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I was recently tagged in a debate on Twitter, where some of the people objected to having to scroll down a post to get to the recipe, because they didn’t like scrolling. (Which was odd, since unless I’m doing it wrong, don’t you need to scroll to use Twitter?) The discussion also tapped into a few people’s dislike of a longer headnote before a recipe in cookbook. Personally I don’t find it all that much trouble to avert my eyes down when reading a book. Nonetheless, I’m going to get right to this Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork recipe.

I tend not to pay all that much attention to search-engine “best practices” – if I did, I wouldn’t have recipes for things like Plum Kernel Ice Cream, wine made with peach leaves, and a rather obscure French recipe for crumbled buckwheat dumplings, since I’m pretty sure that none of those types of recipes rank in the top few hundreds of thousands of recipes that people are searching for. But the SEO (search engine) experts say you should always mention the recipe as much as you can in your post, in this case, a Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork recipe, in order for it to have “juice.” So I’ll get right to explaining how I made this Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork recipe, for those who like Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork, and for those who don’t know if they like Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork but think they might. Here’s a recipe for Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork, aka #slowcooked #pork #chipotle

You will have to indulge me by scrolling through a few pictures here and there. The one showing the Pickled Red Onions that I made (above), to go with the Slow-Roasted Chipotle Pork recipe, was so bright and beautiful that I couldn’t resist sharing it.

Aside from causing untold thumb damage, another challenging thing about being a food blogger is that you want to show your food in the best light. But at 9pm, in the middle of winter, when you’re putting dinner on the table, the harsh light provided by your hood fan doesn’t exactly show food in its best light.

Since I’m here to help, in case you’re wondering where I got the chipotles for the slow-roasted chipotle pork, as they’re not something you can pick up at any old French supermarchรฉ, when I was Chablis last summer, we went to an Aldi store near where our friend’s live. I can’t resist peeking into discount bins and was surprised to find a few tins of chipotles tumbling around in there.

The label said they were MOINS CHER (less expensive) at โ‚ฌ50, but I deduced they weren’t (or couldn’t really be) fifty bucks, but actually 50 centimes, or 50ยข. They’re not that rare in France. Another thing that doesn’t happen as often as I’d like here, is that I was relieved the discount price actually rang up at the register and I didn’t need to spend 10 minutes convincing the cashier otherwise. Another score!

Okay, back to the recipe…for Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork. When I was at the market this week I picked up a palette de porc, a whole pork shoulder. The butcher was surprised I wanted the whole shebang and kept telling me that he was okay cutting it in half for me. I assured him that I wanted the whole thing, but let him to cut it in half since I figured it would soak up the flavorful marinade if there was more surface area. He was happy to comply, and did wrap each half separately, and put each half in a separate bag for me. Just in case, I guess.

Before I leave you with the recipe, I hope the rest of you will indulge me when I tell those who live in Paris that I’ve also found canned chipotle chiles at a shop in Belleville, whose faรงade is open to the street at 108 rue du Faubourg du Temple. They’re on a shelf right next to the street, along with a variety of other tinned Mexican specialties.

The night I made this, I served the slow-cooked chipotle pork with a pineapple salsa I made from diced pineapple, red onions, cilantro, a touch of agave nectar, a pinch of salt and another of red chile flakes. (Fresh chiles would work well in place of the dried chile flakes, if they’re available.) The next day the rewarmed, mildly spiced chipotle pork found itself wrapped in some corn tortillas that I portered back from the U.S. with leftover salsa, red onions, and beans.

And that’s that.

Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork

I have one of those slow cookers and tried cooking a pork shoulder in it a while back. After seventeen hours, it was finally falling off the bone, but the meat rather dry at that point and Romain refused to eat it. (Okay, he ate it, but complained about it the whole time.) So I returned again to using my tried-and-true Dutch oven. If you want to use a machine, I'm sure this can be adapted to a slow cooker or Instant pot, although I think the last step (#6) where the sauce gets reduced and the pork gets caramelized, is a nice touch. As I've been trying to use up things I have odds and ends of, I used oyster sauce, which you can find in markets that sell ingredients for Asian cooking. But ketchup can also be used along with a splash of vinegar. You can read more about chipotles in adobo here. I took a few tips for this recipe from the Pull-apart pork with honey chipotle on the BBC Food website. This recipe could easily be cut in half. You may need to reduce the cooking time to compensate for a smaller amount of pork.
Servings 8 servings
  • 1/2 cup (125ml) chipotle chiles in adobo sauce, (using the sauce and the chiles)
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) oyster sauce, (or ketchup with a splash of vinegar)
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons mustard, such as Dijon
  • 2 teaspoons fish sauce, (optional)
  • 3 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 whole pork shoulder, 4 pounds (2kg), cut in half by your butcher, if possible, trimmed of excess fat
  • 1 bottle beer, (or 1 1/2 cups/375ml water)
  • Mix the chipotles in adobo, oyster sauce, honey, mustard, fish sauce (if using), garlic and several generous turns from a peppermill of freshly ground pepper in a large bowl or zip-top marinating bag. Add the pork shoulder and massage the marinade into the meat. Cover (or close the bag) and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or overnight.
  • To bake the pork shoulder, remove it from the refrigerator 1 hour before cooking.
  • Preheat the oven to 325ยบF (165ยบC.)
  • Place the pork shoulder in a Dutch oven or similar pot with a lid and pour any marinade over them. Add the beer, cover, and bake in the oven for about 3 hours, turning the pieces of pork over every 45 minutes.
  • When the meat is tender (depending on your pork shoulder, it may take a little more time than 3 hours), remove the pot from the oven. Increase the heat of the oven to 400ยบF (200ยบC.)
  • Use tongs to pull the meat off the bones, and discard the bones. Put the pot back in the oven, uncovered, and roast until the sauce is thickened reduced to your liking, turning the pork pieces a few times while roasting. When the pork pieces are gently caramelized, about 30-40 minutes, remove from the oven and serve.


-I've covered where to get tortillas in France in the Note at the end of the Pozole recipe.
-I didn't use a recipe to make the beans, but made them by rinsing and soaking some good-quality dried beans for a few hours. I then cooked them in a pot of water with a bay leaf and about 1/2 teaspoon baking soda (due to hard water issues, that dried beans don't like), until the beans were almost tender. At that point, I added some finely diced red onion and smoked salt to the pot. When the beans were tender, I turned off the heat and added finely chopped cilantro, tasting the beans to see if they needed any additional salt.
-Because of non-optimal lighting conditions at 9pm in the middle of winter, the pictures of the bowls containing the finished slow-cooked pork were taken the following day, when we had them for lunch. I probably should or could have rewarmed them with a splash of water or beer to make them more saucy, as they'd absorbed a lot of sauce overnight. If you're rewarming the pork, feel free to reheat it with some additional liquid.



    • Joyce sasse

    Like it much better when you go directly to recipe. Love this one, solves my Mexican craving.

      • Shirlene

      Please keep talking to us as long as you want. I love your recipes also and the comments. So happy to have your stories and recipes in my life!

      • Pam M

      I love the long intros. They give context and a peek into your thought processes.
      No one will pull a muscle by just scrolling past the stuff that they don’t want to read.

      • Miriam

      There are cooking blogs where the author talks and talks and talks and posts a lot of repetitive photos and says pretty much nothing of interest. David, yours is NOT one of those blogs. You should ignore the SEO experts and keep doing what youโ€™re doing. I enjoy reading your posts and looking at your pictures even when youโ€™re offering a recipe for a food I donโ€™t like and Iโ€™m entirely sure Iโ€™m not the only one.

        • Sandra McGrath

        I agree. I enjoy reading what you have to say and certainly wouldnโ€™t have stumbled across the pickled red onion recipe.

        Iโ€™m making this today; the pork is marinating as I type. And weโ€™re going to eat it with the corn tortillas, pineapple salsa and pickled red onions.

      • Chris

      Agree, agree! Please -just get to the recipe!!

      • Mary

      People get fed up with the _average_ food blogger’s pre-recipe wind-ups because the _average_ food blogger has nothing original to offer. 98% of what turns up on the first page of a Google search is from people who are great at SEO, and they’re all just riding on whatever is trendy.

      There’s no love for or need for real communication from them, they just need to keep us scrolling for the ads.

      FYI, I found your blog some years ago when I wanted a recipe for a celery root soup. It was (and just now re-checking) the top return on what I assume is still a very un-trendy soup. (and it was delicious, thank you for posting it)

        • David
        David Lebovitz

        Thanks for your thoughts and yes, it’s interesting how many “food blogs” are basically SEO machines, following a rote formula. Glad you like the untrendy soup!

    • D Kelly

    You are so funny! Just keep doing what you do best, anyway you want to ^_^

      • Joy McBride

      Here here.

        • Barbara

        Love everything you have to say. Donโ€™t stop please.

      • Dee


      • Lex


        • Jo from SWUSA

        People donโ€™t realize what a service food bloggers serve to those of us who love food. The amount of work $$ & patience family members must have. I love the writing of the people I follow & learn so much. Do what you feel comfortable & thanks for sharing your knowledge experience life with us.

