A Visit to Babycakes NYC (Video)
Whenever I go to New York City, I am always delighted to spend some time with my friend Erin McKenna, owner and head baker at Erin McKenna Bakery, one of the sweetest places in Manhattan. On this visit, we had a nice chat, then headed to the kitchen where she taught me how to make gluten-free doughnuts (recipe included) and create the signature frosting swirl on their fantastic cupcakes, which I was anxious to master. Those who succeed, have the distinct honor of proudly wearing the BabyCakes uniform. Spoiler: I almost succeeded!
Related Links
BabyCakesNYC (DavidLebovitz.com)
BabyCakes Covers the Classics (Amazon)
Start Your Own…Bakery (NY Magazine)
BabyCakes (Gluten-Free Girl)
Quit Your Job! A Q&A with Erin McKenna of BabyCakes (The Awl)