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Best chocolate sauce recipe

When I fell into blogging a while back, there were probably less than ten people blogging about food. We were a fairly chummy bunch and met up for meals, swapped links, ideas, and technical tips as the medium continued to grow. It was all pretty small-scale until the whole thing blossomed into something that few likely would have predicted.

For years I’ve generally shied away from giving advice or offering opinion. After all, everyone’s blog is different and like lots of other things, it’s impossible to pinpoint what makes a blog click or even how to do it. What suits one person often doesn’t become another and people get into blogging for a myriad of reasons. But at the recent Food Blogger Camp, I compiled some thoughts for my presentation and wanted to share them here. Please note that although I do point out some things that have clicked for me, there’s plenty of terrific blogs out there that do the complete opposite of what I say and/or do, and work very well. There’s not a “right” or “wrong” way to blog and all points are certainly open to interpretation and discussion.

I wasn’t sure of the impact we’d had on the participants who came to the camp, since it was a hectic few days, until a few weeks afterward when I noticed almost all the bloggers who attended started radically changing their blogs; redesigning them, replacing hard-to-read fonts, getting rid of clutter, making them easier to read, and most of all, blogging with a renewed sense of fun and excitement.

The first things to ask yourself are “Why am I blogging?” and “What am I going to blog about?” Most people are blogging for fun rather than for professional reasons, and most just want to share recipes or food-related experiences. A while after I started my blog, I was talking to Elise Bauer of Simply Recipes and said “My blog isn’t a food blog” and she gave me a look of disbelief. But the more I think about it now, the more I realize that my site (or any food blog) isn’t just about food, cooking, and recipes. It’s thoughts and stories that we want to share, some involving food and recipes, but not always. To be a food blog (or writer) doesn’t mean you have to just recount recipes; often it’s the stories associated with cooking, shopping, or feeding others that are richer than lists of ingredients and putting together a batch of chocolate chip cookies.

The main thing you want to do is to find your niche and say something that people will enjoy reading or learning from you. We all have different personalities and highlighting yours in your blog is the most important thing you can do to differentiate yourself from others.

Getting traffic is a big goal for a lot of people, but that’s really not something anyone should focus on, especially when starting out. Instead work on giving people a reason to come back to your site. There’s an old saying that says “If you keep your eyes on the future, you can’t see the present.” If you’re just looking to get a pile of people leaving comments, you may as well just post recipes that include a cup of corn syrup or tell readers that you recommend running a cast iron skillet through the dishwasher. You’re not going to gain a following—or be happy—if it’s drudgery or you’re trying to merely use SEO (search engine optimization) tips to get the attention of Google. Write for readers, not algorithms.

Like professional writers, people write blogs for a variety of reasons. I would venture to say that a majority of writers (professional and non-professional) write because they have something to say. Blogging isn’t a popularity contest and I read a number of small, barely noticed blogs that I find interesting. But like professional cooking, which the media has created a bit of a frenzy by turning it into a series of ‘contests’, what only matters in the end is what’s on the plate. If you do what you love, the readers will (hopefully) come.

I’ve attempted to organize topics into some semblance of order, so please excuse any disparate elements as there’s a few places where ideas overlap. Some things I mention, a few will disagree with. But that’s what makes blogging so interesting, is the variety of styles and presentations. Blogging isn’t always easy, but it’s a lot of fun reading and participating in the discussion, and enjoying the diversity of styles and divergent opinions represented out there.

1. Develop your own style.

If you read blogs, you likely follow favorites that you go back to over and over again. That’s because you like the distinct voice and style of the author. Be yourself, don’t try to copy anyone. It won’t come off as genuine. Hank Shaw said something along the lines of “People should be able to read your writing without your byline (name) and know who wrote it.”

There are a lot of very good food writers, such as Julia Child, who could combine explaining a recipe along with certain turns that make the recipe hers. That was her voice. However blogs are more conversational than books and rules are a little more relaxed, so don’t be afraid to be more personal or do things different. If you stay in your comfort zone you’ll never change or proceed forward. Find a specific angle rather than describing just what’s on the plate. We all know soup is hot, rich, creamy, liquid, delicious, warming, comforting, and good with a dollop of crème fraîche. (And if yours isn’t, you might not want to be sharing it.) Think about what it is about that soup that will make it your story and why you like it so much, rather than the obvious.

For example, if you make squash soup…is it really that interesting that it’s your husband’s favorite soup? What is interesting about your husband? Did he grow up on a squash farm? Did he squash your mother’s favorite doll by accident? And why should readers care about him? Sure you love him. But even if you don’t, there’s likely a deeper story in there. Especially if you don’t. (In which case, you might not want to share that.)

Gertrude Stein told an artist, who later became a very famous impressionist: “Don’t paint what is there, paint what you see.”

So write what you see. I know there are lists of words that you’re not supposed to use when writing about food, so do think about using certain words like “delicious” and “unctuous” too much when writing. (Although some foods really are just delicious and unctuous, and it’s hard to avoid them.) But are there better words you can drum up?

The hardest thing I ever had to write was the headnote for the Vanilla Ice Cream recipe in my ice cream book. I mean, what hasn’t been said already about vanilla ice cream already? And is it really that interesting to write, “This refreshing vanilla ice cream is perfect with apple crisp or chocolate cake.” ZZzzzzzzzz. So it was an exercise in probing the depths of my shallow brain to find something else to say. (No one said writing was easy, folks.) Amber who attended Food Blog Camp, ended up not writing a description of the seminars, or the food (or the margaritas) but the event prompted memories of a best friend, so she ended up penning a heartfelt description of how the event transformed her and her writing.

Writing is as much about editing as it is about merely writing a bunch of stuff down. People like Matt Armendariz (who has a traditional media background, where word count matters) and Heidi Swanson, keep it short, concise, and neat, and don’t beat around the bush. I don’t know how much editing they do, but I’ve spent hours writing whole paragraphs, then re-read them the next day and deleted them. (You might think there’s a lot of endless rambling here on the site, but believe me, you should see what gets tossed into my trash folder before I publish it.)

“I try to leave out the parts that people skip.” –Elmore Leonard

Because bloggers can write as much as they want, we tend to overdo it. Check your statistics and see how long readers spend on your site, then tailor your posts so they can be read in about that length of time. If you’re not sure, two minutes is a good goal. Editing is probably fifty percent of writing and taking stuff off the page (or computer screen) means readers can focus more on what is on there. You don’t need to dumb anything down, but if you watch or read good comedy, you see the importance of a sharp, succinct punchline and not lot of extraneous matter.

Another thing you want to avoid are too many exclamation marks. F. Scott Fitzgerald said “An exclamation point is like laughing at your own jokes.” A good trick is to go through and limit yourself to one per entry. Or none. But there are no absolutes and rules should be taken with a proverbial grain of salt and we all be allowed to laugh at our own jokes once in a while. (I mean, if they’re not funny to us, how can we expect others to find them amusing?) Blogs are more about quick, off the cuff information, so bloggers tend to use more dashes and exclamation marks and parentheses because that’s how one might normally talk in a conversation. I’ve been making a concerted effort to use less in forums like Twitter because I’m not sure everything in my life is really all that funny. Well, at least to others. But I find some of the stuff that happens to me hilarious. (If I didn’t, I would have daily meltdowns.)

As Mel Brooks said: “If you’re quiet, you’re not living. You’ve got to be noisy, colorful, and lively.”

Same with blogging. So make some noise! (With or without that exclamation mark..)

2. Get those photos down.

I remember buying my first digital point-and-shoot camera eight or ten years ago. It was a little compact number and was wildly expensive, over $500. I recently upgraded to a better DSLR (digital single lens reflect), which cost less than what is now considered that outdated piece of crap. Good digital cameras have become a lot more affordable and if you can get your hands on one, even the cheapest model (like the Rebel that I have), your pictures will be a lot better.

People have become very, very visually oriented. People loved Gourmet magazine because it had an outstanding, stop-you-in-your-tracks photo on every cover and it was hard to resist not looking at those covers. People scooting around the web, if they land on an uninspired or out-of-focus photo, they likely won’t stay on your site. Never, ever put a bad or out-of-focus picture on your blog. (Unless you accompany it with a story noting that the photo was a dud, and then it can be funny.) People have very high standards these days about photos because so many people have digital single lens reflex cameras, which making taking a decent photograph relatively easy.

I used to say you need a DSLR but I’ve seen good pictures from point-and-shoots and iPhones. If using a point and shoot or smartphone:

1. Shoot outside, not in full sunlight.
2. Never use the flash.
3. Zoom in a bit; the most extreme position on those zoom lenses distort things.
4. Avoid extreme close-ups, which makes food look goofy.
5. If using a smartphone, consider using an app like Instagram to make the photos more artful.

Use photos to tell the story. A nice picture is one thing, but your photos should augment the text, or vice-versa. Show the process, not just the end result. Use photos to show steps of a recipe that might be confusing or need clarification, like how to slice mangoes or boning a fish. Show the tree that grew that persimmon. Don’t let the props overwhelm the food.

Use photos to break up big blocks of text. People have a hard time reading lengthy paragraphs on a small screen, especially those of us with painfully short attention spans. I will curl up on the sofa with a New Yorker magazine but I don’t do that with my laptop. You don’t have to dumb down your text, but make it easier to read.

3. Find cheap ways to dial-up your blog.

The most important thing I did for my site was to have it professionally designed. It was not inexpensive, and when I wrote the check, I was trembling. I cried when I sent it and it dashed my dreams of ever owning that black Yves Saint-Laurent suit that made me look like a million bucks. But it has paid off and I love my site and the fellow who redesigned it; it’s easy to navigate and has become an important part of my life.

Not everyone has a lot of time or money to fix up their blog and make it flashy. But the good news is that online, less is more. And if you don’t believe me, look at Google, which is the number-one most visited site on the internet. Other sites like Amazon and Ebay depend on relatively clean designs which makes them easy to use and navigate. Simple works.

How do you make your site look different than the others? If you’re on WordPress, there are thousands of themes to choose from. Lots of people are using Thesis, which is nice, but a lot of bloggers are using it now. So maybe find something else. I have zero technical ability but switching to WordPress this year made blogging a lot easier. (Although I had to write a few more checks for that.)

But you need to think about what your are hoping to achieve with your blog. If you really want more traffic, you need to spend time (and a little money) if you’re trying to make a go of it financially. One inexpensive trick you can do is hire someone to design a custom header or logo. Some people recommend hiring a design student who might be looking for extra work. However in my experience, you should only expect someone to give you back what you pay for and it’s worth investing in someone who will do a good job, not just the cheapest person out there.

