afternoons and Sundays though.
    Thanks for all the tasty recipes! Keep sharing! I love your posts!

      • Jeannette

      Are you of Welsh descent? Just wondered why you like BaraBrith!

    • Jacki

    Just returned from Paris on Monday. Although it wasnโ€™t the trip we had anticipated, we had a great time. I was thrilled to have your lists of restaurants and Bakeries but as things shut down it was a race to get to even a couple. Loved Stohrer. Thanks for your emails and Pinterest,

    • John

    Enjoy all of your posts. So many food blogs are silly or self important. Yours are refreshing and entertaining. The recipes and cookbooks are terrific as well.

    • Zoe

    I love all your recipes. Thank you so much.

    • Sandra Myers

    Cookies a la compostage! Tres drole! Thank you for entertaining us through our collective worldwide social distancing lockdown, and teaching us to bake. I will probably make a batch of these very soon. Just an FYI, as many chefs have similar recipes as this is very comparable to Martha Stewartโ€™s recipe from her cookie cookbook.

    • Karen Swann

    Yum! So grateful you’re using your time at home so deliciously. Quick question–does every Parisian have to carry an attestation for every outing? Do you get approval somehow? What happens to those who don’t have computer access?
    I’d offer you a marriage proposal in return for cookies, but my wife might be bothered by that. Unless, of course, you offered her cookies, too.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Yes, you are supposed to. There’s no “approval” process but you need to check a box as to why you are out & about; medical appointment, job-related, or to do essential shopping. Unfortunately a number of people are going out, regardless of the mandate to stay in, so they’ve had to raise the fine from โ‚ฌ38 to โ‚ฌ135. You can handwrite the attestation (form) if you can’t download it.

      • Claire

      In uncertain times like these, your blog is like on old friend – comforting and inspiring. Thank you for soldiering on, for this and all recipes, and for acknowledging that even the deepest love can sometimes be just a little too much with constant โ€œtogethernessโ€. Been married 45 years but lately Iโ€™m questioning why I married this man

      • Michele

      Karen, it’s not just Paris but nationwide in France that you must carry your attestation. It must have today’s date and have one of four boxes checked to show the reason why you’re out. So if you go out to get bread and croissants in the morning, then to walk the dog in the afternoon, that’s two attestations. There is no approval as such, you download the official government form (widely available now) and self-declare on your honour. The forms are pinned up on town hall noticeboards, and if you don’t have a computer you can write it out by hand. Very tedious I should imagine. Of course, if you happen to have in your pocket several which are not dated, if you think you’ll be stopped you might decide to write the date just then, in pencil….. but of course I wouldn’t do that.

        • Michele

        PS I forgot to add, David, thank you for the lovely recipe. It’s a bit like an Ottolenghi one I know, but yummy nevertheless.

        • Michรจle

        WoW! Just made them, really good! Thanks so much!
        Stuck in my Appartment in Paris too – first time making cookies

    • Stephanie

    Thank you from Berkeley. I will be making these today. Yum. My husband & I are over 65 so not any outings for us. Except a walk. Good time to read (we have a house of good books & digital access), Yoga, Pilates & creative cooking. Stay healthy & thank you for all of the recipes you share & your stories!

    • Nanci Courtney

    As always, it is a great start to my day to find a newsletter from you first thing in the morning! Sending good baking vibes to you from small town coastal Oregon. So great to have other parts of the world check in!
    PS I have your Drinking French book and am making my way through it as a stay at home project!

      • rita marlowe

      Gosh, thank you, Nancy! A real laugh out loud moment!

    • Iman Bluhm

    Wanted to let you know the pasta recipe with radicchio ou posted recently reminded me of a dish I had at a restaurant in Rhodes that the waiter told me was a specialty of the island. It was called Plasta Makaroniastikna and did not have radicchio but I think (not positive) after you carmelized the onions, you added a sliced green apple and continued until that was carmelized as well and then added the feta and oregano.

    By the way, at the Vanves flea market, I spent hours going thru bins and ended up with over 100 carefully selected feves. Thank you for your suggestion.

    • Janetinmaine

    Thank you for the enjoyable post. I love learning how everyone is doing wherever they live. Our larger grocery store was totally out of all sugars yesterday as well as all paper products. Keep letting us know how you are doing. We worry.


    What great timing! The governor of our great state of CA has just ordered us all to stay home, so I know what I’ll be doing this weekend when the “shelter in place” routine has gotten stale. I always like your recipes and love your newsletter even more. Great for sharing with friends and family.

    Coup de coude et robinet d’orteil.

      • Vicki

      Wonderful post, and wonderful comments. This community is a blessing! I am being careful with flour right now, but have all the ingredients on hand and will try this recipe as my project for tomorrow. Today’s project is a 5″ gluten-free no-bake blackberry and coconut cake with coconut butter frosting and candied violets as a garnish. Candied my first violets as yesterday’s project. Hoping that gathering violets burns more calories than eating cake…. Here in rural North Carolina, we have no shelter-in-place order yet, but everyone is working from home and mostly staying in.

    • Christina

    Thank you, David, for these blogs and impeccable recipes. My favourite is the recipe for thin, crisp chocolate chip cookies which I make with dried apricots, cherries and blueberries and walnuts – breakfast cookies? Your prose keeps me in touch with my most beloved city where I had the good fortune to spend this last Christmas in an apartment right above G. Detou!!!
    Please write as often as possible – je vous remercie bien!

    • Sue Fourmet

    From snowy and cold Lake Arrowhead, California.
    Thanks for continuing to stay in touch, David, and also a special thanks to all of your followers on this website who are writing in. The positive posts and thoughts from so many parts of the world are comforting and generate a true sense of community right now when so many of us feel so isolated.

      • Birdnscrap

      Yes, that is so true.
      Keep writing, everyone.
      Thank you, David, from the Bay Area!