          • David
          David Lebovitz

          When I started, you could just write a post and a recipe and publish it with a picture taken from a point-and-shoot camera. Now there’s a lot more to just creating a post, from testing the recipe to all the SEO stuff you’re supposed to do. As you said, it’s best to do just what you’re comfortable with doing, and focus on that.

      • Ann Spivack

      Thanks for the laugh — about the Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork. I like your long intros quite a bit. Please don’t let anyone convince you to get to the recipe faster.

        • Leissa

        I agree, too! I really prefer blogs that tell stories along with the recipes, particularly when they’re as well written and entertaining as yours :)

          • Susan Hill

          I agree. Keep writing your story. I don’t cook much any more but I love reading about food and the stories behind the dishes.

      • Sarah

      Agree :)

      • Missitessier

      Agree. Seriously.

      • Merle

      I agree…the impatient cooks probably donโ€™t read books anymore. Pity! A little david sedaris makes for great reading…do it your way

        • Chris

        When I read books, I read books (and plenty of them). When I want to cook, I want to cook, not read.
        Suggest you write a book , intersperse recipes and post the recipes online, unadorned with your wonderful prose.

      • Louise

      Hi David, can you tell me what you asked the Butcher for in French? Palette de porc? Iโ€™m also on lockdown in france And am using this time to try out some of your recipes. Banana/ chocolate bread yesterday and Iโ€™m going to try the kitchen sink cookies today. Thank you for your blog posts and Instagram stories, theyโ€™re a great source of comfort to me at the moment. Stay safe and keep positive, and thankful for our boulangeries staying open!

    • Cynthia

    Dear David, your work is and always has been, a gift. Part of the fun is reading about your adventures in developing the recipe or finding the ingredients. Every recipe Iโ€™ve tried – and Iโ€™ve tried many, have been delightful. Youโ€™ve given me hope for working in a small kitchen. I say no to changing the way you wrote and gift is with your wisdom and wit. And, at the risk of sounding grumpy, your recipes are free. Stop complaining people and go talk to your butcher about getting a pork shoulder. โค๏ธ

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I have a built-in filter, whenever a sentence starts with, “You should_____” or “You need to________” it doesn’t register, which has been really helpful. I guess it’s like buying stocks; some say to always do the opposite of what everyone else is doing, or telling you to do.

      And I wrote several cookbooks in a very small kitchen. It’s not easy but it makes you focus and keep things simple and streamlined, which isn’t a bad thing!

        • Suzanee

        Love how you do the things you do

          • Darla

          I bought a 15 pound pork shoulder and am marinating it now. I will be able to feed the entire neighborhood.

        • Barbara

        Hi David
        When tell friends/family about you, it might be because if 1 of your delectable-looking recipes, but itโ€™s equally as important (if not more so for me:)) that youโ€™re such a down to earth, non-bloviated, charming & delightful writer!
        I always have a smile after reading your blog, & at least 1/2 the fun is to read all that comes before recipe
        Itโ€™s a gift, so bah humbug to grumpy kvetcher & double ditto what other of your devoted followers have shared above.
        Barbara in Santa Monica

    • Karen

    This pork looks really tasty.

    When Iโ€™m looking through recipes online, iโ€™m looking for a recipe, and ai donโ€™t mind some head notes to give it some context, or if there is a story to go with it, but I really hate having to scroll through pages and pages of large photos and overly detailed step-by-steps that I generally donโ€™t need โ€” I know how to cook โ€” to get to the list of ingredients and shorter set of directions. This is what I use to decide if Iโ€™m going to cook something, so I want to recipe come first and all the rest of it after for the people who are still learning and need to rest of that stuff.

    Itโ€™s a totally different situation if the recipe comes after some writing about trip to somewhere interesting, or you are writing about an experience where the recipe flows organically from that. I like food writing, just not some of these overly long, over illustrated instructions that plague too many blog posts โ€”- though not yours.

    You have interesting writing, and donโ€™t overly fuss instructions,

      • Sandra

      Ditto for me.

      • Joycelyn

      There’s also many new, novice, inexperienced etc. cooks out there who love seeing pages and pages of overly detailed step by step directions as besides being very helpful, those pages and pages you don’t like, teach them to cook.

      Seriously..To complain about any blogger/chefs recipe and explanation of how they came to make that recipe delicious including adding step by step photos, is more than petty.

    • Heidi Husnak

    Oh ignore the whiners. I am already having a day (at 1:25am in Los Angeles) of “if one more stupid person gets in my face”
    Beautiful onions and so classic. The second chipotle image is the standard in my markets. They freeze well if not using the whole can. So good with beans also.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      A reader (who also lives abroad) also recommended freezing them, saying that when he needs to use some, he shaves some off with a grater or zester – good idea!

