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Paris Flea Markets

When I lived in a small apartment, I had to pass on many of the great things I would find at flea markets and antique sales in Paris. As Parisians say: “Something in…something out” โ€“ meaning that if you brought something into your apartment, you had to get rid of something else to make room for it. Which can be a challenge when there’s so much good stuff to find out there!

Paris Flea Markets

What a difference a few years, and a few extra square meters, make. Now that I’ve got some more space in my apartment after moving a couple of years ago, I’ve resumed scouting the vide-greniers and brocantes again, scooping up odds and ends. When I put photos on my Instagram stream, as I wander through the pop-up flea markets in Paris, the invariable question comes up: “Where are you?” So in response to folks that want to know where I shop, this listing is for you.

Paris Flea Markets

There’s plenty of stuff that people get rid of because it’s old-fashioned or not needed, so it is possible to pick up vintage cookware, linens, and other things that locals cast off. And I’m happy to buy them! In a city like Paris, you won’t find people giving away stuff (like you’ll find out in the countryside), but you can still score plenty of bargains if you look.

Paris Flea Markets

I’ve developed a bit of a “bottom feeder” mentality and avoid the traditional flea markets, the Marchรฉ aux Puces de Saint-Ouen (usually referred to as the Marchรฉ Clignancourt), and the Marchรฉ aux Puces de la Porte de Vanves, and stick to the brocantes that pop up in Paris during nice weather in the various neighborhoods. (On the other hand, if you’re in Paris for a short time, the Clignancourt market can be interesting to poke around in.) Prices are much lower and it’s more fun to see what pops up as people are unloading their trucks. Below are tips on how to find them, since it’s not as obvious to visitors when and where they’ll be.

Paris Flea Markets

It’s good to know the nomenclature. Flea markets (Marchรฉs aux puces) refers to the larger, fixed-location flea (puces) markets in Paris, but it’s the brocantes and vide-greniers that I find the most interesting. Vide-grenier means “clean your attic,” which refers to the bric-a-brac nature of the market, where people are emptying out their attics, basements, and if you’re lucky…their kitchens!

A brocante is an open-air sale that includes professional dealers, but they’re lower priced than the fancy antiquaire markets and exhibitions. Most brocantes in Paris are a mix of dealers and particuliers, or individuals, who are non-professionals.

A braderie refers to a sale where things are marked down and there are rarely professionals, and a braderie often refers to a sale when things are sold rummage sale-style. (For the sake of discussion, I’m just going to refer to outdoor flea markets as brocantes, as they are referred to in Paris. Braderie is a term used more in the countryside.

Paris Flea Markets

Garage sales and sidewalk sales aren’t permitted in France, so vide-greniers are the closest equivalent. These are collective sales held in various neighborhoods and folks in the neighborhood bring objects that they want to sell. These can be hit-or-miss. Sometimes it’s a lot of plastic children’s toys, and other times people are cleaning out their kitchens and you can score.

Paris Flea Markets

At the brocantes, the best deals are in the boxes (and boxes) of stuff that people just bring out and let shoppers have a go at. You can find great stuff, from pรขtรฉ molds and butcher knives to well-loved tart pans, French cake molds, and colorful gratin dishes, often priced as low as fifty cents. In order to find the good stuff, you need to carefully pick through them โ€“ often on your hands and knees . . . and I have the bruised knees to prove it!

Paris Flea Markets

Each brocante in Paris has a different personality. At some, the dealers are brusque and expensive. Professionals might stock their stands with vintage linens and beautiful French dishtowels, while others may specialize in โ€˜60s toโ€˜80s cookware or household items. Then there are the people that just show up with a van and put everything out willy-nilly.

Paris Flea Markets

I also like to explore the thrift stores, some outside of Paris. You’ll need a car to get to some of them as they’re not located near public transit. But if you have the urge to go, you can rent a car, or use Google maps to figure out how to get there by using public transit and hit one (or all) of the three Emmaรผs stores I give below.

Emmaรผs is a benevolent organization that performs a number of services in France, including operating places where people donate items for sale. Proceeds from the items sold in their stores across France go to helping the less fortunate. In Paris, there are Emmaรผs shops dotted throughout the city, selling everything from clothing to cookware. Because they’re in the city, bargains get snapped up quickly, although I scored a โ‚ฌ5 cassole for making cassoulet at the one on Boulevard Beaumarchais (#22), right next to the trendy Marais. So it pays to stick your head in if you’re walking by.

Paris Flea Markets

Even better are their massive stores outside of Paris; the best being Emmaรผs Bougival, close to where many well-off people live, to the west of Paris. Also near Paris is the bi-annual Foire de Chatou, an open-air flea market and ham fair, that takes place in the fall and in the spring, and has a free shuttle from the RER A station.