I’m on the train for paying for stuff. When you work for yourself you see how much things cost and what they’re worth. Things like having a newsletter, blog maintenance, etc, aren’t free and paying provides a better user experience. If you have no budget, a pure white theme with block black letters works well.

Get rid of useless widgets and sidebar clutter and focus on content and pictures. Good examples of sites with very simple designs, which recede and highlight the compelling content are Sprouted Kitchen, A Life Worth Eating, deliciousdays, and Lottie + Doof.

4. Create good content and provide answers.

A restaurant owner recently told me, “This business is all about solving problems.” Yes, owning a restaurant is about serving food, but it’s also about how to get the food to the restaurant in the first place, then to customers. Then how to take payment, how to hire (and fire) people, and a plethora of other issues that arise.

Having a food blog can also be about solving problems. Some readers are just looking to food blogs for recipes, of course. But people are also looking for solutions, like how to break down a duck, make bacon, discover a great lemon bar recipe, or what to make for dinner. They’re also looking for views to another culture, a laugh, to something about a new ingredient, or cooking tips. Think about what questions readers might have—What is a Parisian food market like? Where should we eat in Paris? How much should we tip in France? What do we do if we’re coming to Paris and we’re gluten-free? These are posts I’ve done, that are food-related but certainly aren’t recipes or cooking tips.

Long gone are the days when you could write a “How to” post and have it linked everywhere. (And from the “Be careful what you wish for” file; I once got Stumbled Upon for a “How to” post and for a one day surge of traffic, my server hit me with a $371 bill.) And while helpful and interesting for readers, the larger food sites and the content farms pretty much covered almost all of the general cooking topics by now. (More about SEO later.) So it’s best to try to gauge your readers, new and returning, and reel ’em in with writing about what they’re looking for. Blogging is a conversation and providing interesting content is part of that, and something the content farms can’t do, but the other is reacting and responding to what you readers might like.

Many people try to make their blogs addictive by tackling controversial topics to generate conversation and get shared on social media. (In spite of those $371 server bills.) You can tackle a controversial topic, but steel yourself for any disagreements that might break out in the comments and elsewhere, and get ready to mitigate them. I worked in professional kitchens for almost three decades and people still think they can say something that will shock me. But man, the stuff I’ve seen, well…let’s just say I’ve seen it all. And I mean all of it in my days.

The other downside is that you’ll have first-time visitors who might not be familiar with your style and may invoke their unpleasant wrath upon you. One controversial post is great to have people come to your site, but you want them to keep coming back. And you want to build a network of quality readers, not one-time stopovers looking to stir things up.

There are a lot of threads going around about what to say and what not to say on your blog. Don’t say a recipe is ‘fast’ or ‘easy’—show readers that it is. Like ‘seasonal’ and ‘fresh’, everything is seasonal and fresh these days so show readers that it is, don’t just say it. Todd and Diane at White on Rice Couple don’t have to talk about how fresh their fruits are because they show the fruits still clinging on the trees in their backyard. Similarly Elise of Simply Recipes shows that she believes in home cooking only using fresh ingredients and presenting procedural shots and photos to show how they’re used.

I am a little surprised when people say (or write) “I have nothing to post about…I need to write up a post!” which came up when I spoke at the Blogherfood conference a few years back. (About every mouth in the room hit the beige carpet when I said that I think I had about fifty unfinished posts in a folder on my computer.) I always think, “Why have a blog unless you have something to post?” It’s not homework. If you don’t have anything to say, you’re not going to get penalized for not saying anything. But everyone has to cook or eat at least three times a day so no one has any excuse for not having something to write about. Find inspiration from worrying about what to make for dinner, about finding a hard block of cauliflower puree nestled in the back of your freezer that you tried to disguise as hummus by blending it with peanut butter (sorry, yuck..), or the caramels you found smushed at the bottom of your purse next to your chapstick that you forgot were in there. (Then maybe inventing salted butter caramel-flavored lip balm?)

The main thing to remember is that a blog is a conversation between you and your readers A good exercise is to speak your dialogue out loud and if it sounds like the way you talk, then you’re doing it right. And most important, find out what makes you special. That will help you stand out in the crowd. It isn’t always easy to find an answer to that, but it’s one that’s important if you’re interested in getting people’s attention.

5. Choose title words carefully to give your blog character.

There’s a lot of discussions about what words you should and shouldn’t use in food writing. As mentioned, one school of thought says that “delicious” is a big no-no, although anyone who tunes into Food Network will see that “delicious” isn’t going away anytime soon and if they stopped saying that word they wouldn’t have a network anymore.

Aside from words like “yummy”, “tasty” and “sublime” (which have their detractors, although I’m on the fence), folks should be careful using words like “family” “musings” “seasonal” “fare” and “fast”. All of those words are pretty subjective and I recently saw a “fast” recipe that called for “1 cup of grapes, halved”, which doesn’t sound like a task one would get done all that quickly. (At least they weren’t peeled!) A blog is a conversation and unless you’re writing the Encyclopedia Brittanica, if you normally pepper your chats with a word like “musings” and “yummy”, then feel free to use them. I don’t think I’ve ever used that word in any conversation but I’m not you.

(Backing up what I just said, I was once at a writer’s conference and the speaker said never use words like ‘opt’, and reinforced that by reading a sample of someone’s writing who used that word, following up by stating that “No one says opt.” I do, however, so I think it’s okay for me to use it. The point is to use words in your vocabulary, don’t reach for those that aren’t in there. I used the word “fare” recently because it seemed to fit. So there.)

When choosing a name for your site, or a tagline, try to give readers who land on your site an idea of what it’s about right off the bat. Anyone who has tried to sell a house or opted to buy a magazine because of the yummy, sublime, delicious fare on the cover, knows that first impressions matter.

Examples of blog titles that both give a clue about the content and the tone, and make you want to read more are My Kids Eat Squid, Hungry for Paris, 5 Second Rule, It’s Not You, It’s Brie, The Pioneer Woman, All That Splatters, 64 sq foot Kitchen, Three Many Cooks, Married…with Dinner, Matt Bites, and Shut Up Foodies!, which use action words—and a dash of humor, to tell you about the blog and the author in one concise phrase.

Add characters to your site. If you’re writing about your life, chances are there are interesting people who share your life, and table, as well. (If not, invite me over. I’m kind of interesting.) If you spend time with them, it’s likely others will want to as well. Some writers like to give others a bit of privacy, which is all well and good, but readers who are just joining your site for the first time don’t know who Q or X are, and I’ve found myself playing a little mental Scrabble trying to figure out who everyone is. (Tip: If you do that, perhaps put a glossary in your sidebar?) Readers may not comb your archives to look for where you introduced them. In my opinion, either use their real names, or just say “my husband”, or make up a pseudonym. Ree Drummond calls her cowboy husband “Marlboro Man”, Dorie Greenspan called her son “The Kid”, and Shauna James Ahern of Gluten-Free Girl nicknamed her husband “The Chef”. All gave their characters a moniker, making them an integral part and character in their stories.

6. Stop thinking about SEO.

Some say that search engine optimization (SEO) is the “snake oil” of the Internet. Whose spam folder isn’t filled with pitches to “Take your site to the top of all search engines”? But think about it; would you rather open your home to a whole bunch of people coming to swill cheap beer, or have a great bunch of guests come for a nice glass of wine (or microbrewed beer) who you’ll want to return over and over again?

Do not write for search engines. If you are writing for search engines, you are cheating readers. People who come to your site want to read what a human being is writing; not a SEO machine. Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen shows up near the top of search engines, and arrives there because people consistently come back to her site not just for the recipes, but for her funny stories and sharp writing.

And if you’re still not convinced, personalities like Jason Kottke, The Oatmeal, and Wil Wheaton get boatloads of traffic but little of their material is based on subjects people are using search engines to find. I mean, when was the last time someone Googled—How to tell if your cat is trying to kill you?

Unless you are building a recipe database, readers may become bored just reading rote lists of recipes that you’re churning out. The top food blogs that are recipe databases have a personal touch and the recipes are invariably accompanied by a story that’s brief, but well-written, with a personal touch and a good photo.

A few years back you could write a post on a topic like peeling garlic or melting chocolate, and have a decent chance of getting to the top of the search engine pile. But some rather large sites and aggregators, and those “content farms” (sites that pay people $5-$15 to create brief posts based on popular search terms) have gotten into the game and it’s much harder to get to the top of that mountain anymore. And chasing that takes all the fun out of blogging, I think.

When I started blogging, I thought I would be near the top of Paris searches. But when I checked by searching for anything about Paris on the internet, I either got pages about Paris Hilton or the big hotel and travel sites selling stuff about my favorite city. Lil’ me doesn’t stand a chance. Since there was no way I’m going to get there, I started posting on topics that I felt would be of use to my readers, such as Tipping in Paris and Health Care Tips for Travelers Coming to France, along with restaurants and chocolate shops from time to time, because I have regular readers who either come to Paris or have friends coming, and they find that information useful.

When writing this up, I randomly thought of a post I did last year on French sugars, describing the differences and what they were since I was getting a lot of questions about them. It was an informative post (well, at least I thought it was…), and I just checked my statistics on my site and in the last 30 days, five people visited that post. Four left immediately (hrrmph!) and one stuck it out. So while it shows up as #1 when you search for “French Sugars” on Google, SEO ain’t everything.

My strategy, if you even call it that, is sometimes based on reading comments, following social media, or trying to deduce things others might be interested in. (However the phrase “Recipe…PLEASE!” is nails on a chalkboard.) So I hope that people use the site as a resource. I love my readers, especially those who share their favorite tips, resources, and places with me as well, and there’s a great interchange of ideas that happens in the comments and on social media. So we all win.

So think about it: Are you writing for fun, or just to get hits? If you’re writing just for hits, consider if that’s reason enough to be blogging.

7. Find a niche.

Hank Shaw writes about gutting squirrels and foraging for wild grass for salads. He won a Beard award, writes from the Atlantic website, and got a book contract. These topics may not yield monster traffic, but he’s writing sincerely and has a good core of devoted readers, so it works for him.