      (It’s funny because I read a whole thread yesterday about someone upset that a cookbook author and food writer posted a photo of a slice of pizza and didn’t say where it was from. It was quite a thread!) Hope you have a good day in L.A. : )

        • Gayle

        I freeze them as well and quite successfully. I use them in homemade hummus, then freeze the leftovers in those little click-clack cups so they’re portioned. Never thought to shave if I only need a little. Brilliant…

          • Sarah

          Ohh in hummus! Of course. I so often don’t open a can of chipotle because I know they rest will get tossed. Will freeze and shave from now on. :)

            • Alice

            I cook with chipotle in adobo all the time (mix a little into mayo, for instance). When I open the can, I puree the whole thing in the food processor or blender, then store the puree into a glass jar in the fridge, where it keeps almost indefinitely. Just spoon out a tiny bit or a lot depending on the heat you want. Never thought of shaving it off a frozen block but I guess that would work, too! And, David, I love the context you give your recipes as much as the recipes themselves. You’re like slow food versus grab n’ go. Keep it up, please!

        • Tom L

        We’ve always frozen our leftover chipotle and it’s always been fine.

      • Kristin

      I just saw this comment on Deb’s latest Smitten Kitchen post. “Dear Deb,
      โ€œwe didnโ€™t see why they should have all the funโ€. I do understand โ€“ but I would like you to weigh up whether these few days of fun are worth further risking the future of your and everybodyโ€™s children in this world with the flights. In any case, a less cavalier approach to this topic in your blog would be desirable. Thank you an all the best.” I first thought she was referencing coronavirus,but then decided it was climate change. I am afraid that my favorite food bloggers will get sick of the whiners and people with what I consider to be inappropriate, ill-timed, or misplaced questions and ridiculous questions about potential changes to a recipe (just do it yourself!! Don’t expect the blogger to make infinite recipe variations), and quit writing. So I echo your suggestion to ignore the whiners!

        • Kristin

        And I AM concerned about our planet, but didn’t think Deb’s comments were the place to address the issue.

    • Mark Sherouse

    David, Scrolling is fine when the content justifies it. Yours always does. Keep writing and blogging, and we’ll keep scrolling, with ever more delight and insight.

      • Karen G

      Agree. I love the background information and your interesting comments about where to find ingredients, French culture. Please keep writing your blog as you always have. We are hoping that Los Angeles is in your book tour.

    • Ellyn

    oh please…scrolling is fine. And you made me laugh with how many times you mentioned the Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork. I suppose you could have mentioned the Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork pork more but I doubt it. Actually what I found not fine in your article was mentioning pineapple salsa and not giving a receipe for it! It sounds terrifically delish!!.. recipe SVP??? I happen to have some mango salsa that I am spreading on just about everything and could use with pork… so all is not lost. I wonder if I could adapt this to my Instant pot… Going to try, thanks..

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I didn’t use a recipe but described how I made it in the post. If I had fresh chiles, I would have used some of those and I may (or may not) have mentioned it, but I also dribbled in a little tequila, too : )

        • Christina

        David, I follow you BECAUSE you donโ€™t get straight to your wonderful recipes. Itโ€™s your personality shining through, your interesting adventures, and the process that leads to the ultimate recipe, that keep me reading and brings joy.

        If it isnโ€™t broke, donโ€™t fix it!

          • Mickey

          Exactly! Iโ€™m here because I like reading about your life in Paris, your travels, food!!!I learn & laugh and follow your tips,(porchetta and icecream in NewYork) and oh, yes, there are recipes too! We love you for being a blogger, a writer. If people just want a recipe…well, google on then!
          Thanks for all the reads David!

          • Margiemi

          David…you make me chuckle/laugh aloud/giggle….keep up the great blogs; I look forward to reading everything you send out. I’ve read all your books and have referred them often. By the way, your recipes are delish and a real treat to our tastebuds. Repeat the name of the recipe as much as you want or not want to do…either way works well with me. Just keep the great stuff coming.

        • Heather Smoke

        Too funny! I donโ€™t mind reading through posts when the content is interesting, like yours. But I do scroll a lot through some bloggersโ€™ overly long, overly photographed of every minute step of the process posts. Like 10 different photos of the same bowl of batter as each and every ingredient is added. Ugh, that annoys me.

        But as to the pork shoulder, I love it. I usually get a bone-in shoulder, cook it in my crock pot with a dry rub, and after 8-10 hours itโ€™s tender and juicy and wonderful. I like to serve it with soft buns, bbq sauce and spicy pickles. My husband likes to put cole slaw on his.