Paris Flea Markets

There are a few other Emmaรผs stores to the east of Paris, outside of the city, that I’ve been rummaging through as well. I always rifle through the silverware, looking for interesting things.

Paris Flea Markets

Plates are stacked and stacked on top of each other. Some aren’t pretty or are new, but digging through them, you can likely score โ€“ well, sometimes!

Paris Flea Markets

And sometimes they arrange things along a theme, like Provence.

Paris Flea Markets

I recently found a much-used butcher knife, that’s been pretty honed down to almost nothing over the years…and a glass to add to my cocktail glass collection (which they threw in my bag โ€“ for free!)โ€ฆ

Paris Flea Markets

My latest obsession was trying to find a cool salad serving set. Until I find the perfect one, I’m collecting pieces one by one, hoping to find their mates. [Update: I found them!]

Paris Flea Markets

I did come upon a salad server set for just โ‚ฌ3 (below), which was a good value considering the size, which just I might have to use in the meantime. Well, after a good scrubbing.

Paris Flea Markets

Paris Flea Markets

There are two well-known flea markets in Paris; the massive Les Puces de Saint-Ouen, or Marchรฉ Clignancourt, which is open Saturday (9am-6pm), Sunday (10am-6pm), and Monday (11am-5pm). It’s said to be the largest flea market in the world, although it tends to feel (and be priced) more like a series of antique stores, rather than a flea market. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a genuine bargain here but there are certainly a lot of interesting things.

(Tip: Leave valuables at home. To get to the flea market, you’ll exit the mรฉtro in what isn’t the best part of Paris and it’s no fun to discover that you’re passport was lifted while you were shopping. You can also take a taxi or ride-sharing service like Uber to the market.)

Paris Flea Markets

To get there, take the line 4 mรฉtro to Porte de Clignancourt. Upon leaving the mรฉtro station, there are a lot of stands selling clothing and cheap imported junk. That’s not the flea market. (There are excellent directions here to the real one.) The main markets are on the Rue des Rosier, the Marchรฉ Serpette and Marchรฉ Paul-Bert, and the Marchรฉ Jules Vallรฉe. The latter is more likely to have lower prices although it’s hard to score a deal here.

(Tip: For those interested in culinary items, Bachelier Antiquitรฉs specializes in copper cookware, pottery, and culinary tools. You won’t find bargains but they stock some rather amazing items.)

The other weekly flea market, located on the other side of Paris, is the Marchรฉ aux Puces de la Porte de Vanves, which is an interesting jumble of things in many categories. It takes place Saturday and Sunday from 7am to 2pm. To get there take the mรฉtro to Porte de Vanves (line 13) and follow folks walking a couple of blocks to the flea market. For the best selection, arrive early in the morning.

cake servers

There are two smaller flea markets that get less attention than the major ones. The first is in the center of the open-air Marche d’Aligre, which takes place daily (except Monday), and also happens to be one of Paris’ best food markets. There is a lively mix of items from small-scale dealers, and particuliers, who haul out cases of various things set up on makeshift tables in the square, adjacent to where the market is held. Most are eager to sell, and you’ll often find me picking through the boxes on the ground for the best deals.

Another flea market, although less interesting, is the Porte de Montreuil, which takes place Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, from 7am to 7:30pm. I’ve not found this to be a great flea market unless you’re looking for old tools, electrical extension cords, t-shirts, dicey designer knock-offs, and tube socks. But as they sayโ€ฆya never know.

Brocantes, Vide-Greniers, and Braderies in Paris

These are roving flea markets and each one has its own personality, with items at various prices points. At most of them, you’ll find plenty of low-priced things as well as mid-range and up. They don’t have fixed weekly addresses but occur at various times throughout the year (except in the winter) and you’ll need to look them up. Sometimes signs are also posted in advance in the various neighborhoods, which you’ll see around town. Generally speaking, if they list the sale as Antiquities (only), the flea market will be more established dealers. When they use (or add) the word Brocante, it’ll be a mix.

brocante sign

These sales are often listed on the website under Fairs & Trade Shows and some of the more upscale ones are listed at the website of Joรซl Garcia, an organization that sponsors large antique expositions in Paris. Dates are listed on their website, and their antique fairs feature middle- to high-end items, although they can be worth a look, especially the ones that take place in the Bastille. I scored a great old French metal pastry shop sign at one for โ‚ฌ100 a while back, which wasn’t dirt-cheap, but there was no way I was leaving that behind.

The best way to find when the roving brocantes and vide-greniers take place is to check the listings at, L’Agenda des Brocantes, SPAM, Points de Chine,ย Brocabrac, and especially the city of Paris’ web page for antique and flea markets in Paris,ย which lists them by date and neighborhood.

(Tip: if using another French website to find listings, Paris is in the รŽle-de-France region, and dรฉpartment 75 is where Paris is located.)