      • ceri

      Completely agree. Wonderful posts from David and the rest of his community.
      Thank you from London

    • Lauren A., Oakland

    A good moment for a first-time expression of appreciation from a long-time fan. Your ginger and orbit cakes are staples of our family table, and I delight in your posts and recipes. And you need not worry for our friends at Beaune Imports; thanks to you I will keep them in business by sheer volume of my own anchovy consumption!

    • Janet

    Iโ€™ve been trying to stay away from cookies, but I guess that resolution has gone out the window. Off to the kitchen! BTW, I bought Drinking French and am enjoying it.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I always say I won’t eat a lot of cookies when I make them. But I end up eating more than I should. But I guess that’s better than drinking more than I should! So enjoy Drinking French (responsibly) & glad you let me know : )

        • Lisa

        Your tahini & almond cookies are absolutely deadly and have earned me many love messages. I don’t let myself make them unless I’m giving away at least half the batch. About this recipe, I only have wide unsweetened coconut flakes, which I use for granola. Do you think those would work? Or can I leave it out? Thanks for keeping us sane. xo from Colorado

    • angela

    These look delicious, and I might even have all the ingredients in my store drawer (as opposed to cupboard). Its all very quiet dans le sud and luckily I can still take my dog for a walk. The other day I went to our local boulangerie artisinale and asked if she was staying open. ‘Je suis obligรฉ was her indignant reply!’ Made me chuckle. Love how the French prioritise tabacs with bakeries, grocery shops and pharmacies!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      That’s fortunate. One of my local boulangeries wrote on Instagram that they were closing by government order at 1pm. I ran over to grab a baguette and one of the owners looked so sad, that I nearly started crying. He said they couldn’t get any masks or items needed to maintain the proper hygiene so had to close. I’m glad the government is letting bakeries stay open, and hope they get to return when this is over.

    • Lisa Chalykoff

    Thanks so much, David L, for continuing to blog during these oh-so-strange times: your posts are a great comfort and implicit message to all of us to keep moving forward in positive ways and to stick with our routines. Much appreciated.

    • Leigh

    Hi David from Winnipeg, Manitoba where cases are far fewer than your part of the world, but many are sheltering at home, multiple businesses, schools, recreational services etc. are closed, and services are ever diminishing. We still may travel about the city freely and go to grocery stores, although hours are restricted and social distancing measures are in place.
    Passover will soon be upon some of us. Whether we will have a Seder is questionable, but I would still like to prepare a meal, and then have people collect their care package outside my door. We could do a virtual Seder on Skype, etc.
    Could you provide some recipes using minimal ingredients suitable for Passover?
    Good wishes to all.

    • Sara

    These should make my shelter-in-place โ€œsnaccidentsโ€ much more enjoyable. Do you have a recommendation for something to substitute for the coconut in a household that cannot eat it?

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I don’t but you could leave it one. One of my tests was to make them without it. The cookies spread a bit more and resembled traditional cookies, but lacked the heft of what you see in the post. So I would make them without it and bake until golden brown across the top. They will probably not need to be tamped down due to the spreading.

    • Leslie Freeman

    I just ‘mised’ all my ingredients… waiting to soften the butter! Thank you for this great recipe. i wonder how long they will last ….

    • Paula H

    Next up on the CoronaGateau Baking extravaganza….today itโ€™s the Fruitcake Bars…and before that..Dorrie Greenspanโ€™s Lemon-Spice Visiting Cake..and itโ€™s only been 2 1/2 days!

    Iโ€™ve been meaning to ask you about butter. Iโ€™m living in France and of course love the butter; but, when I bake, not matter how long I beat it, it refuses to get light, and Iโ€™m blaming that on why my cakes and cookies arenโ€™t tender. Iโ€™ve even upgraded my mixer to a Smeg, but no difference. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks

    • Linda

    On your instagram story today you seem off. Don’t let everything get to you and just breathe. I know I’m getting overwhelmed with all the chaos, sadness and uncertainty and I resolved (yesterday!) to do yoga everyday to just be centered and calm down. Hopefully you can find something to help you during this time. I understand it’s especially hard seeing things you once love and cared not be there during this time but things will get better and you can help once this passes. Just take care of yourself now.

    • Reid

    My Mom used to bake cookies like these in the 1940s/50s … never the same, alway with different additions. She called them Ranger Cookies … basically just enough oatmeal dough to hold together all additions.

    • Barbara

    Day 3 of shelter in place here in SF I baked pecan butter cookies to mail to my father-in-law for his birthday. I snapped a photo to post on Insta, but when I looked for it in my photo file, it wasn’t there. I opened my camera, and I could see it as the last shot taken. When I clicked on the photo it disappeared. My take on this – it is the Cookie Monster eating photos!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Speaking of monsters (!) I was thinking about the movie Birdbox on Netflix that came out a year or so ago, where everyone had to go inside…and stay there. No one quite knew why, or what was out there, but it reminds me a little of this situation. I don’t recommend watching it now, though – it’s a little too close to home! (Although the situation was a little different. I’m trying to watch only cheerful comedies and just finished The Good Place.)

    • Joanne

    Thank you for a recipe that uses a small amount of flour….itโ€™s been off the shelves in a lot of stores so Iโ€™m trying to make things โ€˜worthyโ€™ of using it…. Can these be made with whole wheat completely or partially?

    • Susan

    So you have to be able to present a dated and, I presume, signed form on which youโ€™ve written the reason for being out and about. And the French authorities think this somehow provides more certainty that youโ€™re out for a legit reason than merely answering a police officerโ€™s spoken question. Because itโ€™s a form. Which would probably be even more reassuring to the authorities if you were required to have it in triplicate, but thereโ€™s a crisis and everyone has to make sacrifices. That is the most hilariously French thing I have ever heard and definitely provided a bright spot in my day. Thank you!

      • jane

      Well it helps people to be more mindful of excursions which does help minimize them to necessities only.

      I think psychology is even more French than bureaucracy, haha.