        • Elaine

        I am totally enjoying your site! Your the author, so I don’t mind where the recipe is – reading the whole thing is part of the enjoyment. Just thankful you share. This looks le a keeper for sure I love slow cooked pork! Last years garden was… not good. Too damp, so I didn’t get many peppers at all. But I have frozen ones from prior harvests. Thanks for sharing ~

          • Keir

          Outside of the center of Paris you may find chipotles at Auchan. We find the Costeรฑa brand of products at Auchan in Blois and Tours near us.

    • Sandra Alexander

    Love the stories and background to your recipes. Fun and informative. Please donโ€™t cut down on your great material, it enriches the experience. And thank you for all your splendid work!

    • Roanne Martin

    Can I cook the beans at the same time as the pork?

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Sure! The beans will likely take less time (3+ hours) than the pork, although that depends on how “fresh” your dried beans are. But beans in general are better made farther ahead as the juices thicken as they sit, so feel free to make them in advance, too.

        • Rick

        Are the beans in your pictures done in this way or are they a separate recipe?

          • David
          David Lebovitz

          I cooked them separately. I explained how in the Notes after the recipe.

    • Dick

    In my kitchen are several hundred books on food and very few are traditional recipe books. I rather suspect that many of those who are complaining about not getting straight to the recipe are also among those who want absolute details and complain about “a pinch of…” or ” a dash of…”

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Dick: I often tell people the best books are the ones where the author described how they made and/or came up with the recipe. That usually provides assurance that they made it and tested it. That applies to blogs as well. Most of the big “recipe” websites where people post whatever they want (or they have a team collecting recipes from who-knows-where) have recipes that don’t say anything about making the recipe. Unless it’s a well-known magazine with a test kitchen, like Saveur, Food & Wine, Bon Appรฉtit, etc. I like the know the source of the recipe too.

    • Betsy LM

    I love your stories and recipes! Keep doing what you do do well. Chipotles are one of the things I love most (apart from my husband and children) and this pork is on my short list. Merci!

    • Chris

    Don’t change a thing. You must be doing something right having entertained us for over 20 years.

    • MD Smith

    David, you are just plain wicked. Keep up the good work.

    • Betty L

    David, I love the stories of your food-related and other adventures in Paris so please do not stop! Scrolling is so easy to do and the photos along the way are beautiful, plus it is nice to see what the finished dish (hopefully) will look like. I do not have a slow cooker so can I make this in the oven as I did your magnificent balsamic glazed pork roast?

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I didn’t use a slow cooker – I used a regular Dutch oven. Just be aware that if your Dutch oven in enameled, the chiles may discolor the interior finish. The one I used was stainless steel.

    • christine H

    This post made me LOL. Thanks for starting my Monday this way!

      • Rita

      Totally agree! Davidโ€™s blog is so entertaining and informative.

    • Rob

    When I Google for a specific recipe &/or ingredient, then on each result I have to scroll down endless pages to actually view the recipe & see whether it is what I am looking for, yes – that is both frustrating & annoying, particularly if the pages are really slow at scrolling down. But when I come to your webpages, it is because I want to read your writing – the recipe is often incidental, or else a bonus. I vote ‘no change’, David!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Although it took me a while to understand it, people are writing recipes for not only search engines (hence the loading in of keywords, repeatedly) but also for Alexa, which’ll read lists of ingredients, steps, etc. It doesn’t make for interesting or entertaining reading, though ;)

      • Dorothy

      Moi aussi!

    • Karura

    I must admit that on some blogs I do scroll straight down to the recipe, but I very much enjoy reading your articles, so keep doing what you’re doing!

    I shall have a think as to how to adapt this recipe for an Instant Pot.

    • Siobhan

    Your poking fun at the SEO recommendation to repeat a recipe nameโ€”who doesn’t get irritated when that’s overdone?โ€”made this editor laugh out loud. Well done.

    And while I sometimes get impatient at how long a site takes to get to “the good stuff,” your writing is so relaxed and entertaining that it’s never bothered me on your site, I confess. And I’m ALWAYS interested in the recipe.

    I’m just jealous you can find chilies in adobo sauce in Paris. I found two cans gathering dust in a teensy foreign grocery in Spain last winter, after not seeing them anywhere else outside the US for years, and grabbed them, but you’d never see them where I live, well outside a metro area in central France. I’m going to crack open my last remaining one for this, I think!

    • Marilyn Ciccotosto

    Haaaaaahaaaaaahaaaaa! I love you so much!

    • Susan B

    For impatient readers, you could consider adding a โ€œskip to recipeโ€ button but really NBD. Your site is informative and fun either way.