Paris Flea Markets

In addition, Brocbrac has an app, as does, to help find the brocantes on-the-go. And you can also set email or SMS alerts at L’Agenda des Brocantes and Brocabrac, to notify you of upcoming brocantes and flea markets.

(Tip: Particularly good is the biannual brocante that sprawls out in the streets around the Marie de 3รจme, or City Hall in the 3rd, which takes place the first weekend in June and the last weekend in November.)

During the summer months, many towns and villages outside for Paris, on the รŽle-de-France (within a 1-2 hour radius of Paris), hold flea markets, which they will list as a braderie or brocante, and those are listed on the above websites as well as on signs posted around the city or village. They can be great for unearthing treasures.

Thrift Stores

Paris is not a city teeming with thrift stores. True, there are plenty of antique stores and dรฉpรดt-ventes (stores where sometimes people drop things off on consignment โ€“ but are not always run that way anymore), but due to lack of space, there are not the giant warehouse-like thrift stores you’ll find in some cities elsewhere.

Paris Flea Markets

(Tip: There is an antique collective, Belle Lurette (their Facebook page), located in what is called the “Village Popincourt” at 5 rue Marchรฉ Popincourt, in the 11th. In the Village Saint-Paul, in the 4th, there is a cluster of antique shops in the courtyard. Nearby is Au Petit Bonheur La Chance, which sells vintage housewares.

Emmaรผs has small stores scattered around various neighborhoods in Paris. (Yelp has a good listing of their addresses.) Because they are in the city, anything good gets snapped up quickly. The Emmaรผs Riquet thrift store in the 19th arrondissement is accessible by the mรฉtro. Check their hours before going; at present they are open Wednesday and Saturday.

Bargain hunters might want to rent a car and visit their large shops outside of the city. The best are:

Neuilly-Plaisance (38, avenue Paul Doumer)

Neuilly-sur-Marne (15, boulevard Louis Armand)

Bougival (7, lieu dit รŽle de la loge)

The Emmaรผs stores just outside of Paris span several buildings, each one featuring a different category, i.e.: housewares, hardware, kitchen supplies, children’s toys. In addition to regular housewares, they have a special section of “better quality” tableware and glassware, at higher prices than in the other areas of their stores, but you can score sets of very nice wine glasses, flatware, and dinnerware at still-reasonable prices.

(Tip: The Bougival Emmaรผs is accessible by the RER A train, which stops 1km, or a half-mile, from the store. A map and directions are on their website.)

Other benevolent organizations hold braderies and brocantes from time-to-time: Secours Populaire Franรงaise is one, and the other is the Armรฉe du Salut (Salvation Army). Both sites require a bit of digging, so you might be better off typing the name of the organization and the word “braderie” or “brocante” into a search engine, along with “รŽle-de-France,” which includes Paris and the surrounding area. Almost all of them are outside of the city.

In Montreuil is Neptune, which is outside of Paris but walkable from the Mairie de Montreuil mรฉtro station. Opening hours are on their website. For those interested in used restaurant equipment, there is La Brocante d’Epinay (Etablissements Bravo). It’s roughly 10-20 minutes from Paris (accessible by ride-sharing service or taxi, although there are also trains that go out there), and filled with used restaurant equipment. There’s a lot of stuff that’s probably not of interest to someone who doesn’t have their own restaurant (need a used oven?), but there are some finds if you poke through. (Tip: Ask if they’ll open the back door to the area where the used baking stuff is if it’s not open.)

Additional Tips

flea market finds-2

– Although thrift stores take credit cards, sellers at open-air flea markets usually only take cash.

– When searching for flea markets on websites, note that some specialize in single items: Fripperie and vente de vรชtements or bourse aux vรชtements means the sale is vintage and/or used clothing. Timbres are stamp (and often coin) dealers, cartes postales are postcards, livres anciens et d’occasion are used and rare books, and biffins are cast-offs, such as used electrical cords, sneakers, and other odds-and-ends that the sellers usually have picked up off the street. (Usually the items at these sales are not of interest to visitors.)

– Bring small bills and 1 and 2 euro coins. Few have change, and if they do, it may seem like a herculean effort to give any back to you. (Sellers like taking money, but not giving it back?) In addition, if you’re haggling and whittling someone down in price to save a few euros โ€“ then hand them a โ‚ฌ50 for a โ‚ฌ3 purchase, it can be awkward. I bring a lot of โ‚ฌ2 coins, which makes me a “golden” customer. ATMs may not be conveniently located so come prepared.

– Be aware that just because something in France looks old, it may not be. Many things, including cafรฉ items (wine carafes, beverage glasses, water pitchers, jam jars, etc) that look retro, might have been re-issued or in continuous production since the 50s or 60s. So some things that look “vintage” may be new. A reputable dealer will know the difference and let you know, but not everyone selling items knows (or will tell you.) As always, it’s buyer beware.