    • Jan Sturtevant

    I have my grandmother’s recipe for Kitchen Sink Cookies. It’s written in my hand on one of her personalized recipe cards! Her recipe calls for walnuts, corn flakes–so American–oats, and chocolate chips.
    restaurants and at least one bakery/rosticceria(Gayle’s in Capitola CA; you may know it) take orders that can be picked curbside. Grocery stores will deliver whatever you want that they have. I tried this and was not successful–I blame their software.
    I’m out of flour except for semolina which is odd because I don’t make pasta, barley, almond, rice, and tapioca. Challenges abound!

      • jane

      Sounds like the virus is asking you to consider gluten-free baking ; )

    • Joycelyn

    Thank you David for keeping us upbeat at this trying time with your always cheery newsletters and lovely recipes.

    The timing of your chocolate chip kitchen sink cookies recipe ( which instantly reminded me of couple of old books I have stored in my attic from my hippie Mother days, one being “Diet for a small planet, & one being “Recipes for a small planet” which has a chocolate chip kitchen sink cookie recipe that I used to make for my adult children who’re now in their mid 50s albeit different than yours) couldn’t have arrived at a better time as after a week of searching every food store in our area and almost giving up for naught, we finally found a bag of flour!

    • Emma

    These sound like cookies where Iโ€™ll eat most of the batter before actually baking it (will just switch out the peanuts for almonds because of allergies). They remind me of the cowboy cookies I made as a kid.

    • Ellen

    Thank you from SF where we are in our fourth day of shelter in place. Baking is such a comfort and I really appreciate your recipes. Luckily I have a 10 lb bag of sugar and some flour. No oats in stores right now but hope to be able to make these cookies in the next week.

    • Connie

    I too was so excited to see this cookie recipe this morning, on the day I planned to bake for a young soul who was going to the grocery store for me today. These are trying times but baking makes it all better. I was sad to see that no one commented that they had made them yet. I just got done with my batch and they look nothing like yours. I hope you know what I may have done wrong. I followed the recipe explicitly. Mine spread out, no need to push them down with a spatula, they are flat and fragile. I think there’s too much butter (6oz.)maybe it’s suppose to be 6T. I wish I could send you a picture but I don’t know how to do that. They taste really good but they don’t look like yours. I’m so sorry to write a negative comment. I have always loved your recipes, have several of your books and I just got Drinking French and having great fun with virtual happy hour. Twinkle is divine.

      • Megan

      I had this experience also and I am confident I matched all the measurements in the recipe. It seemed like a lot of butter at the outset and they did indeed spread out. Still very tasty but I would prefer them as they show in the pictures. I have a similar recipe that has only two American sticks of butter versus the three in this recipe for almost the same ratio of the other ingredients. I might try them again that way. I love your blog, David, and have been enjoying your recipes for years, including a lemon yogurt cake we took to the hospital to enjoy when my daughter was born! Thank you!

        • Megan

        Oops, I said three sticks of butter in my comment above because I doubled the recipe. I realize it is 1.5 sticks in the recipe but I did have the ratios right in the doubling. Sorry for the confusion.

          • Chantal

          I also had the same problem with the cookies spreading into blobs. My guess is that the butter amount is substantially off, there’s something off with the grams, or they need to chill first. I doubled the recipe and am chilling my last set of dough balls to see if it helps. My kids and husband are still excited to eat them…

            • Chantal

            I see that all my issues were actually addressed after I printed the recipe. Less better, chill the rounds…

    • Bonnie Tawse

    Ours dropped and thinned way out. They look more like those Lacey Crisp cookies. I wonder if my son might have not used enough baking soda or flour?

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      That’s odd they spread out so much. The baking soda wouldn’t have made a difference is a little more or less was used. (A lot would, though!) I made these step-by-step in my Instagram Stories showing how I measured everything, and how they looked every step of the way…including how they came out. Hope that helps. You can watch it here.

        • Victoris

        Hi David,
        I clicked on your link and it says โ€œstory unavailableโ€. Is it posted somewhere else?

          • David
          David Lebovitz

          I checked the link and it works for me. Otherwise you can go to my Instagram Page and click on the Highlight (icon) that says K.SinkCookies:

        • connie

        Connie again here. I watched your Instagram video. The only difference, well 2, I had and it may account for the spread. I used flaked sugared coconut (more sugar) and I used some candied Pecans that I had made (more sugar, coating). And i made mine a little smaller but baked them only about 5-6 minutes. All that may have caused the spread, I guess. Your thoughts? I will definitely try this recipe again, the flavors are so good. Thanks again.

          • David
          David Lebovitz

          Usually any sugar around candied nuts doesn’t melt when baking them in cookies or cakes as the internal temperature isn’t hot enough. So doubt that would be an issue, but glad you like the cookies enough to make them again!

    • Dawn

    We are in BC Canada and also have been told to stay in. Frightening times. David Dr. Phil said at this time every couple should have a safe word to use if their partner is driving them crazy. When you say your safe word( ours is hippopotamus) it signals you need a time out or you need to walk away from the conversation. I told my husband we also needed an additional rule stating we cannot use that safe word more than once a day because since we came up with our safe word Monday he seems to want to use it every time I open my mouth this week :)

      • Kat

      Love this! I read the tip to invent an imaginary coworker and blame this person for things that drive you crazy about your partner/co-shelter-in-place buddy. Like “I can’t believe Cheryl left her dirty dishes in the shared kitchen again!” :D
      Stay safe, healthy & sane everybody! <3

    • Pat Milito Strauss

    Great recipe David, thanks. I live alone so whoโ€™s going to eat these? Me! Yay!
    Love your instagram posts lately. We are all in this together. Stay safe.

    • Beth

    Would these work without dried fruit, or alternatively with either chopped apricots or dates? We are sheltering without a full complement of dried fruits at our disposal. We prefer less-sweet cookies. Leave them out altogether? Reduce the recipe’s sugar to compensate? Thank you!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      You could swap out any other dried fruit. If using apricots or dates, dice into small pieces first.