    • Carol

    Re: scrolling, my objection is when the blogger is just filling space with cutesy chat and an inordinate number of similar photos. Which is not you! You posts are interesting, informative, and often lead me to other ideas/places, as well as illuminating the recipe. Donโ€™t change a thing! Thanks.

    • Nancy Peterson

    I like your notes. Very easy to scroll by to get to recipe. People must be getting very lazy!
    Thank you for your very entertaining books.

    • Molly F. C.

    This recipe, and I don’t mind scrolling one bit, makes that pork look so delicious. I make your carnitas recipe every few months, that one is a keeper, but now I’m adding this to the rotation. Thanks!

    • Kristen

    Many bloggers (see Smitten Kitchen) have a link right at the top that says “Jump to Recipe” that makes it easy to skip the text. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. Nice to have the option.

    • Mimi Woodham

    David, I am happy when you don’t go directly to the recipe. If i only wanted a recipe, I could look at one of the (insert- crazy -number- ) of cookbooks that I have in my home. If someone doesn’t have the time to scroll, maybe they have a bigger problem. Love this recipe and I will have to try it soon. Although as a former New Orleanian, my first go-to for the Chipotle Pork recipe would be a PO-Boy. Simply add pork to French Bread, slather of mayo, pickled red onions, fresh tomato and thinly sliced cabbage. My mouth is watering as I write this, although I typically don’t eat po-boys at 7am, but it is Mardi Gras. Laissez les bon temps rouler. Thank you as always for the interesting recipes, lovely words, gorgeous photos and the snarky humor. I love it the best.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Years ago I was talking to my friend Elise at Simply Recipes, and said “My blog isn’t a food blog.” As the focus of my blog wasn’t recipes, but stories about Paris, including restaurants, pastry shops, and cultural observations. As things shifted, I did start focusing more on recipes, but since I write cookbooks, I wanted the blog (and the recipes) to be a little different and more conversational than a book. I keep thinking I should go back to more stories and other things I used to focus on, although people keep requesting recipes…but I’ll see where the blog goes next!

        • jane

        Please do BOTH. Separately is fine by me though I do enjoy hearing about WHY you’re sharing a particular recipe. And it doesn’t have to be a wildly entertaining tale though you do excel at those generally.

        Your stories are golden and the foundation of this blog imo. And your recipes are like a bonus, but also much anticipated and enjoyed because you are talented : D. Thanks for sharing!

        PS: stunning photos this post

        • Jeanne

        I absolutely love all your stories and descriptions about how you came to particular recipes. The human experience is what draws me to your cooking and your writing. So another vote for that!!

        • Mimi Woodham

        Oh but David it is a food blog and so much more. Food done well is an intimate expression of its preparer or host. All of us enjoy the entry into your world even if its though a small screen. Paris is such a lovely city and how nice to have my own personal American-in-Paris. I long for the day when I may return and put some of your suggestions into action. I say keep it up,….the food, stories, photos and the snarky humor.

        • Jennifer H

        Because of you David, I am now a devoted Red Boat Fish Sauce fan. Caramels?? Who knew? Love your blog, read every word, never thought of scrolling as a โ€˜problemโ€™ and for anyone who is craving a real laugh, they should read โ€˜Lโ€™appartโ€™. Simply hysterical.

    • Edgar j W

    Oh my.. pay no mind to those people who just canโ€™t enjoy life… your post are always a pleasure to read and your photos enlighten your vision of the dish. Keep up the great culinary work and I will be making this dish tonight.

    • AE

    Well, some people just love to complain. Frankly, I think you do a wonderful job compared to many food bloggers. Unlike several that i have reviewed, you genuinely test your recipes and know what you’re doing.

      • Eva Takacs-di Lorenzo

      David; please keep on doing what you have been doing. I love your emails with your stories and pictures! I recently made your orange bitters because you made it sound so interesting!

    • Rhonda

    I admit that on most food blogs I sigh and scroll to the bottom to get to the goods but your blog is the exception. I love your stories – they’re the extra ingredient that makes preparing your recipes that much more enjoyable.

    • Nathalie

    Wonderful sense of humor. And sharp analysis of our French little quirks!

    Have made several times Clotilde Dusoulierโ€™s carnitas (and of course will try your version soon). For the leftovers, she recommends spreading the meat on a baking sheet and re-heat for a few minutes under the broiler: very effective to get the crunchy and caramelized bits youโ€™re looking for!

    • Karen

    Love a funny bit to start the week!! and a yummy recipe to go with it. Scroll on!!