– Bargaining is acceptable. At outdoor markets, you can sometimes negotiate a 10-30 percent discount. Chances of successful bargaining happen later in the day, before closing time…although don’t let something slip away from you over a few euros if you really want it. (Trust me.) In a shop, you could ask if there is a better price. If want to buy a number of things, you’ll have a little more leverage.

– Keep an eye out for pickpockets. It’s unfortunate, but some work the flea markets.

– Don’t carry a fancy handbag or dress too smartly. A Vuitton bag or Patek Philippe watch reduces your bargaining leverage.

– Prices seem to go up when antique dealers hear an American or foreign accent. I will often mumble “Combien?” (“How much?”) rather than use a longer phrase, which will give me away. (Or I have my French partner ask.) An opposite strategy (heck, there’s no science to this) is to immediately greet the dealer with a polite “Bonjour monsieur” or “Bonjour madame” when entering their booth, which might give your provenance away, but you score points for politesse.

(Tip: No matter what the price, high or low, if you want to act like a local, always respond as if the price is too high – even if it isn’t. Stand there and hesitate their response before offering to buy something, especially if you want to buy other items from the same dealer. French people don’t part with their money easily, and dealers know that. French shoppers know that if they are over-eager, they’ll pay more than they want to.)

– Never, ever put anything down if you actually want it โ€“ the moment you do, it’s considered fair game for someone else to grab it. Other buyers will want something if someone else has shown interest in it.

– Restrooms are rare to non-existent at outdoor markets, so you may need to use one in a cafรฉ. Expect to have to buy a beverage to use the restroom. A coffee at the counter (โ‚ฌ1-2 euros) is enough.

– Bring a sturdy, large shopping bag when heading out on the hunt. Some dealers may offer a flimsy plastic bag, but they aren’t comfortable for long-term bargain hunting. Thrift stores outside of Paris may expect you to bring your own. Most supermarkets in Paris sell large, reusable shopping bags suitable for the purpose. The best are at the large Leroy Merlin hardware shop, located at Beaubourg in Paris. Their bags have regular-sized handles, as well as shoulder straps, and are wide enough to hold large items, and sturdy and comfortable enough to carry heavy – or multiple – objects. Other hardware stores, like Bricorama, Mr. Bricolage, and Castorama, carry good ones. (Tip: They make great souvenirs and gifts, too.)

– Good luck!

flea market finds

Related Links

Brocantes and Flea Markets in Paris (

Vintage Cookbooks in Paris

Paris Safety Tips

Cookware Shops in Paris

The Marchรฉ d’Aligre in Paris

10 Things to Bring Back from Your Trip to Paris

French Flea Market Vocabulary (French Today)

Antiquing Outside of Paris (A vintage kitchenware store that’s about an hour from Paris by car.)



    • Andree-Anne @ singly scrumptious

    Great great post! Thanks so much for taking the time to write about this. I travel to Paris once or twice a year from London and struggled to find these places. Now I have the perfect guide :). If only someone could do it for London, that you be great. I’m always on the look out for nice props for the blog, but as you mentioned space is an issue here too so I can’t let myself get carried away.

    • Catherine

    David, thank you for this very timely and resource filled post! I just moved to Paris and am feverishly working on furnishing my apartment… and hoping to find flea market bargains for basic things I wish I had brought from the US, like basic glassware for example. Ohh and I’m swooning over all of those beautiful wooden spoons and old knives you photographed!

    • Janet

    Wonderful post, David! Thanks for all the details and information. Reading your post and looking at your pix felt like I was there with you.

    We have hesitated going to the big weekend flea markets while in Paris, but we always stop at the brocantes when we are driving in rural France. I will keep my eye out for the neighbourhood brocantes that are scheduled in Paris.

    BTW – how big is the salad bowl that you use with that salad set? :-0 !

    • Angela

    One of my favourite pastimes, living in Provence is going to the brocante. There is a really good one over the rhone in Beaucaire. You can get anything from an old sofa (now the dog sofa) to broken toys and second hand watches, amongst which treasures are to be found.. Also love going to Emauss outside Arles. Most of the furniture, kitchen utinsils and glassware etc. in my house comes from these two places.

    • Claire

    Wow, what a comprehensive and fascinating post. Thanks David. I remember mooching round the stalls at Clignancourt as a teenager. How I wished I’d picked up some bargains back then. So many places in the UK now charge a premium for old tat, but a bit of vintage in a blog post really can lift an image.

    • naomi

    Oh, this is a dangerous post. Forget fancy stores, I like the thrift ones.

    That is a huge set – I think a good carver could make it into two.

