L’Appart, now available in Paperback!
The story was a long time in the making, from deciding to plant roots in Paris, to finding an apartment and tackling a renovation. As often happens, things didn’t quite go as planned. There were obstacles to overcome and I had to expand my French vocabulary. (Who knew there were so many different words for sinks?) There was one too many trips to Ikea, the true relationship-tester, and the story took plenty of twists and turns along the way. And today marks the release of L’appart in paperback, the story of it all.
I also learned how precious friendships and relationships are in France, and how heroes – or hรฉroes – come in many different forms, and can cross cultures. Readers have told me that it’s aย real a nail-biter, andย since I’m still trying to grow mine back after chewing mine completely down to the end, so I can’t say, but I do know that the story required chocolate, buttery Breton pastries, almond gratins (which can be made in a toaster oven if you don’t have a kitchen), and a cocktail every now and then. Those recipes are included in L’appart, of course, because you can’t have a story set in Paris that doesn’t include food and drink – right?
If you’d like a personally signed copy, I’ll be doing an event with Justin Spring, author of The Gourmands’ Way in New York City on November 13th at Shakespeare & Co. We’ll be in conversation and signing copies of our books. You’re welcome to RSVP on the Facebook Event Page. If you can’t make it to the eventย or live elsewhere, you can email the bookstore here and they can arrange for youย to receive a signed copy.
On December 2nd, I’ll be atย La Cuisine in Paris on December 2nd for a get-together and book signing. There will be treats and libations to celebrate the holidays.
Both events are free and open to all, but due to limited space, for the event at Shakespeare & Co., the store gives priority to those who purchase a book or a gift certificate.
L’appart is now available from your local independent bookstore, or online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Book Depository, which offers free shipping worldwide. Get your copy today!