    • Jeanne

    Thank you for your wonderful posts and stories. We are sheltering in place and I look forward to your daily life and thoughts to add to my long day. This morning I laughed when you lost your train of thought and teared up when you left your beloved bakery. Thanks for keeping it real! We will get through this.

    • Wendy

    Just call them “David Lebovitz Chocolate Chip Cookies” or that’s what I’ll just call them.

    I appreciate your posts very much. Thank you.

    • Yara

    I made the dough today, but thought I would let it hydrate and age a bit.

    We are also shelter-in-place here in Northern California. Iโ€™m feeling grateful we can still go out to exercise. So far, I have been on two walks, a bike ride and a run.

    With some free time on my hands today, I also made the pink grapefruit marmalade. The small taste I had on a bit of Acme walnut bread was delicious.

    Thank you for all your posts from Paris. They are lovely to read and fun to make.

    • Yara

    I made the dough today, but thought I would let it hydrate and age a bit before baking it tomorrow. Magically, some old dried cherries were in the dried fruit section of the pantry.

    We are also shelter-in-place here in Northern California. Iโ€™m feeling grateful we can still go out to exercise. So far, I have been on two walks, a bike ride and a run.

    With some free time on my hands today, I also made the pink grapefruit marmalade. The small taste I had on a bit of Acme walnut bread was delicious.

    Thank you for all your posts from Paris. They are lovely to read and fun to make.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I often do that too but found that people always asked me if they could bake the cookies right away, so I didn’t include that in the recipe. But I did add that people should chill the rounds of dough to mitigate spreading. (Which didn’t happen to my cookies.)

    • Kathleen Taggart

    David, I wanted to tell you how much I am appreciating your Instagram posts. They are very informative about what is happening in France, and very heartfelt (and, by the way, you look just fine). It is such an odd time. I mentioned you and several of your books in my baby blog that I send from Sonoma for friends and family. Keep smiling, keep cooking, and keep sharing.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Thank you! I think it’s good to provide some levity and perspective during these times, and to show what’s happening in Paris at the moment as well. It’s a challenging time…

    • P

    Be still my heart.

    • Vickie G

    These look so interesting, but I’m going to have to throw myself on the mercy of fellow DL fans – I’m allergic to oats!
    Does anyone have a suggestion for alternatives?

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      You can use buckwheat, spelt, or barley flakes. I don’t know where to get them in the U.S. but in Europe and in the U.K. Markal sells a variety of them. (I buy them at Biocoop.)

        • Vickie G

        Thank you! I figure I can order/buy buckwheat and spelt from a higher end grocery or Bob’s. That’s an advantage of living in the PNW.

    • Lori

    Youโ€™re the best!

    • Millet

    I DO!

    • Melissa

    Wonderful recipe, David! It’s such a comforting bake. I wanted to let you know that I veganised itโ€”used a flax egg (1 tbs ground flaxseed + 2.5 tbs water, wait for 15 mins before using) as well as vegan butter. And it works like a dream!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Thanks for letting me/us know. If you’ve posted a picture somewhere online (on Instagram, etc), please share with a link here – thanks!

    • Adriana

    Iโ€™m making these as a thank you for my USPS letter carrier in these stressful times.

    • Abby

    Hi David,
    Thanks for giving us something to bake while stuck inside here in Lausanne. We are unable to find any oats at the moment, but happen to have oat bran on hand. Bad idea or you think it can work while certainly changing the texture quite a bit?
    Thank you!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I would say bran is not a substitute for rolled out so perhaps try one of the other chocolate chip cookie recipes here on the site.

        • Abby

        Update! Found oats and made them this morning. Our favorite cookie of yours to date. Chilled the dough, zero spreading, and perfect cookie overall.

          • David
          David Lebovitz

          Thanks for letting me know they worked well! Did you use 4 or 6 oz butter? Trying to figure out what works best for people. I also got more oats this morning at the grocery store. I never knew how happy a bag of oats could make me ; )

            • Abby

            Yes, amazing how thrilled we were to find the oats! Glad you found more as well. I wonder if those with spread are not using a scale? I used the full 6 oz of butter. I made sure to only mix at every stage until just incorporated, and did not overwork the butter/sugar mix as you suggested to not add any air. Baked directly from fridge to oven, and they took 10 minutes. Hope others find the same success :)

    • David
    David Lebovitz

    Connie and Bonnie: Thanks for your message and that’s interesting that your cookies spread. A few noted elsewhere they had that issue. So I made them again, for a forth time, and had identical results to the cookies shown in the post. (I posted the results here on my Flickr page.) I don’t know why some people’s cookies are spreading. I can confirm that I used 6 ounces of butter for the dough.

    I did modify the recipe with tips to, 1) Make sure not to overbeat the dough in step 1, and 2) To chill the rounds of dough before baking. I didn’t do that for the cookies shown in that photo link and they didn’t spread, but that may help.

      • Linda

      Could the spreading some are seeing be caused by varying percentages of water in different butter brands?

        • David
        David Lebovitz

        The different in butterfat in U.S. vs French butter is about 1-2%. For things like tart doughs and puff pastry it can make a little difference, but for cookies like these, it shouldn’t matter. Dorie Greenspan who bakes in France and in the U.S. also concurs on that. That said, I did note in the headnote that bakers in the U.S. could reduce the amount of butter by an ounce. (I did test these with 4 ounces of butter when I was writing the recipe up but found they were too “tight.”

          • Melinda Ness

          Kyle spreading might be due to the pats you use. Regular rolled oats seem to make a thicker, chewier cooking for me versus the โ€œquick cookingโ€ oats my husband accidentally brings home occasionally. When I make cookies with those they are almost always thin and crisp.

            • David
            David Lebovitz

            That’s an interesting thought. I did write “old-fashioned” oats and you’re right that those instant or quick-cooking oats aren’t the same.

      • connie

      Thanks for all the tips, I’ll try them again when I can get more oats. Thanks David and stay safe!