    • Catherine

    Oh one more thing David if I could… do you know whether (in general) the furniture dealers deliver furniture… just don’t want to have to rent a car or try to schlep a table or dresser on the bus ;)

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I’ve never bought and shipped furniture but many folks that do, use Hedley’s Humpers. I think many dealers in Paris know them and work with them, although at the outdoor brocantes, often it’s cash-n-carry!

    • katie

    Thanks for all the tips David, I’ve always wondered how to find the flea markets in Paris. Love the glassware and the cool hand carved looking salad set!

    • Ron

    Great useful and fun post, David. Even occasional visitors like me like to browse markets and thrift stores for inexpensive gadgets or home accessories that will keep our time in Paris fresh in our minds.

    • ClaireD

    This post could not have come at a more opportune time for me! I’m a rabid flea market browser/buyer and will be in Paris for two weeks beginning May 3rd. I’ve been scouring the internet looking for these sites and here you put a large number of them in one place with appropriate commentary. Thank you!!

    ps, looking forward to seeing you at Central Market in Austin in late April.

    • Sarah Olson

    Great info! On my one trip to Paris (so far) my only regret was not making it to the flea markets. I’ll be hanging on to this post for the next trip. Thanks!

    • Marty Almquist

    This is an awesome post! We love going to the temporary markets like this when we are in Paris and use the Brocabrac app each time! I’ve reposted your article on my blog, “I’d Rather Be In Paris” because you have given much more detail and info than I did on my version. Thanks for that!!!

    • Debbie

    A hint that was given to me by a friend who lived in Paris in the 80’s: Bring a pair of cotton or surgical rubber gloves when you expect to go picking through all the boxes, clothes, hardware, etc. at the flea markets. Some of the stuff is really grungy. That salad set is HUGE!

    • Lynanne

    Amazing! This blog post could not have been more timely! I never knew there was a website for Vide-grenier not to mention some of the other less obvious places to find treasures. Many thanks!

    • katie

    The salad set looks big in the picture where you are holding them, but not as big in the other picture where they are lying on the table — maybe that close-up shot is distorting them somewhat?

    • Terry

    Well, fine. Just as I was congratulating myself that I’d tamped down my chronic yearning for Paris, here you come along and stoke the fire again. What a great and thorough litany of temptations! I am definitely bookmarking this post in case a miracle happens and I someday have enough money to 1) go back to Paris and 2) afford the flea markets and the shipping for my finds.


    But seriously – thanks for this. It’s not only informative, it is entertaining!

    • Marjorie R. Williams

    You’ve done an excellent job of covering the spectrum of flea market & thrift opportunities in Paris. I’m glad you mentioned the little flea at Marchรฉ d’Aligre. Great tips too. Nice piece!

    • Deborah Stratmann

    Aah, Terry, I am with you. Perhaps a valid reason to return to Paris – one more time. If I need amore than just the fact of Paris!

    We have a rather good simile of a marchรฉs aux puces here called “Cookin”; much of which comes from France. Costly though. Still fun to rummage around.

    David, have you tried Chinese metal tongs for your salad. Maybe not so charming but they are efficient.

    • Tim Gast

    Thank you for this thorough post! My only problem over the years has been schlepping it all back to the states. One thing I’ve learned is to buy it if you like it because if you don’t you will regret it and be kicking yourself forever. My flea market finds have turned out to be my most treasured possessions.

    • Claire

    Thank you for so much information and for noting that some places will be open in summer. Those salad servers cleaned up to a pretty color.

    • Judi Suttles

    This is a wonderful post. There are few thing I love more than a trip to
    the Marche aux Puces at St Ouen. Half of my house as been furnished with finds from there. I am so glad to learn of some other places that I’ve never heard of.
    There are treasures everywhere in Paris. Thanks so much!

    • Bash

    Loved the column as much as I love yard sales, thrift shops and flea markets and will save it to my travel folder. Never tried the French ones but have scored a few interesting items at Italian street markets. I look for kitchen stuff, especially wood and glass and I loved a couple of those knives in your photos. Loved the expensive glasses too but I hope you didn’t end up with the one that had the chip on the base, even though it adds character. Should have been a lot less than โ‚ฌ20.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I didn’t buy any of them. The guy was pretty gruff & not so interested in selling anything, so I passed. Wonder if he sold ’em?

    • J.S. @ Sun Diego Eats

    Reads like preparing for a battle :) I do think the older the city where your flea market is the more interesting it gets.

    • ww

    there is a reason i steer clear of these places, the temptation !!!
    But can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me, if the photo wasn’t taken too long ago and if you think there’s any point, where the fifth photo (after the knives) was taken? The blue pots are like what i’ve always wanted, didn’t think i would be seeing something i fantasized about for real!!!