Small niches can be better than big ones. Let’s face it, there’s a plenty of cupcake blogs, or blogs about Paris. Why should anyone want to see your blog? Maybe a smaller idea is better than a big one? You might not want to hunt for fuzzy critters in the forest, but perhaps there’s a subject that you’d like to explore. Cupcakes and macarons have been covered, and although I like both, maybe you could start from zero—like Julie Powell did with her Julie and Julia blog—and tackle something new or interesting to you. Heidi Swanson took on her overflowing pile of cookbooks at 101 Cookbooks, you can head back in time like 18th Century Cuisine, Luisa Weiss went through the food sections of newspapers for The Wednesday Chef, or admit your status as a culinary novice, like Adam Roberts of The Amateur Gourmet confesses to several times a week.

Don’t post “Sorry I haven’t posted in a while but…” which makes people think you’re bored with your blog or aren’t interested. So why should they be interested in it if you aren’t? Ree of The Pioneer Woman is likely the busiest person in the world with life on a ranch, scooping up cow piles, homeschooling four kids, and writing books, but she posts a few times a week. She’s posting what she makes for dinner—but that’s what it’s all about sometimes and she makes even a simple dinner interesting. So do try integrating your life into posts, not just recipes, but food-related stories that you can post quickly. I’ve found that sometimes those are my best posts.

If you don’t have time to post, do short posts. I have often been surprised at how much interest a short post that I put up quickly generates a lot more comments and attention than a long one with lots of photos and a recipe, which takes me oodles of time. Witness how that good comedian can make a big impression with just a couple of well-placed lines. Apply the same principle to writing about shopping or dinner. Find something interesting to say; make a cultural observation, present an unusual recipe (or give an old one your twist), show a technique, or write an opinion about something that you squarely believe in. Do it in sound bites.

Break up large blocks of text. When I want to read something long and involved, I will park myself on the sofa and dive in for a while. (Actually, I usually put on my pajamas and get in bed, even if it’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon.) But on the Internet people have a lot less time; many are at work (and would get funny looks if they slipped on their jammies at 3pm), or commuting on a subway, or simply roaming around online reading things here and there.

Break up text with those pictures, dashes, spaces, and paragraphs, much more so than you might normally. I have zero attention span and if I see extremely long paragraphs, I don’t read a post or I go back when I have the time. If you’re a very good writer, like Brooke of Food Wolfe, Melissa of Travelers Lunchbox, Alec Lobrano of Hungry for Paris, readers like me will take the time to read whatever they write because they are compelling storytellers.

Do something daring. I just posted about white wine being good with cheese, better than red, and people really responded to that. Much more than I thought. Or take on something like, say, why the hoopla against regular corn syrup is misguided, etc…but you have to be prepared to back it up and deal with whatever ensues. A while back I had a very long talk with an author friend about presenting less-controversial since you have to deal with the aftermath. But if we become afraid to raise controversial topics and disagree, then everything just gets vapid and governments run amuck. That’s not to say we should all get nasty, but that it’s simply okay to disagree. A good conversation presents a few points of view, and what follows should be a spirited but respectful interchange between the various viewpoints. Perhaps I’m optimistic, but in spite of cable news and virulent radio hosts, I know we as a collective whole are capable of having intelligent, respectful conversations with each other. I just know it.

8. Make sure your blog is usable.

A while back I was having a conversation with someone who worked on a food-related website that was making people click 3 to 4 times to get to the content they were looking for, presumably building clicks (impressions) for revenue-related purposes, which shows they were more concerned about racking up clicks than user experience. I advised that making their site easy to use and not frustrating for readers should be of utmost importance. Plus every time they give someone a chance to reach for the mouse, they’re giving them a chance to click away and leave. (Which I did whenever I went to their site and tried to find anything.) People nowadays want a clean, quick user experience. They want to find things fast. Don’t irk people and make them work harder than they have to.

Check your commenting process. Spammers have discovered blog comments, unfortunately, and there’s often no other way to get around those captchas where readers have to type in a code, I’m afraid. But I recently visited some blogs where one could only sign in and comment using Open ID or AIM, or jump through various other hoops. I don’t use either so I didn’t leave a comment when I really wanted to. (I may be dense, but I don’t even know what AIM is.)

Get rid of widgets that aren’t doing anything for you or that seriously increase the time it takes for your page to load. There are websites that will help you gauge how long your site takes to load, which you can find by doing an online search. Assess how badly your readers want to know what countries other readers come from, how’s the weather (which I had here for a while, but took off), your Twitter ramblings (which I have, and will keep, thank you very much), traffic conditions at your local airport (if you’re a travel blog…perhaps…), or what time it is where you are. Am not sure why anyone would care about that. But then again, I’m someone who had the local weather on my site for over a year. So what do I know?

On a similar note, I recently went to a blog and the sidebar widget identified not only where I was from, but a lot more about me than I cared to have shared. Thankfully it was a food blog, not necessarily something I needed to keep private. But still, it was unnerving to see my presence in the top position on their widget, so I won’t be returning to that site.

(On another similar note, folks may want to dial back notifying and thanking people immediately who follow them on Twitter. The first time it happened to me a while back, I got really startled. More about that in a bit.)

Another usability tip comes from Elise Bauer who recommends that people check for broken links on their blogs. If you’re on WordPress, Todd from White on Rice Couple pointed out that one can use the Broken Link Checker plug-in. (Do check the forums as it has some issues loading up servers while it’s trawling sites.) For other platforms, Elise recommends DeepTrawl.

I ran the WordPress plug-in and found over one thousand broken links, many from commenters who had left links to their sites that we no longer valid, or they’d shut down their sites and the links were dead. And I was actually surprised how many still-operating bloggers had misspelled the name of their own blogs when they left comments.

And while you’re checking comments and links, run a few cuss and naughty words used by spammers (ie: erectile dysfunction drugs, nubile Russian teenage cheerleaders, white underwear, etc) through your comment search field; I found a few smutty surprises in old posts as spammers and their ilk can escape detection. And it’s not too pleasant for readers to come across those, which I learned when a reader pointed out that a link I had that used to lead to a site about how dirty French sidewalks were had changed and was now something completely different. I won’t mention what it was now, but if people are looking for links to sites about women’s backsides, my site probably isn’t the right place. (Even though the backsides were, admittedly, pretty awesome.)

Everything on your site and in the sidebar should do something. Look at Google, Facebook, and Ebay. These are the top sites on the Internet and there’s little nothing on their pages that doesn’t perform some sort of task. (Well, on Facebook there’s all those odd groups and games and stuff, and I have no idea why they’re there.) The person who designed my site told me “Tag clouds are the mullets of the Internet.” Do you click on tag clouds? If not, consider if your readers find them useful.

Lastly, go through your blogroll and weed out dead links and sites. I can’t tell you how many links I’ve clicked on recently in the sidebars of other people’s blogs that led to sites that haven’t been updated since 2009, or the link didn’t work at all.

9. Be a great commenter.

I’ve made several good friends (real and virtual) because of bang-up comments they’ve left on my blogs. Comments make a blog lively and make them different than other forms of media that aren’t interactive. They can be the most lively, important part of a blog. I love my commenters (except for the dude who asked if I wore tight white underwear, which was a little personal). You don’t have to go to extremes, but do take time to interact with readers and in return they’ll continue to interact with you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been steered toward something interesting related to food or in my travels because locals have left valuable information in the comments. (Thanks guys!) As a blog author, it’s not always possible to answer every comment but jump in once in a while as best you can.

Of course, it’s fine and a-ok just to stop by and comment to say hello and say they you liked a post or recipe with a simple “I love Brownies too!”, but the comments that get the most notice are ones that are funny or that capture your attention in other ways. I should mention that folks might want to let go of the word “drool.” The only people over the age of two who drool live in assisted-care facilities. And the idea of saliva pooling on someone’s keyboard isn’t everyone’s idea of appetizing.

And if you’re a blogger leaving comments on other blogs, you’re more likely to get people to visit your site if you give them a reason to come by. Informative or humorous comments, I think, get the most notice. Good questions and astute observations are also welcome and can prompt interesting discussions in the comments. Those are usually when I pop in myself and participate.

If you want to get noticed, comment quickly so you’re near the top. You don’t have to be Hemingway, but do scan for typos and punctuation. Especially if you’re leaving a comment pointing out someone else’s typo or bad grammar. I’d say 100% of the rude messages I have received regarding typos or grammatical errors contain worse transgressions than mine. Just remember that people are going to read what you wrote and that the comment will represent you and the writing style of your blog. Some bloggers go through and edit comments left on their site for grammar and spelling, which I sometimes do, especially for people whose first language may not be English. Although I sometimes find those goofs kinda charming and leave them.

If you’re going to leave a link within the comment field of the blog, make sure it is properly hyperlinked. (There is an excellent article about commenting, and leaving URLs and such in comment fields and elsewhere at Design*Sponge Biz Ladies, as well as tips for dealing with comments.) Normally your blog is automatically hyperlinked when you add it to the field where it’s asked for. If leaving a link in a comment, it should be relating to something about the blog post, such as if you have a similar post, or tried the recipe too, or can shed some interesting or new information about the topic.

A few bloggers don’t allow any outbound links and be aware that spam filters often flag comments with URLs in them since that’s a common thing found in spam comments, and your comment may go right into the spam folder and whisked away without anyone seeing it. I recently learned that some anti-spam programs will mark your address as that of a spammer and you’ll get blacklisted from other sites as well. Yikes.

I have a “show recent comments’ in my sidebar because the comments are a prominent part of the site and I like to give them more visibility. Remember that the comment that you leave is like leaving a calling card, as well as a way to say thanks or to offer additional information. In my opinion, comments are at least 75% of what makes a blog and blogging interesting.

10. Social networking.

Think of tools like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as big gatherings where people gather around to discuss topics, or parties where you interact with friends and acquaintances. Everyone wants to be in a room with interesting people around them and both of those social media sites allow you to pick and choose who’s in your “room.”

Social media spots are fine places to disseminate information including new books or products, store openings, stories about you life, daily happenings, or whatever, but you should pass along information as you would to a group of friends and not just a convenient place to pitch things. “Social media is about giving, not getting”. So please do post when you update your site and let us know if you have a new project coming out or would like to announce an event. It’s great to spread the word to all, but be wary of going overboard. If that’s all you’re doing on your Twitterstream, it’s not likely to attract others. I like to follow people that have something to say themselves, who pass along things they genuinely find interesting.

Like that virtual party, if you’re just standing there promoting something or repeating things that others say (retweeting), folks will probably not gravitate toward you. Friends are interested in your participation in conferences, camps, blog events, and other things you’re doing, but be careful of going overboard because it may not be so interesting for non-participants whose Twitterstream gets filled up for hours (or days or weeks) by a topic they’re not interested in. There are programs like Proxlet that let you mute users or block hashtags.