    • Linda

    Thanks from Indiana, David, for a great looking cookie. I like them thick and dense, and rule out a lot of recipes by their photos of obviously spread out cookies that look too sweet to me. I’ll be trying these today. I don’t have any chocolate chips, but I have tons of bulk 55% chocolate so will make my own chunks.

    • Christine

    Been making a version of these for decades. No cinnamon or coconut, pecans rather than peanuts, the sour cherries are a must, and I use Skor toffee pieces (not chocolate covered) that add a nice chewy factor. Also roll the dough into three logs, chill, and slice.

    A friend’s husband calls them “crack” cookies.

    • Echo

    I watched your instagram story and followed the recipe to a T…they spread! Was wondering wether it could be the Canadian butter but then just read you had answered that for someone already.
    Very strange

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I’ve been baking between the U.S. and France and never had this kind of issue happen with the butter(s), so it’s perplexing to me. That was why I made them again (and made the IG Story), just to make sure I had them right. (Which the video shows.) Although I did test them here with less butter while developing the recipe, I preferred the recipe as posted. Nevertheless, I don’t want people to make a recipe that’s not going to work, so I suggest people use the smaller (4 ounces) amount of butter, especially if they live in North America. If others do, let me know how that works out.

        • Echo

        They are still delicious! Will try another day with less butter, not much to do at the moment other than stay in and cook. Thank you for all your fabulous recipes and instagram stories

        • connie

        David thank you for your response on my spreading issue. Misery loves company so I was glad to see I wasn’t alone with this problem. They do taste good but very buttery. I’ll have to try them again with less butter and chilling the dough before baking all good tips. Thank you so much for your response. And really all you do. I just love your blog. I finish reading one and can’t wait for the next one.

          • David
          David Lebovitz

          Hope the tips help! I would test them again but after 5 times, I don’t know if I could offer any more solutions. But it seems like for some, decreasing the butter to 4 ounces is the right solution.

    • Kathy

    Love these cookies. Just the thing for this time of staying in the house. But I need to adjust it a bit for high altitude as they definitely spread out without needing to be pressed down.

    • Bonnie

    These are a great antidote to our confinement here in the Languedoc…my cookies did spread, but then I didn’t have any coconut. But we’re enjoying them thoroughly! Thank you.

    • Aimee

    This. Was. Amazing! Esp with the Honey Roasted peanuts — hubby loved them! (I havent had honey roasted peanuts in years since the airlines stopped carrying them #ilovethe80s )

      • Aimee

      P.S. Mine did spread when baking, too, so didnt’ need to push down. Which is fine (less work to do!). I even chilled the batter (cause when I tried to make balls in my hands it was really sticky ) — I am in Oregon so used Umpqua butter.

    • Jaimie

    I used 4 ounces of butter and refrigerated the formed cookie dough for about an hour. The cookies spread perfectly and the underdone-technique made for delicious, gooey cookies.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Happy to hear the cookies were a hit!

    • Meg

    Thanks for the recipe!
    I tried your “riz au lait” this week, while being confined at home in Lyon, and also the “salted Chocolate Chip Tahini Cookies” (which were a bit too sweet for me).
    I’ll try these “oatmeal” cookies for sure, and probably many more recipes if the quarantine is extended :)

    • Leslie

    I got 23 cookies out of this. Baked 9 cookies, froze 14 unbaked for later use. Out of peanuts, so used chopped pecans and walnuts. Used cranberries and baked for 10 minutes. I might use a little less sugar next time but these are pretty yummyโ€”loved the coconut! A great โ€œconfinementโ€ project .

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Glad they came out great!

        • Leslie

        And I used 4oz of butter, trying to conserve. Theyโ€™re even better on Day2.

    • Beth

    I wonder if the spreading that some, but not all, are experiencing could be related to the hygroscopic properties of coconut in general and in sugared vs. unsweetened varieties specifically.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      If there was a large amount of coconut, that’s a possibility but the difference is likely less than a tablespoon of sugar, which likely wouldn’t throw the recipe off-balance. But thanks for chiming in!

    • Sherry

    Thought I would share my experience – I just baked these (in Australia), and split the difference using 5 oz of butter – no spreading (or only a smidge on the ones on the outside of the sheet, which is probably just my oven, and not problematic). Delicious! Thanks David

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Thanks for sharing your experience : )

      I did see someone here made them with 6 ounces of butter and they came out really well, as well as here, too.

      Maybe it’ll be a race to see what will be solved first; a cure for the virus, or what’s making the cookies spread for some people?

      (Just some levity, folks. Of course a cure is more important than cookies…)

    • Elizabeth Fleming

    My cookies are perfect. You are indeed the master of cookies.

    Thank you also for your updates and sharing your daily life with us.

    Sending good wishes to you and Romain from Sydney Australia.

      • John Donovan

      I made the cookies yesterday. They are great. I used 4 oz butter and chilled the balls about 2 hrs before baking. I also left out the coconut because I didnโ€™t have any. I had 1 of the 16 cookies spread out while baking. This one seemed to have a lower ratio of โ€œstuffโ€ to batter. I wonder if some people are just adding less of the nuts, dried fruit, oatmeal and chocolate?

    • Lani Bevacqua

    Thanks for these recipes, David. Jade made these today and we passed them around to the other boats in the anchorage that are sheltering in place. Kept us busy and lifted spirits.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Happy to hear Lani – hope it’s smooth sailing for you and the family from now on…

    • Barb

    You are absolutely delightful at any time but especially during these times! I love your humour! Bless you!