    If I have time for just three places – minus Clignancourt and the St Paul area – which would you say are the best for kitchenware? Emmaus (which one?)

    thanks! and I hope those wooden spoons are yours, so beautiful!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      That was taken on the Boulevard Beaumarchais, at a brocante that happens there infrequently. Can’t say for sure where is the best place to find used kitchenware – since you never know what’ll turn up at a flea market or bric-a-brac sale!

    • Helen

    Great post! I love flea markets, yard sales and thrift stores–such fun and sometimes marvelous bargains. When traveling I’ll search out the local thrift stores for the glimpses they give of the local communities. Thanks for glimpses of Paris.

    • Mardi (eat. live. travel. write.)

    Fabulous resource David. Bookmarking this for the summer.

    • Barbara

    Absolutely fabulous! What a marvellous way to spend my time is reading your posts and seeing your pictures! I should come to Paris one day!

    • Cathy

    Thank you so much for this post, David. Last year we stayed in the Rue Cler area, which I’ve come to think of as the “Disney version” of a Parisian neighborhood – seemed like there were more English speakers than French speakers roaming about. But my stay was considerably brightened up by a flea market that popped up there during our visit – I’m hooked and am so glad to have the tips.

    • Robin

    This was an incredibly comprehensive and well-done post. If it isn’t going to be a chapter or two in a book you are writing it should be. As a relatively new follower, I have been impressed by the quality of both your writing and your photography.

    • Elle

    What a gigantic salad set! A sanding sponge (do they have those in Parisian hardware stores?!) and oil will smooth down that nick in the spoon, fyi…and get them super clean as well.

    Would love to see a photo of that metal patisserie shop sign!

    • TamaTrotti

    Great post! I was wondering if there was such an app. How did you get the salad tongs looking Like new?
    Bon chinรฉ!

    • Rachel Dorsey

    That top photo. Those orange juice carafes. And the white mugs. Positively lovely and as always, a wonderful lesson and glimpse into life in Paris. Maybe someday I’ll be walking those same streets for longer than a vacation allows. :)

    • Vielleanglaise

    Neptune. Rue Paul Vaillant Couturier in Montreuil, metro, Mairie de Montreuil. There are two sections, with two different entrances, one bric ร  brac, the other furniture, but also books.

    I, basically, furnished my house there, and also bought a bunch of Le Creuset cookware, vases, plates, crystal, silver, a stroller, jewelery, a taxidermied crocodile….

    • Kate

    How is it possible that even the rummage sales in Paris are more beautiful than the ones here?

    If you try to buy used kitchenware here, or at least in my town, it’s filthy and broken and not well taken care of…I look at the photos in this post and find myself yearning for a perfectly broken-in wooden spoon and a cocktail glass with character. Sigh.

    As always, thank you so much for sharing! I love traveling to France via your posts.

    • Steve Mrtin

    Just wondering if that salad set (wooden fork and spoon) comes in a larger size…

    • Kim Uyyek

    I love the Marchรฉ Aligre – I found some great menโ€™s shirts there last spring – 3 for 8 euros! Great tips for my next visit to Paris.

    • Sandy Price

    Good piece. I am a flea market addict myself and have written three books on the subject, two about France– most recently The Flea Markets of France (2009)– and The Vintage and Antiques Fairs of England (2013). And I too love the brocante fairs that take place in many of the Paris arrondissements throughout the year. I have made some wonderful finds, at really excellent prices, at these local events. In addition to Emmaus, there are a few good charity shops not mentioned in the piece, but I agree that Paris is not the best city for thrift shops. That said, I have found some of my favourite treasures in them, for just a few euros. It is all very addictive and fun, not to mention a very inexpensive and ecologically-smart way to outfit your apartment or house, or augment your wardrobe. And outside Paris, across France, there are many fabulous markets as well! Happy hunting!!! @sandylprice

    • Fritz Anders

    I love antiquing and am in Paris next week, this is soooooo wonderful! Thank you Thank you! I love your books and have already pre-ordered the next on Amazon, I can’t wait!

    • Maya

    great post, david! hope there’ll be something left for us after this, yes? :)

    @sandy – i’m a huge fan! your brocante book is such a treat! i found it very useful and have a few gems picked up thanks to you

    • Sasha

    Great post! Love the Provence-themed shelf :)

    • Kathryn

    Thanks for a very comprehensive post, Mr L!
    Loved it – it made such a wonderful lunch-time read……. and less likely to highlight my culinary sloth than a food related post!
    Last year I caught a wonderful brocante in Saint-Paul – my only regret was a lack of luggage space.
    I’m back for a month in June – so thanks for that timely heads-up on the 1st weekend in the 3eme. (packing light this year!)