Some bloggers set up a separate Twitter stream for their site updates because more and more people are using Twitter like an RSS feeder and they want to keep their regular Twitter stream open for everyday conversations. So if you’re running a special event, you might want to just set up a special Twitter stream for that so folks can join up and follow along there. I have just one stream, but denote when I update my blog as [newblogentry] before the Tweet. And I only post that once.

Who do I follow, and why? I think people who say something funny or interesting, or helpful. In my Twitterstream, there are people in my line of work—cookbook authors, chefs, and folks in Paris, as well as food bloggers and a few food companies. Justin Timberlake is in there too, as is Andrew Zimmern. And Paris city hall is in that list, although how they have time to Twitter but can’t answer a simple question over the phone is beyond me.

Who don’t I follow, and why? Those who are just retweeting other people’s tweets all day long. People who link to old posts on their site constantly. People who pick on other people.

Not everyone is going to ‘Like’ you on Facebook or follow you on Twitter and you’re not expected to like or follow everyone. Be cool with that. Follow people you want to follow and don’t worry about gaining or losing followers. Look, no one loves Andrew Zimmern more than me (and don’t even get me started on that Timberlake guy), but if they don’t follow me, the world will make another full turn tomorrow, and the next day and the next. If it doesn’t, we’re all got greater problems to worry about than if someone isn’t following you. The number of followers you have doesn’t really mean anything and some people follow anyone and everyone, and others don’t.

And the tribe has spoken about sending out tweets thanking people for following them; they’re not only not effective, but a majority of people find them unwelcome and automatically unfollow those people.

Don’t say things you wouldn’t say to someone in person. I’m constantly surprised at the things people say online to others. Or things I read in my Twitter or Facebook stream about others. I recently saw some comments on Facebook about a friend and former employer which were snarky and impolite and it just wasn’t very nice to read to see them. Bottom line: No one likes to read bad things about their friends, especially coming from other friends.

Like in comments, it’s fine to disagree, but I always wonder how some people behave in real life with family, friends, and co-workers. (I sometimes get a pass because I’ve worked with some wacky co-workers who would be surprised at nothing. And I encourage people not to follow me on Twitter, or to hold their peace.) As noted having worked in restaurant kitchens, there is nothing that shocks or surprises me anymore, and I’ve been called, and have called others, every name in the book. I’ve had people expose themselves to me, I’ve seen rampant drug use, and I’ve witnessed and experienced more harassment than Gloria Allred ever dreamed possible. I was that crazy person that threw frying pans at other cooks. Plus I live in France and have to deal with fonctionnaires at city hall. And I’d love to see anyone who think they’re so tough have to go and face one of those bureaucrats.

But now that I’m grown up and joined the “real world” (ie: one where insane people like me aren’t allowed to interact with others without supervision), it can be hard to not be snarky at times. However do resist the instinct to send off a nasty tweet or comment; even if you think it’s in jest, it may not be taken that way. So think before you act. Or if you’re the impulsive type, send an apology afterward, which is always appreciated. It’s really not that hard. I do it all the time.

People are busy or messaging on-the-go so you won’t always get a response if you write them a message. Like blogging, just be friendly, write something interesting that folks will want to read, and share things that are going on in your day-to-day life. Then hit the button to send it out. Because I’m busy, and work at home, I often pop into various social media outlets to check in with others, but sometimes stay in the sidelines. To keep my sanity, from the start, I’ve adopted what I call an “Exit Only” strategy of just doing what I can. Not everyone is comfortable with that and it’s hard to manage others expectations. But in the end, you have to think of how to best manage your own life. There are some people who will always want more than one can give, but in the words of Miss Diana Ross, “…there ain’t nothin’ you can do about it.”

We Americans are always trained to say “yes” and in France, the answer is often “non“, so I’m working on making that transition. Blogging (and social media) are a lot of “giving” and it’s great to give, and it’s great to get. However your ultimate responsibility is to yourself, so participate in whatever level works right for you and find the balance between the two.

In the end, social networking is not about numbers or collecting followers; it’s about communicating with others. I’m sure many of us have experienced the joys of overhearing someone’s cell phone chat so be wary of carrying on lengthy private conversations in a public forum unless you’re certain it’s going to be of interest to more than just the two of you. (I use the direct message feature on Twitter a lot.) Re-tweeting is fine but do make sure you contribute tweets about yourself as well. I follow people because I am interested in them and what they have to say.

It all comes down to balancing it all and finding out what works right for you, how you want to be perceived, and how you connect with others. No one can be all things to all people, but this big mix of us all is so exciting and I’m interested where we’re all going next.

A few other points:

-Let posts rest. I took a while with this one because I knew some of the points might raise eyebrows and wanted to explain things better. A few folks who were at my talk at Food Blog Camp recently told me that that advice was something they realized a few weeks later was really helpful to them, to let things brew. Most writers go back and edit, correct, explain, or delete.

-Consider adding metric conversions to your site. A majority of the world does not measure with cups and tablespoons and it’s nice to invite them to your site and to use your recipes.

Don’t take content, including recipes and pictures, from other food blogs or media without asking for permission. Material online is copyrighted, just like books and printed media. Do not copy people’s posts or recipes word-for-word and the Geneva Act and the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works extend internationally. Check out an article I wrote about Attribution for some guidelines when and how you should attribute recipes. Online images are protected as well and you can be substantially fined for using them.

If someone sends you a message about a post that you’ve written using their material without their consent, don’t take it as a personal affront or respond negatively, but take the time to rewrite or modify your post and send them an apology. People are simply protecting the hard work they’ve done creating recipes, photographs, and content.

-Do not take content, including recipes and pictures, for other food blogs without asking for permission. (Just in case some didn’t get it..)

-Don’t beat yourself up, or let anyone beat you up, for making some goofs. Yes, you’re going to upload a picture that isn’t perfect, get snarky, bungle some grammar, or publish a post with a typo. But we’re not curing cancer or sorting out the situation in the Middle East, we’re making pie and cookies. Sometimes it’s helpful just to relax, take a deep breath, and realize that it’s just about food and has no greater meaning than just that.

-Be a part of the community and link out. Food blogs are like antique stores and we thrive when we’re together.

-Post once a day. Or once a week. Or once a year. Gripe about something, or be angelic in your praise. Write in incomplete sentences, or go over your copy twenty times before posting it. Buy the best camera you can afford, or draw scribbles of your food, then scan and upload them. There’s no fixed rules, and even if there were, there’s none that apply to everyone and the medium changes so fast, what works today may be passé tomorrow.

After the most recent Food Blog Camp, I was excited when nearly every blogger who attended went home and made substantial changes to their sites, and they all look great. Some added logos, cleaned up their designs or theme, upgraded their photography gear, or started writing posts with a purpose.

The final day of the camp, I asked leaders; Matt Armendariz, Todd Porter & Diane Cu, Elise Bauer, Jaden Hair, and myself, some blitz-style questions reflecting on food blogging. Here are the responses:


Q: What was the single most important thing that you did to ‘dial up’ your blog?

Elise: Getting a DSLR (digital single lens reflex) camera.

Matt: Posting regularly.

Todd & Diane: Deciding to focus on storytelling. And to do what we wanted to do.

Jaden: Getting my own URL (moving from to and having a professional logo designed.


Q: What was the turning point of your blog, when it became satisfying and you were happy with it?

Matt: When I realized I had met a lot of amazing people.

David: When my site was professionally redesigned a few years ago.


Q: What do you wish you could do better with your blog?

Matt: I wish I could understand the technical aspects better.

David: I wish I caught all the typos.

Elise: I find the challenge of telling the story and writing hard.

Todd and Diane: We wish we had more time to visit more blogs.

Jaden: I wish video and photos editing were more fun.


Q: What advice, in one word or sentence, would you give to people to improve their blogs?

Matt: Be yourself.

David: Find a niche, and try to fill it.

Elise: Be generous.

Jaden: Know what you stand for professionally and personally.

Todd and Diane: Put up your best content.

These are some posts that I’ve found that offer particularly excellent advice about blogging and social media. At the end, I’ve listed some resourceful sites for networking and learning more about food blogging:

An Open Letter to Marketers Who Abuse Social Media for Selfish Gain (Kissmetrics)

13 Steps for Establishing a Popular Writing Blog (Anne R. Allen)

Food Blogger David Lebovitz Interview (Dianne Jacob)

10 Mindful Ways to Use Social Media (Tricycle)

How to Manage Expectations with Your Blog Readers (Problogger)

Ten Things I Learned About Food Photography (The Pioneer Woman)

How to Handle Criticism (The Positivity Blog)

Massive Fail: The Anti-Social World of Social Media (The Punch)

The Do’s and Don’ts of Marketing to Bloggers (Elise Bauer)

My Food Photography Tips and Gear

Advertising 101 for Bloggers (Design*Sponge)

Ten Rules for Foodblogging (The Amateur Gourmet)

Foodblogging—Do’s and Don’ts (Delicious Days)

Will Write for Food

Food Blogger Pro



    • Lael Hazan @educatedpalate

    Hello David:

    Thank you for a most enlightening post. We are still trying to figure out the world of food blogging and your work and guidelines are most helpful. I certainly will be digesting this for awhile. Oddly enough I was just told that “long” blog posts are never read and that I should try to be under 500 words. Your work certainly proves that wrong. Not only have I read the post and will pass it on. It is one that I plan to book mark and refer to again and again.

    I must admit to still being confused about #FF. I often feel that I should thank the fantastic people who mentioned me; however, I too find it annoying to see a lot of #ff’s. It just seems polite. I must confess that I did it this week but not the last three. I’m also confused as to whether to comment back on comments on my post or comment on the blog of the person who wrote them. If the “commentator” doesn’t click that they wish to see follow up posts how will they ever know? What do most people do? I try to only comment when I have something to say. As has been mentioned before, “looks delicious” should be excised from the comment stream.

    Thank you for all of your great tips.

    Lael Hazan

    • My Carolina Kitchen

    Merci beaucoup David for this well written and well thought out post.

    You’ve reminded me of many of the things I’ve learned from belonging to writer’s groups and participating in critique sessions. I was so inspired that I went over my next post with a fine tooth comb and cut out all of the unnecessary chatter and clutter.

    • Linda at Pink Elephants coffee,LLC

    Hysterical laughter overcame hubby and me when I checked my personal profile on Facebook and found that over 5,600 people had “liked” my self-employment page in my profile. There is no information there. That’s what was so funny.