    • Anna George

    Hi David,
    You are the King of Cookies in our household and your cookie recipes are in constant rotation, much to my hubby and kids delight! Sadly, I have developed gluten intolerance (amongst others) and am wondering if you could suggest substitute for the flour? Like many others, I am trying to bake my anxiety away or at least manage it.
    Thank you for all you do.
    Anna from Toronto

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Usually people who are gluten-free have a substitute they like. I’ve not used any of them but some like Cup4cup and others tell me Bob’s makes a very good baking mix, as does King Arthur. Hope one of those helps

    • Marianne McGriff

    Iโ€™m sure you already know this, but you were a full page in the Wall Street Journal yesterday!!!!!! I preordered my book, but would LOVE to have it signed someday! It was such fun to read the article about you and ยซย Drinking French!ย ยป. Yes, these cookies look amazing and since weโ€™re self-quarantined at the moment, Iโ€™ll look forward to making them! Stay safe and healthy…Blessings, Marianne

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Was nice to be featured! I had a book tour planned but that had to be postponed. I will be doing a “Live” booksigning on Instagram in early April and will sign bookplates to be sent to readers. Details need to be confirmed but look for that if you’d like your book “signed” : )

        • Marianne McGriff

        Iโ€™ll look for the โ€˜book signing!โ€™ I just made the Split Pea Soup and it was outstanding!!! Whole Foods did not have any split peas???, so I had to order on Amazon and have quite a lot of split peas now!!! Iโ€™m excited because my husband and I LOVED the soup SO much that Iโ€™ll be making again soon. Also, being โ€˜stay at homeโ€™, Iโ€™m doing a lot of cooking and made the Pasta Bolognese in the same weekโ€”LOVE, LOVE, LOVE…Easter Blessings, Marianne

    • Lori H

    I made these tonight using 5 oz of butter and chilled, and they were amazing! I couldn’t find honey roasted peanuts, but did find butter toffee peanuts. This is the best cookie I’ve eaten in a long time! I loved the all of the different flavors and textures. Thanks David!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Thank you so much for the feedback, Lori. I love those butter toffee peanuts too…the problem is that it’s hard to stop eating them while you’re baking (Which I know from experience!)

    • Lauren

    These were fantastic. I made them with my boys today and outside of them having to stop and taste test all of the ingredients (including the bowl of dry ingredientsโ€”not their favorite;)), it was a pleasantly simple recipe, too.

    Stay healthy & safe!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Appreciate you’re letting me glad and very glad your family liked them, too!

    • jcross

    I also saw your WSJ article and will be getting your “Drinking French” book and am looking forward to delving in – factoids and recipes. It will be perfect for those of us who are “sheltering in place.”

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Thanks…and glad you liked the article! (Note to others that the WSJ may have a paywall.)

    • Val

    David, I’m enjoying your Instagram stories so much these days! I’m a middle school French teacher stuck at home in Boston. I’m so interested in what’s going on in Paris right now. Your posts and stories bring back lots of memories of when I used to live there! Take good care.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Thank you!

    • Daniel

    In the spirit of the name (and Corona-era baking), I made these with a few substitutions based on what I already had in my kitchen:
    – demerra sugar + molasses instead of dark brown sugar
    – coconut oil in place of butter (I used 4.5 oz)
    – almonds instead of peanuts
    – brown rice flour instead of wheat
    – omitted the coconut
    I also baked them in non-stick muffin tins to avoid spreading problems (they did not end up spreading much) and got 24 smaller cookies. The results are delicious, and very similar to the description of the original recipe. Thank you, David!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Thanks for letting us know. Many people have coconut oil (I do) so good to know it works, and also good to know that brown rice flour works in place of the wheat flour. AND brilliant idea baking them in muffin tins, especially if you’re making several changes to the recipe, so the cookies stay in their place ;)

      Appreciate your circling back with your results!

    • Anne Marie

    David, I picked up your beautiful book at the White Whale bookstore before it closed. Unfortunately, the liquor stores here in PA closed before I could make a run. Luckily I have all the ingredients for these cookies.

    • Jenny

    I made these yesterday and passed some along to friends before our stricter “Stay at Home” restrictions start in Seattle. These absolutely brightened my day. I used 4 oz of butter and had no trouble with spreading. If anything, I’ll plan on adding butter next time! I used dried cherries, pecans I candied, and some cocoa nibs I had in the cupboard. I can’t stop eating them!

    • Alita

    Thank you so much for the comforting posts and recipes! These cookies are wonderful in every way. I went with 4oz. of butter (Bay Area), peanuts and pecans, chilled the dough for an hour and had no spreading. I needed to add a few minutes to the bake time to get them lightly browned, โ€œsquishedโ€ them, and then put them back in the oven for about a minute and a half. Chewy and so delicious. Thank you again and take care!

    • PZ

    The cookies are perfect!

    Being the fair people that we are, me and my kids made these using 5oz of butter.

    The result is a nice thick cookie. Perfect for our “Y’all stay home” directive!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Thanks for letting me know. I figured 5 ounces would be a good compromise so appreciate your chiming in with your results.

    • Kathy Hunt

    @davidlebovitz, you are keeping me sane during our Corona quarantine here in the Bay Area! I’ve made your GF brownies (twice!), your lemon glazed madeleines, just made your candied peanuts and am now going to pull these cookies together. Clearly I am baking more than I can eat, so I’ve been doing “no-contact porch drop offs” for friends and family. Yesterday my god-daughter told me the GF brownies I dropped off brought her to tears as it was the one bright spot in an otherwise horrible scary week for her and her family. So thank you David, for helping me brighten the lives of others.

    • Paula H

    Hi David, I enjoyed your Live Instagram yesterday and I have a butter question: Iโ€™m living in Occitanie, and havenโ€™t made a cake with a good crumb, or tender cookies since I arrived over 2 years ago. I thought at first it might be the flour, then I wondered if it was the butter since I canโ€™t get it to be โ€œlight and creamyโ€. Iโ€™ve even upgraded my mixer to a SMEG (Black Friday deal) but no improvement, regardless of how long I beat it. Do you have any suggestions?
    ..I did notice this recipe does go down the light and fluffy route..Thank you David

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Glad you liked the video!

      In this recipe I don’t advise beating the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, since that causes cookies to spread. I haven’t noticed much different beating American and French butter. The butter here has a slightly higher amount of butterfat but you can find some tips of American Baking in Paris on ingredients and what I use here.