    • Jane B

    Your post brought a smile to my face. I love chipotle anything so I’ll be making the recipe this week.
    But the bigger smile, and laugh, came from the issue of scrolling to get to the recipe. I tell people what I hate about bloggers, besides the ones who don’t test their recipes, is the inordinate amount of pictures before the recipe. I don’t need to see several pictures of the blogger cutting an onion, then cutting a pepper, then pouring wine into the pot, then stirring, then adding pepper and spices, etc. I get it and don’t need to see loads of pictures on basic techniques. Show me one picture for chopping the onion, not four.
    David, I love your blog and read all of it, including the headers and description…so please keep your blog the way it is.

    • Eileen

    David, please continue writing in your style! The constant inclusion of the recipe name was hilarious (and not something you should continue with)! Love the recipes and the stories. Keep it up!!

    • Wesley

    David, you have me laughing out loud! I love your writing and what you share. You have made me a better cook and baker, and you have the best best recipes. I hope the critics and complainers donโ€™t get you down, what you share is so valuable!

    • KristyMN

    David, do you think I could add rehydrated beans to the pork as it bakes? Or would that be too long for them?

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I’m not sure what “rehydrated” means. Do you mean soaked but not cooked? If so, I can’t say because they’d need more liquid than what’s in the pot and you’d have to calculate that. I suppose you could keep adding more liquid, but I would just cook them separately.

    • Christina

    Bravo, David! Of course, reading your blog is half the fun! BTW, you can buy dried smoked chipotles as well as powdered in the US and probably at La Grande ร‰picerie in Paris. Merci pour tout!

    • Carolyn

    David, I think your blog is perfect just the way it is! Besides, for the impatient ones, everyone knows where the recipe is, so just scroll down for heaven’s sake, and stop whining.
    On another note, I decidedly prefer my heavy Dutch oven over a slow cooker. Like Romain, I also think the slow cooker tends to dry out the meat more. Mine is relegated to use for taking a warm dish to a potluck.
    As for those unused Chipotleโ€™s, I blend the remainder of the can and freeze it in small tasting cups.
    But, what was the recipe again? Slow cooked chipotle pork? Sorry you didnโ€™t mention it more in the blog! . Who are these so-called SEO experts?

    • Greg

    Talk about first world problems. Someone painstakingly develops and test a recipe, at their own expense, and then provide it for free. Then people complain that free is not good enough, because they have to spend 10 seconds or more scrolling.

    • Carol Hollis

    David, what I enjoy the most about your blog is the background story that you tell so well! It tantalizes me to read further to the recipe!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I always think that’s what makes a recipe interesting. I know a number of food blogs now aren’t focused on the story anymore, so there’s a lot of talk about how great or tasty the recipe is, and that you should try it, etc. When food blogging started I remember there were great blogs that were all about the writing like Traveler’s Lunchbox, Wednesday Chef, Amateur Gourmet, Orangette, and others, which I would sit down and read like a magazine. Most have stopped blogging unfortunately.

        • Margaret

        Yes I really liked Orangette and Wednesday Chef too :(
        Some bloggers seem to go on and on until you finally get to the recipe, but I always like reading what you say, so plse donโ€™t change a thing.

        • jane

        Interestingly when I worked in restaurants everyone back of house was super well read to an extraordinary level. I fit right in but it did stand out as unusual for a group of people. Were the chefs where you’ve worked readers as well? Is this a personality trait for cooks?

    • Paula Rini

    Please don’t ever NOT comment! I love your recipes, but I love your comments and writing even more :0).

    • Karen

    An old friend of mine went off on facebook about this topic recently. It was funny to me that she did because she works in the arts and often complains about people asking her to do her work for free.

    If you’re getting a free recipe on the internet, then scrolling down is the price you pay for that. Seriously, is it that big a deal? If the worst thing that happens to you on any given day is having to scroll down to get a recipe that someone is giving you for free, then you should spend the time you spent complaining about it talking to a therapist about the real roots of your problems.

    • MR in NJ

    A JUMP TO RECIPE button would be ideal for second, third, and subsequent times, when the intro has previously been read and enjoyed and now one wants to cook or bake the food.

    I also think your faithful readers wuld cntinue t read yur psts abut a recipe even if they fllwed the recipe.

    Online it doesnt make as much difference, but in cookbooks I have always felt that the intro should follow the recipe even though logically it should precede it. One reason is to fit as much of the recipe as possible on the first page.

    When I create a Word file of an online recipe for my own use, if I want to retain the intro, I place it after the recipe.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I’ve learned over the years that adding something to the blog, means whatever that “something” is, is bound to go wrong in the future, whether it’s when they upgrade the “Jump to recipe” plug in, or whatever. I’m over tech issues and would prefer to focus on content : )

    • Sunnycovechef

    Just so you know, I enjoy reading your post sprinkled with your sense of humor. I been meaning do make pulled pork for a long time and if I do I will use your recipe. Itโ€™s hard to make your own if you have the best taqueria within walking distance.