    • Tamara

    Thank you David for this post! I feel like I went to a food bloggers camp/school/convention after reading this…:)) great, sooo helpful post!

    • Pamela Salzman

    Thank you, David, for generously offering these invaluable guidelines. I have been a cooking instructor for three years, but I am brand new to the web. I have never hesitated to give other people advice about how to get started in teaching, but I am surprised at how many competitive people there are who won’t reciprocate. Thank you for reinforcing the idea that blogging is about sharing and community.

    • Juanita

    Thank you so much for this post. I contemplated starting a blog, one of the requirements for participating in the cook-along, Around my French Table by Dorie Greenspan. I didn’t do it because I realize I like to cook but don’t want to take a bunch of pictures and spend lots of time writing, editing, posting, etc. I just want to cook.
    Reading your post about blogging confirms my reluctance to start yet another mediocre blog. It also helps me be a good blog-reader and commenter. What you say should be required reading for anyone who wants to publish on the WWW, not just food writers.
    You are so generous with your knowledge and such a high-energy communicator, I always look forward to your blog and have enjoyed making many of your recipes.

    • Wendy Holloway

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your thoughtful, concise and extremely useful post on food blogging. Food is the driving force of my life and occupies my mind an inordinate amount of my time every day. What I struggle with is putting what I want to say about my life with food into words. Too frequently the blog posts I’ve conceived in my head get abandoned due to writers block (no, not writer block….I’m not a writer, alas).
    You mentioned the “Will Write for Food” blog. I purchased Dianne Jacob’s excellent book with the same title and highly recommend it to anyone doing any kind of food writing.

    • Wendy Holloway

    Addendum: Anyone who happens to read this (and my preceding comment) who knows how to make my name link to my blog is kindly requested to email me with the answer. I see this has been accomplished by a number of others who have left comments.

    • Cinzia from Stile Mediterraneo

    Thank you so much David for sharing all this information with your readers! I think the most important thing is to get started and to start sharing our life and experiences. At the beginning it will never be perfect…but it’s important to start and to learn by doing. I also think it’s very important what you said about not wasting our time thinking about SEO. I am the one who first gets annoyed when I read content written for SEO. However, my question is….when your blog is pretty new and you have very few links back … do you avoid getting frustrated when your blog does not show up at all in search engine results, after all the time you spent trying to write good content and taking pictures?

    • Susie Bee on Maui

    Aloha David,
    So much content-thank you for your effort and selflessness. I feel like I just got a free enrollment for a semester at Blogger University. The somewhat freaky coincidence-although I didn’t delete my cloud, just this morning I went through and eliminated all but 10 or so key categories. It looks much better. I happen to be someone who does click on them on other blogs.

    I’ll be making a “to do” list from your post.

    BTW-Wendy-on your second post, clicking on your name takes me to a Nov 2010 post on “Flavor of Italy”. Whatever link/url you type in the “website” box in comment sections is where readers will be directed if they click.

    • ButterYum

    This is such a helpful post – thank you. I’ll surely read and re-read it many times over.

    • Amber

    David–Thank you so much for this post! I will refer to this again and again. And especially thank you for your kind words about my camp story–and for linking to it. Made my day so much brighter! :)

    • k graham

    What a generous gift of time and energy. Thank you . I read it printed it out and saved it.

    • Delishhh

    The BEST summary of food blogging i have seen to date! Thank you for taking the time to put this inot a post! The question is where do i go from here. . .so many things i should/could change, any advice? It’s hard to balance regular full time life with job and life and have a food blog during your spare time. What should one prioritize? Lots of thinking to do.

    • Jennifer (Savor)

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for spending so much time to writing this and for sharing your knowledge/opinions/experiences/humor.

    • rebecca

    wow thanks so much for this post, its so kind of you to take the time and share your thoughts I agree with all of it really this is a gift to the blogging community

    enjoy the rest of your weekend


    • Johanna GGG

    A great post that seems to require quiet time on the sofa. Much food for thought here and it makes me think about choices I have made for my blog. I confess that I notice the difference in quality of blog posts when I am stretched for time compared to when I have lots of head space to mull over posts – but I still want to write and to post recipes that interest me.

    I love your advice about finding something to say because when I go to posts that just have a recipe and a blurry photo I often walk away (or click away) because I know I can get much more elsewhere

    • KosherCorvid

    I guess I need to spend a little time thinking about what I’m doing. I love to cook, and to share recipes. On the other hand, a $500 camera, or a dedicated server? I can’t afford a stockpot. Not that there’s room for it in my itsy little kitchen. Then again, I wouldn’t even consider going to a food blogging camp. I guess I’m stuck in total amateur mode. I’m okay with that.

    It shocks me that more bloggers don’t have half a million ideas stashed around just waiting to go out. I cook once or twice a day, and even given the repeats that happen in my kitchen (If I make one more peanut butter pudding my cholesterol is going to gain sentience) there are still a lot of recipes to go around.My cheap old camera doesn’t add more than a minute or two to cooking time, and writing it up is probably a better use of internet time than captioned cats.

    My main concern at the moment is to avoid becoming obsessed. I’m actually worried about spending a week with my family and no laptop because I’m going to miss it, even though I’ll still be cooking plenty. I’ll have to, since no one else in my family keeps kosher anymore. How does one keep from thinking more about the blog than the food it’s about?

    Thank you for all the advice, it certainly gives me a lot to keep in mind as I go forward. My photography definitely needs work.

    • Kris

    Alright, alright, I will go purchase a better camera (or use this as a reason to upgrade my phone to a “smarter” one)! Half the time my lack of photog abilities stymie my ability to post. Since I walk the line between food & business it’s sometimes tough to figure out what’s going to make a compelling shot for a post. (What does go well with rant, btw?)

    David, thanks for downloading your thoughts on how you’ve grown and survived in the past years.

    @educatedpalates, you have a great blog – I always read the new posts when you tweet about them!

    • David
    David Lebovitz

    Juanita: Blogging can be a lot of work and effort, but there are things like Tumblr and even Facebook, which offer ways to share information without a big commitment of time and resources. The only drawback is at some point if you want to actually blog, or archive your information somewhere of your own (like on a server or whatever), it’s not that easy to move things around, from what I hear.

    A lot of bloggers start with Typepad and Blogger which are free and they’re very happy..for a while. Then they decide they want more control over their content and switching takes a bit more effort.

    Amber: Your story was a terrific example of how a food blog can break away from the “picture-story-recipe” format and still be a food blog, since it was food (or the food blog camp) that prompted your memories to surface and to share them.

    KosherCorvid: Luckily there’s plenty of ways of getting around spending any money, such as using a service like Blogger or Tumblr, although as I mentioned above, once you build something, it’s quite likely that later on, you might want to “own” all that stuff. (You can get space on a shared server for as little as $4.99/month, which gives you the option of moving it to a larger server later, if you want/need to.) Also when you don’t have the information stored somewhere yourself, you risk getting shut down, like Yahoo! recently did with and Geocities, which were pretty popular back in their day.

    As for spending a lot on a camera, I just uploaded the app for the iPhone Instamatic and I’ve noticed a few bloggers, including a professional photographer (Penny De Los Santos), using that application on their sites. I think the pictures are fun and can be modified and given a certain feel, which can be just as effective (or more so) than “professional quality” photographs from a DSLR. Molly from Orangette also switched from digital to Polaroid-style photos very effectively.

    Lael: Follow Friday (#FF) I think initially was a good idea, but turned a bit into massive tweets and retweets. The Oatmeal did a pretty funny cartoon about it: How Follow Friday is SUPPOSED to work.

    I think it’s a bit like when food blogs were starting out, there were a lot of events and “memes” where folks passed around information and “tagged” each other. So word got out and people discovered new blogs. However when things feel like obligations or “homework”, interest wanes, which is when all those memes stopped.

    At this point, I think if you want to point people to a Twitterer you like, or whatever, it’s best just to tweet that anytime you see fit. Otherwise as that cartoon pointed out, the Twitterverse on Friday just looks like a lot of names and links and hashtags and the whole thing gets diluted. And am not sure it’s really effective and if it’s stressing people out to have to thank or retweet everything, it starts to sound more like that homework and an obligation rather than something you want to do.

    Also I think it’s hard to thank everyone, and people should just send out links (like folks do on their blogs) without expecting anything in return. I link out when I think that information will be useful or interesting to readers (like that link to The Oatmeal), not because I’m expecting him to write me back for linking to him.

    However I’d be interested in people saying something otherwise about #FF…

    Pamela: I think a lot of people with blogs are quite generous. Even Darren Rowse who has the blog Problogger, which is huge, freely gives a lot of valuable information out. He has another blog that makes a lot of money & even though I don’t know him at all, much of the stuff he shares is helpful. Now that the medium of blogging has grown, it’s much harder to stay on top of it all, but sites like Food Blog Alliance and Food Blog Forum (linked at the end of the post) are excellent resources to find and share information amongst experienced food bloggers and people just starting out.

    Susan: When I started writing cookbooks, I was surprised that it wasn’t, lucrative. True, some people do well. But the majority of cookbooks sell reasonably well, but the renumeration usually isn’t equal to the amount of work that goes into it. So I always tell people (and others say this too), “You write a book because you have something to say.”

    Same with blogging. It’s pretty hard to jump into a crowded field and stand out. And it’s certainly possible, but first you have to love (or like) what you’re doing. And if it becomes successful—great. If not, well, at least you’re doing something you like to do.

    Amongst people who collect art and other collectibles, there’s an expression “Buy what you like”…because even if you think it might later be a good investment, sometimes you’re stuck with something that isn’t. But if you like it, that’s all that matters.

    • angela

    I was one of the lucky people to get this from the horse’s, I mean David’s, mouth at food blogger camp. It was great to read your points here again David and to realise that without even referring to my notes that I have remembered a lot of the key points you made in your seminar at FBC and that I have tried to implement them in my blog. You are a voice talking in the back of my head, reminding me how to do things the ‘right’ way. Its a strange and unknown path you tread when you first start a blog and you have helped me to find my way (is that a violin in the background?) Thank you.

    • Adrienne Matt

    Amen for “sitting” on a post until it is done. Amen for using different forms of social media in the right Context. Amen for usable content and smart titles. (It’s Sunday, so I guess it’s Amen time.)
    And thank you for such a thorough post. Looking forward to seeing you at next year’s Food Blogger Camp!