    • Kat

    Thank you so much for these, David, and for your daily IG stories. I made a batch and shared some with a nurse friend (in a responsible COVID-19 safe way) since she’s on the front lines every day without the proper PPE. I don’t have any PPE to give her, but was able to share a bit of sweetness thanks to you. <3

    • Pleased as Punch!

    Baking in isolation, I worked with what I had.
    – I was about 40g short on the rolled oats (I’ve been trying to buy some for two weeks now!!! Empty shelves everywhere.) and made up the rest with steel-cut oats.
    – No coconut so I just omitted.
    – And for peanuts I had… They may have been given to me as a joke for Xmas… I had A$$ Kickin’ Peanuts. Complete with a buckin’ donkey on the can.
    Mixed that up with chocolate chips and cranberries.

    DIVINE. Definite spreading problems, even with 4 oz butter – I suspect I should have thrown in a touch more flour and steel-cut oats to make up for the loss of absorbing rolled oats. I aimed for undercooking them, but eventually cooked them for nearly 20 minutes and put them back in for another 10 minutes or so after they’d cooled. (Yeah, oven’s fine, yeah, there’s a thermometer.) All of which is to say, if they seem suuuuper undercooked put ’em back in. But don’t let a slight shortage of rolled oats stop you! And if you happen to have some A$$ Kickin’ Peanuts lying around, So Much The Better!

      • Pleased as punch!

      Your photo is on par with the *least* spread of my batch. ;) (and yes, I chilled em for a couple hours) my comment was for anyone who, like me, has been staring at this recipe but unable to buy rolled oats for two weeks and needs a *poooooosssssssible* sub. Yes, steel-cut works! But… add a touch of something to sop up the moisture! (I had myself a nice, loooong moment of staring at the pantry – rice? Farro? Cornmeal?) I keep waiting for one of the food-loving sites I read to run a creative series on what to think through when substituting ingredients, but most seem to just be doing endless variations on pasta and beans.

      Anyway, thank you for the site and your books! I’ve loved your ice cream book for years and your stories here of food and expat life in France are consistently a little sparkle of joy. Which is always welcome but perhaps a little more treasured just at the moment.

    • Sparks13

    American butters in general just do not have the quality of European butter, which is probably a good thing for a butterholic like me. I’m pretty sure US butters generally have more water/less fat in them than Euro butters. It doesn’t take a big difference in the water % in the butter, to make a huge difference in the spread. My plain old chocolate chip cookies tend to spread more than I like if I don’t use the good butter.

    • Judy

    These were amazing!! I did freeze some, unbaked in a ball. Do I have to thaw them before baking or bake directly from the freezer?

    • Grace Nonneman

    Hi David, I have been anxiety/confinement baking all your recipes this week. So far I’ve made your banana upside down cake and riz au lait (which were both divine) and now I’m waiting whilst these cookies are in the oven. I used to live in Paris and had to got home due to the corona virus crisis and I must say I’m missing it so much. I’ve ordered your book and I’m binge watching your stories on instagram to help me feel less homesick (can I really call it home?). I’ll let you know how they turn out! Thanks for your daily dose of happiness and joy on instagram and on your blog :)

    • Lindsey Fell

    Hi David,

    One change I did make was to swap the white flour for 1/2 whole wheat/ 1/2 RYE flour – I figured the consistency was already going to be a bit choppy given the nuts and coconut, so why not go all the way?

    The results were very cool – the rye flour enhanced the nutty theme, and the decreased cohesion actually lended a fluffy air to them – I highly recommend trying.

    Thanks for your blog and this recipe – I’ve been following for years now. I enjoy your attention to detail and good-natured writing. Hope all is well across the pond.

    • Ana

    Hi David! I hope you and your loved ones are safe. I made these cookies today and they were SUPER delicious. I thought I had found my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe already (Rick Martinez’s brown butter chocolate chip cookies), but your recipe reminded me – why have just one? I used one stick of butter and chilled the dough in the fridge before baking, but they still spread a lot. We didn’t care, we ate them all hahaha<3 Why do you think this happened, though? I have a lousy oven and live in the tropics. Perhaps, that's why? I've always wanted to ask a knowledgeable baker why this happens with some of the cookies I bake ( in my mind, this knowledgable baker is always you). There's a chocolate chip cookie recipe that uses honey in the book "Chocolate Chip Sweets" … same thing. The dough is impossibly yummy, followed the recipe to a T, but my cookies spread every time :( Any thoughts? Greetings from Panama.

    • Ana

    Hi David! I hope you and your loved ones are safe. I made these cookies today and they were SUPER delicious. I thought I had found my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe already (Rick Martinez’s brown butter chocolate chip cookies), but your recipe reminded me – why have just one? I used one stick of butter roughly cut out (I had the two stick block on hand) and chilled the dough in the fridge before baking, but they still spread a lot. We didn’t care, we ate them all hahaha<3 Why do you think this happened, though? I have a lousy oven and live in the tropics. Perhaps, that's why? I’ve always wanted to ask a knowledgeable baker why this happens with some of the cookies I bake ( in my mind, this knowledgable baker is always you). There's a chocolate chip cookie recipe that uses honey in the book Chocolate Chip Sweets… same thing. The dough is impossibly yummy, followed the recipe to a T, but my cookies spread every time :( Any thoughts? Greetings from Panama.

    • Anne

    These worked perfectly for me. Used einkorn flour because that’s what I had. 9 minutes was just right.

    • Isabella

    Thanks for the recipe, David!
    I used 100 grams of butter and my cookies also spread (I’m from Brazil). But it was an easy issue to solve: the second time I made them, I just let the dough rest 20 minutes in the fridge before putting the cookies in the oven.

    • David
    David Lebovitz

    Lindsey+Anne: Thanks for letting us know those kinds of flours worked!

    Ana: One major cause of cookies spreading is if too much air is beaten into the batter/dough, so I recommend just mixing until the butter and sugar are combined. Not sure where your live but butter can vary and perhaps the butter where you live has a higher water content, which could also be the cause.

