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Trim cube of chocolate

Gush out liquid espresso!

Clever caffeine cloak





    • Lucy Vanel

    I first tried these amazing jolts of sublimity when an Italian co-worker came back from vacation with some for me. It was an important day. Pocket coffee is a must for anyone going across the border. Yes in the summer you can’t find them in the stores in Italy because they melt too easily.

    I would venture to guess the reason we can’t get it here that it would be too much trouble and expense to put the translation of “pocket coffee” on the label next to an asterisk underneath! :o)

    • David

    The funny thing is, you can get those icky Mon Cherie candies here, made by the same company.
    Why do Italians have all the fun?

    • kishko

    maybe i should start a “pocket coffee” export business out of florence to paris?! :-)

    • Michelle

    I was addicted to Pocket Coffee when I lived in Florence. I would eat several daily and have the normal 3-4 espresso/cappuccinos a day, until I started getting the shakes. I had to start rationing them. I have dreamt about Pocket Coffee everyonce in a while, searched for them in speciality shops (Cost Plus World Market, Whole Foods, Central Market-glad you liked them, Phonecia Bakery, a local Austin store). Now I have to order some.

    Did you notice that not only are they offering free shipping but if you order any case, you get a free box of 32. OY, that much caffeine and sugar should be illegal.


    • iamchanelle

    pocket………COFFEE???!!! i think i just found heaven. really. thanks for the link – i am already buzzing!

    • Dianka

    So are these solid chocolates with a coffee flavor or does it have some kind of coffee filling?

    • Anne

    Pocket Coffee is sublime and a little piece of heaven, especially when your making a 7 hour road trip on the Autostrada. They are getting hard to find here in Italy because they’ve stopped manufacturing them for the summer. Good luck with your quest. Next time I’m in Paris, I’ll drop off a stash.

    • susan

    i’ve never had these but i’m convinced they are good! i just bought 3 boxes from the source you linked. thanks~!

    • susan

    i was just alerted, ebay also has them. i got a case, and two boxes free! the source guy was nice and offered me another one. yay.

    • Nancy

    I have bought them at DiPalo’s Cheese store in NYC. It was mentioned that they wouldn’t have them in in the summer. They sound like the italian version of the mallomar; chocolate,addictive, they give a jolt of pleasure when you eat them, AND they take the summer off!

    • David

    Pocket Coffee are little square of chocolate filled with liquid espresso. So if you’ve ordered them, pop the whole she-bang in your mouth, or you’ll end up with a fountain of espresso down your chest. Pocket Coffee is unavailable in Italy (although I’m sure someone out there could say, “I saw it last July in Rome”…) but for the most part, the company doesn’t ship and stores don’t carry it.
    I had some in my apartment last summer, which melted, then re-melded into something unappetizing.
    Anyone who orders a lots should either, 1) Put a few in the refrigererator, or 2) Send some to me, asap.

    • Lil

    you’re right, i’ve only ever got to buy these when i visited italy in winter, never in summer…

    • Ivonne

    You can also get Pocket Coffee at Buonitalia in New York City at Chelsea Market:

    • Jeff

    Looks good for a quick caffeine pick up, sugar fix, and a mess. I learned my lesson about chocolate in the pocket. I would keep it somewhere else.


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