    • Diane@2stews

    Perfect timing David. I had set aside the next few weeks to revamp my blog and have made some mental notes from your post for that process. I agree, blog because you love it or feel you have something to share. The friendships I’ve formed from blogging are ones I never would have been able to form. I also love that I push myself to learn more about the technical and creative parts of blogging and am often inspired by others (including you.) My Strunk and White and camera manual sit beside my laptop like a smart older sibling at the ready to inform.

    If we are lucky/smart, we will continue to learn, evolve and smile as we all connect.

    Thank you for this post, I will refer back often.

    • Shaheen {The Purple Foodie}

    Thank you so much for this very detailed post, David. I’m going to take a print of this and read on my way to class tomorrow morning. It’s very thoughtful of you to have taken the time to put down your opinion and advice for all of us to learn from. Thank you.

    • Lyndsey

    Wow! You have a lot of good info here and I find myself with a post with some of your “don’ts”. I first posted it without then thought, well they want to know why I was missing I should acknowledge that…then changed it (don’t). Some of the “don’ts” are part of what I am or makes it a little more….me. I also have a lot of you “dos”. :D so that is good to know.

    I always break up my writing with photos and more smaller paragraphs, because I feel the same way about reading long stretches or oceans of words. I also don’t enjoy going to site that don’t have anything, but just the recipe. It might be the greatest recipe, but I won’t spend any time there and probably won’t return.

    I don’t consider myself a writer so it’s hard for me, but I do have a good sense of humor and hope people pick that up…or they just find me to be a doof! I am definitely doing it for fun and family and am completely myself. I want to thank you for all this info, I read all of it (I can’t believe I did that). This is my first visit and I will be back!

    • Alice at Northeast Locavore

    I blog for fun and absolutely love it. The last few months my day job has gotten very stressful, which in turn has made posting difficult. Photographing recipes and writing meaningful content takes so much time it is like having a second job (as everyone here knows). I recently decided to put the blog on hold to alleviate some pressure but now I feel like I’m missing an arm! Blog ideas keep popping into my head and then I think “Oh, right….I’m not blogging anymore”.

    This post is insightful and inspiring, especially the simple advice to write shorter posts if you don’t have the time. It’s an obvious solution but one I wasn’t considering because I had created my own standard of what I should and shouldn’t be doing that is ridiculous at this point in time. Hearing a fellow blogger say it’s okay makes a difference and I thank you for that. Also, thank you for your outstanding, hilarious tweets that make me laugh out loud in the middle of the day at my stressful job. It’s is true what they say – “Laughter is the best medicine”.

    • Beth

    I found this link through Chow and Chatter. Thank you for all the great suggestions; this is a post I’ll come back to more than once. Your ideas about blog names were particularly interesting. Being both writer and baker, I thought mine was perfect, but having read your comments about ‘musings’ I’m not so sure! Thanks for all the advice.

    • Victor @ Random Cuisine

    This is such an insightful post. You are right everyone has its own style in blogging, but I feel that quite a few food bloggers have the mentality of following the style of the “big” blogs, which is not appropriate and does not reflect who they are. I see even some are “struggling” with their blog as if they are forced to blog like every 2-3 days.

    I see food blogging as something fun to do if I have some free time to spare. I considered myself as a very busy person as I work over 50 hours/week since I love my job as a physicist.

    My blogging style has been consistent since I started my blog in December 2008: teach viewers how to cook/bake with step-by-step pictures. I guess that’s how I get a solid fan based on my blog. I have been using a point-and-shoot camera since the beginning, and mostly I cook at night. I take pictures with a decent lighting about 3-4 lamps and then edit my pictures with Photoshop Lightroom. I’m pretty happy with my camera.

    • Janet Mendel

    Saludos from Spain. Thanks for your very insightful comments about food blogging, so helpful for those of us who don’t get to camp.

    I blog for fun, yes, but mainly to keep a hand in, get me out there poking around in markets, tasting stuff, talking to food people around the country. I love that and the blog gives me an excuse to write about it. But, I sympathize with commenter, Cinzia, above, about the frustration of not generating readership or attracting links to the site. Is there some SEO that’s good?

    • Margie MacKenzie

    Thanks, David! I’ve had a blog for 1 year and have just began more regular postings and I think I’ve found both my niche and my voice, and I love to write, as well as cook. I’ve already made a few changes to my site based on your suggestions and will spend some time implementing others. Thanks for being so generous, honest and funny. Looking forward to reading more of your posts and hopefully attending a boot camp someday.

    • Trevor

    Bloody good of you really to spend so much time ruminating on all that and then sharing it. Personally I don’t think of myself as a real blogger – what I have is, like it says on the tin, a sort of open diary whose only raison d’être is to keep family and friends scattered about the world more or less up to date with what’s going on in our lives over here in Ole Yurrup. Food comes into it a lot, but that’s because we love food, and it’s an important part of our lives.

    Maybe one of these days, if I ever get around to opening that gîte gastronomique somewhere down a bit further south-west from Savoie, that will change …

    Thanks for your time, the good advice, and your own clear, distinguishable and always interesting voice.

    • Christine (The Flexitarian Cook)

    I just ditched my tag cloud – thanks for the suggestion. Your post was very helpful, and while I think my blog falls more or less within the (tasty) parameters you mention, I know there are still things for me to work on, which is precisely what makes blogging fun: the whole work-in-progress aspect of it. It’s a project that’s never ‘done’. I love that.

    Btw, glad I’m not a drooler; no afternoon pills and pudding for me (yet).

    • Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

    Hi David – your Gloria Allred comment cracked me up!

    I missed the Boot Camp but feel well informed now. I found many of your insights very useful. Thank you and best wishes for continued good luck with your terrific blog.
    Lori Lynn

    • Anne R. Allen

    I just found your blog because so many readers were coming over to my blog from this address. Thanks a bunch for the link!

    What a comprehensive post on food blogging! I’ve got it bookmarked. I write mostly for fiction writers, but food writing isn’t that different from other writing (except that you need more visuals–I’m not a big fan of lots of graphics and video for fiction writers. No need to slow or upstage your own content.)

    The most important thing is just what you said–it’s all about connecting with people. Great post.

    • Elizabeth

    I hope you got the suit, too. Keep us updated.

    I’m on the verge of shelling out the big bucks for my new food site. Site or shamefully $$$$ designer everyday handbag?

    Defense of purse: it would make people take me seriously–despite my occasional bad mommy fashion day. And, purse is also the soft/chalky/camel pink color that I use for my brand.

    If your site and it’s improvements helped you with business (or self-image), I’d love to know it.

    So much good information. You’re a star.


    • My Kitchen in the Rockies

    David, I was going to attend the Yucatan Camp. My husband gave me the green light. I just felt bad using up all this time and money to myself. We travel annually as a family to Mexico. After reading your post, I really regret it. It is bookmarked and it looks like I am on the right track with a few things, but need a lot of improvement in other areas. I keep cleaning up my blog, but somehow clutter collects so easily. It is like a home, just happens over night. My new camera was a great investment. I would never go back. But I would also recommend spending some money in good lighting for all the people that don’t have the opportunity to use day light. I cook in the evenings, so my alienbee strobe lights have done wonders! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge.
    I enjoy your blog a lot and look forward to your posts.
    Greetings from Colorado.

    • Ishita S.

    Hi David,

    Long-time reader, first-time commenter here. Thanks so much for this post! I started my own food blog just over a year ago, and I’m still trying to find my footing. Reading this inspired me to rethink how I write and what I want my blog to be (and also my use of “yummy” and “delicious” — though I’m not sure what it says about me that I use both quite often in regular conversations…)

    Thanks again,
    Ishita S.

    • Barbara | VinoLuciStyle

    Thank you for the wealth of information from your perspective and real life experience. I love how you don’t seem to take a hard and fast rule stance on some things that are hot buttons today including cupcakes and whether or not I can call a good one delicious! I take those directives pretty lightly and in response have come up with a couple of my own words…including my most popular which is yummlummadingdong.

    Kirsten from My Kitchen in the Rockies is a member of a new group I’ve started called Front Range Foodies and we meet once a month for people along the Rocky Mountain Front Range which is mostly Denver and those within an hour north or south. Yesterday we discussed cameras and lighting and while there was not one professional in sight I believe everyone left here with new knowledge and it’s that sharing, that synergy of spirit that has been most helpful to me in my blogging journey.So I thank you for sharing with us, it’s much appreciated and we’ll be linking this article from the Meetup group so that all of our members can benefit. Of course if you’re ever inclined to come Colorado way; I could create an audience for you easily!

    I’ve actually been putting recipes online for 16 years but for many of those years they were just that, recipes. A storage place where I could share with my friends and family…now that effort has evolved into my blog, that family has grown and I include among it a growing population of food blogging clients so your information is valuable not only to me but to people I work with too…thanks again.

    • Stephanie

    David, what an awesome and useful post. I really appreciate the tips you’ve listed here. It was refreshing to read and remind myself why I blog. I’m a professional writer and an amateur blogger (full time writer, but just blogging for family/friends) but the advice really rang true for me as well.

    I think the blogosphere could be a happier and cleaner place if we all tried to follow even just a few of these ideas and tips.

    On another note, I hate content farms. Abhor them.

    • Amanda

    Good Lord, it’s generous of you to post this. By the time I finished reading, my face was completely screwed up with the effort of concentration trying to absorb it all. I’ll have to bookmark this, and I know I’ll come back to it again and again. I barely understand what Twitter is, yikes. Though I’m told I must get on there post haste for the sake of my blog.
    Thank you David!

    • Carlos

    Thanks for this advice David. Your comprehensive tips will help many. :)

    • David
    David Lebovitz

    My Kitchen in the Rockies: I try to use natural light as much as possible, which I sometimes fill in by using a piece of white styrofoam to fill in shadows, but I do have a Canon speedlight which I didn’t think I would use as much as I do. But because Paris is awfully dark in the winter, it really opened up the window to what times I could shoot food in my apartment. They have a version that costs around $150 and I think they’re pretty worthwhile. (If using one, the light should be pointed straight up at the ceiling, for best results.)

    Some people, like Jaden of Steamy Kitchen, swear by the Lowel EGO light or table top light boxes, although I haven’t used one.

    Barbara: It’s true that people can hook up and share with like-minded people, and blogging events and get-togethers are popping up all over the place. And thank you for the tip about retitling my Feedburner e-mail headers!

    Ishita: I think it’s okay to use words like “Yummy” and “delicious” if that’s how you talk (I do, sometimes.) It’s just that the overuse of any word can be repetitive for readers and writers. It is a challenge that food writers face – to come up with new or interesting words other than standards.