    Judy: You can bake them right from the freezer. They may take another minute or so of baking, which would be the only difference.

    • Allie

    Made these today with 4oz butter and 1/4 c oat flour, nearly 1/2 almond and a scant tablespoon or so of potato starch in place of the regular flour for a gf version and they spread a bit but still needed a bit of a spatula smack down. Turned out to be delicious (if a touch sweet) and delightfully gooey once (mostly) cooled.

    • Kate

    These came out perfect here in the UK (I used the lesser amount of butter) and were very easy, I had no spreading problems! They are delicious and I really appreciate the level of detail in your recipe, e.g. not creaming the butter til it’s fluffy–this is the perfect recipe for me as I don’t have a lovely stand mixer so it’s good to have recipes that don’t need ultra-fluffy butter creaming in them. Would be nice with broken up pretzels …

    • vasantha

    I finally baked these super delicious, chewey cookies. Instead of the peanuts, I used toasted walnuts. The texture is very similar to Trader Joe’s Druid Circles. So next time, I am going to replace the chocolate ad sour cherries with raisins, to see if I can replicate those.

      • Sarahb1313

      David- I love all your recipes and donโ€™t believe there has ever been a flop. Some occasional slight differences but never bad and sometimes even like it better.
      These cookies- I used the 6oz butter. They spread. But they are DIVINE! I dont think I would want them any other way!!
      Use nuts in the house (had pecans) used dried sour cherries (my. Favorite. Ever.). They have twice now (maybe taking the place of your oatmeal raisin cookies which I looove) and both times the spread was great and chewy. I did add a bit of nutmeg because I love the Oatmeal Raisin ones, and it didnโ€™t hurt a bit!

      So one vote for the 6oz. Kerry Gold.
      (From self-quaratine and working on our covid 19(lbs)).
      Hope you keep yourself and R at home and healthy :-)
      Dr Sarah

        • David
        David Lebovitz

        Thanks for letting me know they worked with the 6 ounces of butter (Kerrygold) – glad they were a hit!

    • joan

    AMAZING!!!!!! Used 4oz of butter here in Canada and had no spread issues. I’m off to try them as oatmeal raising cookies without coconut. They are amazing as written!!

    • Sue from the Seattle area

    My cookies also spread for the first and second batches. The first batch I used American butter, sweetened flaked coconut and raisins. The second batch I used 6 oz. Irish butter (thought it would be similar to French butter) the sweetened flaked coconut and raisins, also chilled the dough. The third batch came out perfect no spreading. My husband found unsweetened flaked coconut and dried sour cherries for them, also used 6 oz. American butter and could tell that there was no need to chill the dough. The dough felt drier and baked with no spreading. Did I mention my husband really likes these cookies spreading or no spreading and felt we should just keep testing the recipe.
    Thank you for a wonderful recipe whether they spread or not!

    • Laura Burke

    Hi David, Thank you for the wonderful recipe! I did cut the sugar in half and they still came out great…..scrumptious!

    • Joy in DC

    Followed the instructions, used 4oz of butter and baked until lightly golden – perfect! I used chopped hazelnuts and cranberries. Delicious. Thanks for the recipe.

    • Anne

    Hi David from Tasmania
    Loved making these cookies with 5 Oz of butter and baked a wee bit longer. After rolling into balls (with wet hands) put them directly on baking paper and trays and then into fridge. Used some chopped honey baked mixed nuts for the nut component. Delicious!
    These will go to neighbors who drop off fruit and veggies on my doorstep. Great barter in small towns here.
    Always enjoy your posts and still bake from your book โ€˜The Sweet Life in Parisโ€™.
    Stay well,

    • anita

    David, thank you for this incredible recipe! I made these with a couple of substitutions to make them gluten free and lower the sugar a bit and had excellent results, so I figured I would share. For the flour, I subbed 1/4 cup almond flour + 1/2 cup oat flour. I used coconut sugar in place of both white & brown sugar, 1 to 1. Used 4 oz butter, and I refrigerated the dough for 2 hours and had zero issue with spread. Fabulous recipe that I plan to make again soon!

      • anita

      Almost forgot! I also used 1/4 cup coconut flour in place of flaked, since itโ€™s what I had. Perfection!

    • Fabienne

    Made the recipe. Thank you so much! My family is so excited.

    • Katie

    I made these cookies over the weekend and they are Fantabulous! In my opinion, these cookies come in second, after the “Thin Crisp Chocolate Chip Cookies” recipe for deliciousness. I liken them to a less healthy granola bar. I copied the recipe exactly, using 4oz butter and encountered no problems whatsover. Thank you, David, for another outstanding cookie recipe. You are a lockdown messiah in our household these days.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Happy you liked them and thanks for letting me know the 4 ounces of butter worked perfectly for you : )

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I use parchment when I want cookies to be crisp as things tend to “steam” on silicone. But I used silicone for these as I like soft chocolate chip cookies, and they worked well. Silicone mats are also good for making candy as sticky or caramelized things don’t stick to them…so I wouldn’t throw them out!

    • Lauren Flaum

    I made a batch of these excellent cookies about a year ago, when the recipe was first posted. I must have froze a dozen unbaked balls of dough and then, as sometimes happens, they got buried and lost in the depths of the freezer.

    I found the ziplock bag of them yesterday and โ€” even though the notes say they can be frozen for up to three months โ€” I decided to bake them anyway and see what would happen. Well, not only were they excellent, with not a trace of their time in the freezer, but I think they were actually better! Or maybe Iโ€™m just not remembering how darn good they were in the first place.

    So if you should happen to find some ancient ones hiding away in your freezer, donโ€™t toss em โ€” bake em.

    • mollie

    I had some serious anxiety this afternoon, resulting in indecision, as these cookies have everything it was ideal for my mood. So if you ever want a different cookie name call these guys indecisive chunkers. Devine! the only change I had to make, due to resources was walnuts for peanuts.


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