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I’ve taken to traveling with a folding “suitcase” in my suitcase, in case I end up buying things when I’m traveling. It’s a soft suitcase with handles and I can toss clothes and shoes in there, and not worry about them getting mangled by baggage handling. Then I can put anything fragile/valuable, in the hard-side luggage and carry-on. The airlines have really jacked up fees for additional luggage, but sometimes it might be worth paying an extra $100 to bring home a whole bunch of stuff you really love.

    • heather machin

    i hope you grabbed that gorgeous pale yellow retro le crueset casserole in picture 6. i have one, and a larger size in powder blue and they are fab.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      His items were pretty high-priced (I already have a couple of those Raymond Loewy Le Creuset casseroles) – but there were a few items that I saw that I wanted. Although he refused to budge on price and I have a ton of stuff already, so only get things if they’re a bargain :)

    • Shawn

    This is an amazing post. Thank you for your thoroughness and links and directions. I’ll save all this info for when I visit, hopefully in the summer of 2015. It’s a long time to wait, but I’ll find sustenance through your posts!

    • Josiane

    Merci for a comprehensive and entertaining post. However, I can’t believe you missed the mid-JUNE week-end long HUGE yearly EMMAUS Foire des Antiquites (not sure of the name) at Porte de Versailles.
    Thank you for capturing so well the French culture in your writings.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      It’s called the Salon Emmaรผs and I haven’t been (because I’m not fond of crowds.) I tried to include/squeeze in as much information as I could in this post, with links to addresses, and some photos. But they don’t seem to have a fixed link to the event, or a dedicated page, and date changes annually. So there was nothing I could link to, unfortunately. In fact, I couldn’t even find the dates for this year’s Salon anywhere online.

      (Folks can check the Emmaรผs website or type “Salon Emmaus Porte de Versailles” and the year, into a search engine, and perhaps the dates will come up.)

    • pat pavlucik

    Loved your posting; brought back memories of my visit to Clignoncourt 20 years ago when I bought a gorgeous pair of soft, faded red vintage drapes from an elderly fellow – I spoke little French and he, no English, but we managed to come to an agreement on price and for $18.00 American I have those vintage window hangings that I use for the holidays. Grand posting, David – confirms my dearest wish to return for a long visit now that I’m retired.

    I am looking forward to your visit to the 92nd Street Y presentation in May – already have bought my tickets. Waiting for your newest book to be published, too.

    Thanks again for a wonderful posting – a terrific resource for all of us thrift shop, garage sale lovers. Most of my home has been furnished with those buys – can’t beat the quality and one of a kind design of older furniture, housewares, linens.

    • Arjun

    I am amazed that so many knives were available at the flea market. Get a nice electric sharpener and you will be able to salvage several of them and be able to use them.

    • Sandy Price

    Hi again, David. I just checked my book to get the names and addresses of two Paris thrift shops where I have found some wonderful (and inexpensive) vintage kitchenware over the years–I am also a serious addict. The best and the largest is called Le Radeau Neptune, at 32, boulevard Paul Vaillant Couturier, and it is very closed to the Mairie de Montreuil metro. I found some beautiful Villeroy and Bosch plates there with different fruit patterns on them, which I love, as well as some great white porcelain soup bowls. The other shop, which is more high-end, is called Les Orphelins Apprentis d’Auteuil, at 40 rue la Fontaine, close to Jasmin metro. There, among other things, I bought a wonderful green-speckled covered ceramic jar from Vallauris. I went back to both shops a few months ago and found that they were as good as ever. This all makes me want to head back to Paris right away!!โ€ฆ..Best, Sandy Price

    • Lisa

    Nice article. When I was in Paris with a group we wanted to go to a flea market but the German guide told us one time there was a big incident with the Police. Maybe one of these years. I like looking around sometimes. Thanks for the chance to review “My Paris Kitchen: Recipes and Stories”. It is a great cookbook.

    • Shirley Stuart

    Too bad the Ashby BART Station flea market in Berkeley is no long the delirious mishmash of all kinds of stuff that it was for its first decade or so. The Oakland Museum White Elephant Sale continues to be astounding though, and I will have to make do with these poor substitutes for the thrill of actually junking in FRANCE! Thank you, David, for telling us where the really good stuff is!

    • SandraM

    Great post. Very go info. Definitely be hitting some of these spots next time I’m in Paris! Thanks so much for sharing.

    • KathyK

    Thanks so much for taking the time to do this. I love all your posts. Learn something new all the time! Can’t wait to get the new book as well.

    • Leftbanker

    I set my sport coat down while looking at football jerseys at a street market stall and when I turned around someone was trying it on. It didnโ€™t fit the guy which made getting it back in my possession easier.

    There is a tremendous satisfaction in finding a gem while digging through what is mostly trash. Buying retail is for chumps.