    • Daniel

    Damn (yes, thats what I would say in real life) this has been a great article. If my boss knows that I spent all the time to read this fantastic article he would have killed me (no reason to make himself dirty).
    Its great advice. Thank you so much.

    • Ulrika

    Such a great and thorough blog, David! Thanks for the tips and the time you took to write it.

    Re typos, I copy the text into my mail (yahoo, gmail, work email, etc) and spellcheck it there. Problem solved.

    • sandy

    “Ree of The Pioneer Woman is likely the busiest person in the world with life on a ranch, scooping up cow piles, homeschooling four kids, and writing books, but she posts a few times a week.”

    I think The Pioneer Woman has help, that’s why she’s able to post almost everyday on each of her topics. I thought it was a little unfair to use her as an example of someone who’s busy but still manages to post regularly.

    Perhaps Smitten Kitchen would have been a better example. I don’t know much about her but have noticed that she does get too busy to post every single day, and she doesn’t have a gazillion topics on her site.

    • cookinmiami

    How the heck do I write in my own voice and not use too many exclamation points!!!
    If you could view my words as they exit my mouth they would be followed by multiple exclamation points, …..umm?, and ????. Now if I could only figure out what punctuation denotes hand movements, then I could write so you’d have a clear vision of how I am.

    • David
    David Lebovitz

    Ulrika: Because I need to write in HMTL code, spellcheck goes haywire if I use it. And I’ve even tried using one of the proofreading plug-ins but it doesn’t catch common goofs. I’ve decided there’s other things to worry about and I’m happier posting more frequently, but stressing out about it less : )

    • Penny De Los Santos

    Great post with really valuable information. It’s food blogging 101 for the wanna be savvy and sexy. I actually changed the side bar on my blog after reading this post.
    Thanks for the advice.

    • Sarah

    Thank you so much for this blog post! I’m trying to start a food/cooking blog and these tips have helped a lot. Been reading your blog for a while now, and I bought your “Ready for Dessert” book. Love it!
    I was wondering what your feelings are on anonymity in blogging. I’m not sure how much I want to reveal about myself and my location, and I’ve seen all those TV specials on “the dangers of the internet’ and whatnot, but I know having a name (and maybe a face) on a blog makes it a lot more personal. What do you think?

    • MainStreetHost

    You’re absolutely right, you shouldn’t write for search engines alone. There is, however, a way to write your posts so that they are informative to the reader while being search engine friendly at the same time. And let’s face it, visibility leads to more visitors coming to your blog and some of those visitors just may turn into the “wine-drinkers” you hope to have stopping by :)

    • justcooknyc

    not only have I already made tweaks to my own blog after reading this, I’m also sending this around to authors of mine, hoping they will learn from it. really well done.

    • Kathleen

    Hi David,
    What is your opinion about re-using material from past blog posts? Sort of like an encore post?

    • Sarah

    Thank you so much for this post, David! I truly appreciate the information. As a new blogger, I am still learning etiquette! That being said, would you mind sharing your opinion regarding including pure links to recipes on my site? I cite the source multiple times, but is it necessary to ask permission if a direct link is include? I appreciate the help, and thank you so much for the guidelines!


    • Caffettiera

    Salted butter caramel flavored lip balm already exists. I had one specimen when I bought a huge bag of leftover Christmas theme pieces at Lush.

    • Cj

    Those are pretty good advice, tho I will worry about them after I get used to regularly post things on my blog. I like the style of writing on your blog. Unfortunately I haven’t tried many recipes due to lack of time and ingredients constraints from being a poor graduate student (actually first saw the blog as I was hunting for macaron recipes, then realized the intricacies and decide to learn about it after I graduate perhaps).

    that’s a lot of checks. I use dreamhost and if you pay for website hosting, they provide a wiki, photo album thing, WordPress blog, MySQL database (all of which I have tried) and other things like amazon cloud all for free. Its ~$100 a year but you can get like $90 off coupon for the first yr online.

    • tgill

    David hi. I’ve just stumbled across your column while trying to get info on Numericable, so far we have had no problem with them.
    We bought an apartment in Montmartre 4 yrs ago, we had been visiting for years before that, and we love visiting. However we have done all the sights numerous times and are now looking for some offbeat and out of the way things to do and see, both for ourselves and the kids and also for friends and family who also use it. Any suggestions, I shall be bookmarking your blog as in another life I was a caterer and I am a lifelong chocaholic

    • bleach cosplay

    I like the style of writing on your blog.

    • Nuts about food

    Hi David, this was an extremely informative, well-written, interesting post. As a pretty new blogger I have a lot to learn and appreciate all the experience a long-time chef and blogger like you has to offer. Thank you for your insight, for being objective in pretty much everything you write and wickedly funny too. And for your great recipes of course. ça va sans dire

    • Sophie

    Hi David
    Thank you so much for this “how to” post. I’m new in the world of blogging and found your tips and tricks very useful.
    The best thing about your blog is that its not like a manual but you give all the information packed in a fun read.
    Keep it up!

    • Jill Puleo

    As a new food blogger, I can not thank you enough for your encouraging and constructive advice. Your blog is an archetype of good taste…in more ways than one. I wish you endless joy and hope that you continue to share your beautiful life in foodie heaven with us all!

    • Christine

    I am “old” in the world of blogging – just passed my 6th year – and saved your post for when I had some downtime to give it the attention it deserves. While reading it this morning I found myself taking notes, jotting down links to visit, and putting my own blog up to the scrutiny it needs. Thank you for making your presentation to the Food Blogger Camp available to us all. You are are an exceptional teacher – did you know that? This old blogger has definitely learned some new tricks.

    • Alessandra Zecchini

    Dear David,

    thank you for this.

    I mostly enjoy blogging, But sometimes I have some feelings… blogging and the pursuit of happiness… I think that I made some good friends, and then I find that there is a certain competition from some parts. There is a lot of competition in the food publishing world, I had a taste of that and didn’t like it. I thought blogging was going to be relaxing, just sharing recipes, why unpaid writers need to be competitive?

    Maybe for some there is some money or glory at the end of it, maybe there is something I don’t know yet (here in New Zealand we don’t have so many food bloggers yet), Maybe you could tell me why there seems to be so many bloggers that are… unhappy!

    thank you and ciao


    • David
    David Lebovitz

    alessandra: My friends who blog are all pretty happy. Some have a lot of traffic (and I mean, a lot..) and others have almost none. Yet what they share is that they’re all enjoying it.

    I think a lot of people get into it for reasons they’re not clear about, or don’t realize how much energy it’s going to take. Then they let it get them down, which was one of the reasons I mentioned in this post that folks shouldn’t let all that stuff worry them like SEO and stats. Another side is that as more people jump into something, there’s bound to be some discontent for whatever reason. Luckily everyone I know is happy to be blogging and I love the diversity of all of us out there…it’s what making blogging so interesting.

    Christine: Six years is really quite a while, so you’ve seen quite a bit. Am glad you liked the post – perhaps you have some tips to share as well on your site? I bet you’ve learned a lot, too..

    tgill: Am glad you’re happy with Numericable. But everytime I walk by their office, there’s a mob of angry people, and if you mention their name to a French person, they’ll likely let loose a strong of profanities (like I do.) I was fine with them until I “upgraded”…which was went all went wrong. And getting out of my contract was a nightmare. Whatever you do, don’t chose “automatic bill pay” – if you have, I suggest trying to change it now while you’re still in their good graces.

    Kathleen: Some people go back and update old posts. I’ve done it once or twice, if I have something profound to add to one. I recently did it for one triggered by a wonderful pastry I had, in fact. But as a rule, I think just when appropriate it’s fine, but long-time readers like to read fresh content. I also think you need to be careful because if you have lots links in your site to other posts, reposting things can alter their URL and make the links elsewhere invalid. (And if other people linked to them elsewhere as well.)

    • Heena @Tiffin Tales

    Hi David,
    I love how yours posts are so varied – some make me double over in laughter, some make me wish I could hop on to the next plane to Paris and some, like this one, are so full of practical advice that I find myself taking notes.
    I’m relatively new to the blogging world. When I started, I wanted to share my stories and my love of food with everyone. I could have never imagined how many friends I made in the process. It is the one aspect of blogging that came as the most pleasant surprise.
    My biggest difficulty recently has been posting frequently – with a recent move, a full-time job, multiple part-time classes and a firm resolution to avoid lazy writing, my space has been a little silent for a couple of months. Your advice about short posts and doing it in sound bites is something that is going to really help me with a new perspective.
    Thank you!
    P.S. I’m halfway through The Sweet Life in Paris and haven’t read such an entertaining account of the city in a while.
    Also, thanks for your candied bacon recipe. I used it recently to make Candied Bacon and Rosemary Shortbread. I wish I could mail you a batch.

    • Renee

    Thank you for this, David! Perfect timing for me, as my blog is a brand new baby of one month old. I’ve taken your suggestions to heart, and my tag cloud may have to burst. And I have to cut down on the !!!!. I love your blog. It’s inspriring, and makes me love what I do, too.

    • Margie

    as always, informative and compelling. You say things so well, with humor and heart.

    • Evie

    David, after reading your posting my head is abuzz with new thoughts about my blog. Thanks for the kick-up the pants. I appreciate the level of detail you go into on these really helpful pieces. As for you finding a link to you on someone’s blog which revealled rather more than you would like, I hope that wasn’t mine. I’ve now take it off, just in case.

    • Shaheen {The Purple Foodie}

    Hi David, is there a way I could print all the comment to read through on the train? Thanks so much.

    • Liz

    It was great to read your perspective about all these things — of course there’s no right way to write a food blog, but these methods are clearly working for you, and it’s useful and interesting for the rest of us.

    I found it amusing that one of your tips in this long essay was to break up blocks of text with lots of pictures (and I’m surprised you didn’t poke fun at yourself over that). The large number of people who clearly read to the end is further testament to this post’s value.

    Me, it took me three sittings and several days, but I read it all. And then I deleted my tag cloud.

    • Laura Kumin

    David –

    The outpouring of comments just confirms what many of us already knew, ie. that you have an uncanny ability to inspire, teach and make us laugh. (Best lesson of all, you remind us to laugh at ourselves sometimes!) Even your ability to generate thoughtful, funny comments is amazing.