    • Lisa @bitesforbabies

    I’m SO very jealous right now!! I lived in Nice, France for one year and London, England for two and was not “into” flea markets at the time…now I wish I could turn back time and go visit EVERY one possible!!! I get some comfort in visiting Sardinia Italy now every summer and going to the markets there, although they are mainly food-based, of course!

    • ea

    Trรจs exhaustif merci! I never got myself to buy anything at Les Puces even though I’ve liked to hang around there since I was a teen, it really is just eye candy. Not far from there twice a year, the vide-greniers in rue Caulaincourt and in rue des Martyrs, and in les Batignolles are all excellent. There I bought pans and cutlery and dresses and paintings andmany of my favorite things. But I can’t go to these anymore as I am facing the โ€œSomething in, something outโ€ conundrum you mentioned so I go to Les Puces and dream.

    • Annette

    Yes, very timely, indeed–I’m heading out to Vavnes this Saturday morning. I’ve always felt a little awkward asking for a better price, so I’m glad to know it’s a common practice. BTW, I finally got to Larnicol tonight for some kouignettes–thanks for the tip on reheating them. I think I’ll have to take a stab at your recipe when I get home.

    • Susie

    Love love love this post! In addition to hunting for vintage finds, I also enjoy buying unwanted clothing to upcycle into new wares. I’ll be in Paris in a few weeks… it looked like the Emmaรผs stores have some clothing, do you think they would be my best bet or might you recommend a certain other brocante? Thanks so much!

    • Sophie

    Now that i live in New York i miss these brocantes so much. Enjoy France ! I just discovered and i can’t stop turning the pages.

    • JudyMac

    Thanks, David, for great input for this estate sale junkie’s return to Paris in September. In 2012, I visited the Flea at Vanves, took at taxi there early in the morning, but within an hour or so it turned into a cold, rainy and dreary time and I gave up the ghost early on as by then I had found a few neat things to bring home. Do you think the Flea Market at Clignancourt is worth at least one visit? I will be hampered somewhat since I’m flying (although I do mail a few things back), but I do like to be able to take home whatever tickles my fancy. I will be staying close to the Marche d’Aligre and have heard good things about that market. Would love to find some of those good neighborhood sales you mentioned.

    • Wendy

    Hi David
    When I went to the Marchรฉ Clignancourt, I didn’t make my way back far enough and left rather quickly. You are right about all the cheap booths at the front and I didn’t feel safe there. Wish I had your notes and would have kept walking! I would love to see you post a photo of your vintage metal bakery sign!! Thanks for all this information!

    • Beeta @ Miss Sophisticate

    Gorgeous items! I think I would be taking everything home…I especially loved the Provence themed items – lovely!

    • lagatta ร  montrรฉal

    David, there is a slight contradiction in your informative post. Early on, you say one needs a car to get to Emmaus Bourgival, and later you provide mรฉtro directions. I don’t drive, and have found one can get to most places in Le Grand Paris by public transport, though it can be an adventure.

    As for rue Cler, I remember a visit there decades ago, pre Rick Steeves. It was a normal Parisian neighbourhood back then.

    Thanks for your careful eye. I had updated the post as the Emmaรฏs website noted that there is, indeed, an RER that will take you near their place, and I didn’t go back and edit that part. (Although I haven’t taken it, so can’t say how easy it is to get there via the RER.) So I deleted my earlier remark. -david

    • Randle

    Oooh — I’m headed to Paris this summer, and I have to say that a few finds from the brocante sound like better souvenirs than “I Love Paris” caps and snow globes…

    • Rochelle

    Wow! Those salad fork and spoon you were holding at the end of your post are HUGE! They sure would make a great conversation piece. Enjoy your treasures.

    • Justin

    Hello David, when discussing this future post with you (at La Cuisine) I forgot to ask you if you were going to mention the Braderie de Lille. As an avid chineur all over the states and Europe, I can definitely say that the Braderie de Lille is the absolute Mecca of flea markets. First wknd of September. I went last year for the first time and I was not psychologically prepared for the experience….incredible. Great post.

    • Fritz

    Love your post and just returned from 10 days in Paris. I bought the most wonderful copper sauce pan for 10 Euros! at the Marchรฉ Clignancourt, unlike the big copper skillet for 130 Euros at E Dehillerin (I drug it through the Lenten service at Notre Dame!) Also great little paintings for 5 euros!. Packing all that and getting them back to Denver CO. was an experience!
    Thanks for this post, you help to make my Paris trip so enjoyable!

    • Andrew

    Great post with lots of interesting information which I will most certainly take into account on my next trip to Paris. Looks like you will need a pretty large salad for that wooden set.!

    • Kathy

    Dave, thank you for all the info you provide in your posts. I saved this as well as a number of your other posts and spent today reviewing them. I leave for two weeks in your lovely city this week and can’t wait to visit so many new places that I have learned about via YOU. Merci.


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