    Your generous advice is so good, I’ve decided that my ordinary bookmarking system won’t work for this one. I’m going to have to put this post in a “league of its own” so that I can refer to it whenever I’m in need of a reminder of how to get over writer’s block, how to deal with blogging/social media issue, how to bake/cook something or how to get my sense of humor back after a particularly difficult day. Hope you enjoyed writing it a fraction as much as we’ve enjoyed – and benefited – from reading it. Many thanks.

    • tastingsf

    Hi David

    Thanks for this post. I’m new to this food blogging thing and it was really interesting to hear your perspective. I frequently feel nervous telling people I know about my site because I don’t feel that I’m a “writer”. I was really glad to read here that your blog should sound like you talking – it was good validation! That is always how I try to write specifically because I don’t think I’m a good enough writer to do it any other way. Even then, I frequently struggle and then try to pretend that I’m just writing an email to a good friend about what I did that weekend, which usually helps and definitely keeps it more casual and in my ‘voice’.

    After doing this for a year, at times I get discouraged by the lack of hits I’m getting and have to remind myself that I’m doing this for me – that the whole point of me even starting doing this was as a creative outlet. Your post was a great reminder that it isn’t about hits or comments or SEO – you should be doing it for yourself even if no one else is reading.

    I really enjoy your site and recipes. Thank you for the inspiration.

    • Dina @ The Dish and The Dirt

    Thanks for a helpful article and useful tips. I admit that I’m guilty of some transgressions that you note, but I’m forever trying to get past St. Peter’s gates in the blog world. On a side note, I love that you mentioned useful tips — like tipping in Paris — as I just posted this week all about that.

    • Angela

    I really appreciate this post. The most important part for me was the reminder of why I am blogging. I am not just trying to get people to visit my site; I am trying to do something that is creative and meaningful and allows me to connect with some amazing bloggers. I am going to try to use some of your tips to make my blog easier to navigate for my followers.

    • Melissa

    A truly fantastic post, David – by far the most thorough and intelligent collection of blogging tips I’ve seen anywhere. It’s certainly given me a lot of food for thought…!

    p.s. I’m tickled pink by the mention :)

    • Kathleen

    Thanks for the advice David! I really appreciate it.

    • Jess

    Thanks for such an informative post. I read it in my jammies at 3 in the afternoon (though I was on the sofa, not in bed). :) I’ve been blogging just over a year now. It started out as just a way to document recipes that my hubs and i made since we kept misplacing the post it notes we would write them on. i now have a small following and so it has recently been much more about sharing information and engaging with my readers. i appreciate your sound advice in this post since so many “tips for bloggers” encourage SEO stuff and view success as simply the number of hits you receive. i think it is important to remember that we started this for fun – keeps everything in perspective.

    • Eva

    What a wonderful post. I’ve thought about starting a food blog mostly to document my growth coming into the world of cooking and baking. I found the whole idea overwhelming. However, you’ve provided information that has helped clarify the process.

    Thank you very much and I sincerely enjoy your blog.

    • Kelli Samson

    This is amazing! You’ve helped this newbie out immensely and made me feel like I am kind of doing it right! Woot! Props to you! Now I must go eat some tiramisu. You do the same.
    {just realized I used way too many exclamation points…this is going to be a hard habit to break…}

    • Lisa Rainer @ Healthful Sense

    This is a very informative article. I am now debating whether or not to take out my tag cloud :) I would appreciate any feedback if you get a chance to visit my blog. Thanks again.

    • Gerry

    Here an enthousiastic blogger from Holland. I wrestled myself through your long piece of advice (missed some pictures to break up the block?!). I will definitely take most points to heart. I think I understood most of it, but I have a problem with the ‘ask for permission’part. Even though we sometimes might invent our own new recipes, most times they will be inspired or even copied from cookbooks or other people’s blogs. You yourself get over 240 comments on 1 blogpost so imagine responding to all the ‘permission to publish’requests. I feel a lot stronger against copying pictures, even though it is quite the same thing. I hope I didn’t make to many goofy language mistakes, I did my upmost best! (sorry). Wish everyone a good blogging Year.

    • Sam

    As someone who is hoping to start a food blog I found your advice really inspiring. I know what my niche is but I have been hesitant about giving it a go. What you wrote made the process of starting a good blog seem less daunting. Thank you!

    • Eat Drink Smile

    Howdy David:
    Those tips of yours in starting food blogs are incredibly helpful and succinct!
    I also appreciate the answers you posted reflecting food blogging from the leaders during your camp. The post was quite long but I love reading it over and over.
    Thanks DAVID, keep posting ;))

    • Sommer@ASpicyPerspective

    Hi David,

    Ok, ok, so I use to many exclamation points!!! But I get really excited about the food and content I’m putting on my blog.

    Loved this article and found many things I can adapt and use right now. You are a gem for sharing you knowledge. Thanks! :)

    • Rachelino

    David, Thank you for being so generous and posting this here. You could have saved this for presentations or other engagements and instead went to the trouble of sharing it on your site. Thank you.

    • volvo 0721


    You just crushed my blog dream. I suck at everything. Oh, well maybe I will find half blind, illiterate readers.What have I got myself into? I am pulling up my socks and come hell or high water. I will just post, and post until I either recluse to a hole in the wall, or go back to therapy.Do you have a recipe for Prozac? I think I am going to need it. Your big blog scared me…..:) All things aside. At least you made it!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      This wasn’t meant to scare anyone, it was intended to reassure people that it’s okay to blog as you wish and not to worry about things like traffic and SEO if you’re not really interested in those things. But I did include tips that people with food blogs might be interested in like how to properly attribute recipes if you use other people’s and a few photo tips. Still, a blog is a web-log and there’s no one right or wrong way to do it!

    • Mrs. Itazura

    This post has quite a bit of excellent information, thank you for sharing!

    I’d like to add the following to the ‘words to steer clear of’ list:

    Sammie/ Sammy

    Especially EVOO. It makes me rage. I will leave your site and never return if I see that. Seriously.

    • volvo 0721

    I am truly honored David visited my little blog. OH MY GOD! I am in blog heaven. Thanks for the tips, will try to some how grow into a serious blogger one day. Baby steps. I am baking your Devil foods cake for my friend Anette’s 40th birthday today. I am great full that you allow this “little blogger” hope! Thanks for stopping by.Tootles, till next time.

    • Julie @ Willow Bird Baking

    This is a fantastic post full of great advice. Thanks for writing this out thoughtfully and compiling a wealth of resources.

    • Mariana Muniz

    Dear David,
    I don’t have words to say how relieved I was with your post. I am a Brazilian dermatologist and food is my passion, almost an obsession. I’ve always wanted to do something about food: writing a book, opening a boulangerie-bistrot, creating gourmet tours in Brazil… And well, my first step was writing a blog, wich I’ve started 2 months ago. The first thing that got my attention was that I felt I was not writing a food blog, focused only on the recipes itself as you mentioned. People with others interests would enjoy it as well. It was about stories and food hystory. And soon my feedback was about the way I was writing or how they felt when they were reading it, as I was talking about my adventures in Provence or an obsessive cannelé hunt in Paris, or how food triggers so many emotions in our lives and how I ended up crying reading the real madeleine excerpt in Proust’s “In Search of Lost Time”… And of course, when you feel you really have something to say, you want to be heard.

    So I’ve started looking how to make my blog get attention in Google. But it was all so bureaucratic and boring… So distant with all I was doing… And when I read your post it really helped me with my “newbie” anxiety… Because that’s right, people are coming back because they like my style, my “voice”… And so I realized that what I have (and want) to do is “simply” make the blog more accessible- I will have it redesigned professionally, probably with my own URL and have an entry for English language, so that people all over the world can access it (in a few months as I am 8 months pregnant…). So thank you, thank you, thank you for showing me that numbers aren’t the real goal when you do something that you believe for passion!

    • David
    David Lebovitz

    Mariana: Just after I put this post up, Google announced a new recipe search feature which only includes blogs and websites that follow their “rich snippets” coding. While this is intended to make recipe searches online better of higher quality, it also means that bloggers must add code and format recipes in a certain way, to conform. (I did a test recipe on my site and it didn’t make it because I used the term “2 to 3 minutes”, which they said wasn’t precise enough.)

    So I’m conflicted because of course, I would like my recipes to show up on Google but I also think that recipe writing is very personal and most of the great food writer’s recipes would not fit into those parameters. Plus with so many blogs, if someone writes a recipe for “Roast Chicken”, it’s going to be hard to get on that coveted first page of Google. And people with food blogs might want to ask themselves; “Is this why I’m blogging?” As someone who is a doctor, you have a career and are likely blogging for fun. So keep up the good work in both fields – !

    • Mariana Muniz

    Dear David,
    I will have a look on this new Google tool as well as other links you suggested in your post. Yes, a I am a doctor and have a career, but I’m intending to change it on the next years. Pregnancy makes you slow down and rethink a lot about your life. And I was thinking- what makes me happy? Better: if I won the lottery, become a millionnaire, what would I do? I would not buy sport cars, or buy the ultra top laser equipment for my office. or stop working… I would cook and open my little boulangerie. So, do I really have to win the lottery to do that? Of course not! Of course, I won’t be irresponsible right now- it is not the time yet. I’m having my children, buyng my house, etc etc. But Brazil is in the hot spot for the next 4-6 years- we will have the Soccer World Cup and The Olympic games here… So, my blog indeed is for fun right now. And because food blogging is not taken seriously here in Brazil, I could never make a life on that. But it is my first step into the culinary world. In the next couple of years I intend to write a book based on my blog and do a boulangerie/pâtisserie course in France- I was thinking the Bellouet Conseil, as their course takes 12 weeks only- do you have any suggestion? I speak french fluently, so I don’t need classes translated in English…
    Again, thank you so much for your post and for your attention on writing back.
    If you ever come to Brazil, let me know! I am from Rio (the most beautifull city!), live in Sao Paulo (the country’s food meca) and my family is from the Amazon region (the hot spot for Adriá, M Bottura and others as I heard…).

    • Meghna


    Very informative article! I was referred to your article by a fellow blogger in response to needing some advice on food blogging. I am a novice food blogger and trying to blog well enough to attract quality readers. I appreciate your suggestions and useful links offering excellent advice for blogging. I will be keeping your advice in mind as I blog.


    • Anna

    Hi David,
    Thanks for the thorough post. I’ve been considering adding a blog to my commercial site and your post offered up some questions I should answer for myself first. Also, AIM stands for AOL Instant Messenger- a service about as antiquated and useful as a the pony express at this point… I’d be amazed if anyone is even using it anymore.


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