    • Mara

    Whatโ€™s going on? Why does everything have to be the same? Your posts are so warm, evocative, charming, funny, instructive… (you get the gist)…. PLEASE donโ€™t change a thing about how you write your posts. The Twitter troglodytes should go eat plastic. Whatever.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I don’t use Twitter that much anymore. It used to be a good way to connect with people but it’s not as interesting as it was when it started. Thanks for your kind words and glad you like the blog!

    • Terry S.

    I love the head notes. Those contain the romance of the recipe and all the helpful hints and culinarily context. Obviously twitter had shortened the attention span. I canโ€™t wait to make this. The photo alone is enticing!

    • Kim Smith

    Please don’t change a thing. We love you just the way you are.

      • Irene

      Ditto… But that last line now triggered the Last Song Syndrome (LSS) just now that I’m about to sleep. Hahaha

    • Susan

    From the photo it looks like you used dark beer. I think this is a very important flavor to be more specific on. A light mellow beer surely would not be as wonderful as a robust creamy porter, maybe with coffee undertones? Please share your thoughts on this.
    Thank you from Chicago
    (it’s going to snow a lot tomorrow so I would like to get all the ingredients today!)

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I think you could use almost any type of beer, except perhaps a stout, which I find gets rather bitter when cooked and reduced. But I’ve braised foods in pilsners, ales and amber beers with good results.

    • Christine

    I hope the Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork tasted exactly like the Slow-Cooked Chipotle Port of your dreams, that is, if you dream about Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork. :-)

    • Tom L

    I LOVE your commentary AND your beautiful pictures that I enjoy scrolling through, even when I know I’ll probably never make the dish. Today you made me laugh out loud with your send-up of mentioning a recipe name frequently. Keep doing what you do!

    • Margaret

    My grocer was out of my favorite corn tortillas a few weeks ago so I bought Bobโ€™s Red Mill organic corn masa and made them myself. I had a tortilla press that Iโ€™d never used and I was surprised at how easy they were to make. Just add water and a little salt to the masa (recipe is on the package) mix, roll a portion into a ball and press between wax paper, grill in a cast iron pan about a minute on each side. They taste so much better than store bought and are so easy that I make them now instead of buying :)

    • Mai Allison

    I go to your blog first thing every morning to get the first smile of my day. Donโ€™t ever change.

    • Irene

    You’re so funny! And I love the head notes and the commentary best! It tells how the recipe came about and is particularly helpful if I find I needed to adjust something due to regional differences.

    This recipe sounds so good! I don’t know where to find chipotle here, but I’ll make do and make that pulled pork dish!

    • Hope Anderson

    Please don’t stop writing your commentary–whether or not the recipe interests me, your writing always does. And I’m floored that you can get chipotle in France! You’re a champ to track down all the ingredients for Mexican food.

    • Mary

    What would you suggest as a substitute for beer? Thank you.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      You can use water. I suggested the amount in the ingredient list. You might want to add a splash of vinegar to compensate for some of the acidity that beer provides.

    • Kathleen T

    My goodness. What do people think a blog is? Keep doing what you are doing. You are an excellent writer and your blog is engaging and informative.

    • Linda

    I am one of those readers who really enjoy viewing your commentary and photos before getting to the recipe. I typically read your blogs while sitting with my morning coffee checking my email, which is where I get your blog updates, so I’m not in a hurry to get cooking. Besides, that personal perspective is what makes a blog different from a cookbook, and yours are always totally entertaining.

    And I learned something before even cooking anything: the tip about adding baking soda to cook dry beans in hard water. Is that to make them turn out softer? I’ll give that a try.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      In the “old days,” I also sat down in the morning and read food blogs. That was in the days when most of us used RSS feeders…and when there were a lot of blogs to read. Now things have shifted, and there’s content on Instagram that’s more “digestible,” in small bites. However, I still look for longer reads too. Yes, baking soda softens “hard” (mineral-rich) water, which the water in France definitely is. Many people who make hummus add it to the chickpeas while cooking (sometimes by the tablespoon!), so they soften properly.

        • a

        I still read you through RSS!

    • PeterCL

    Donโ€™t change your format, David. Itโ€™s quite nice as it is.

    • claire silvers

    Another vote for the way you write your posts. Context rich in cultural insights and character, leavened with humor. Have been cursing the search-engine directed doings (husband is journalist) but had not thought of the cursed Alexa factor (why would anyone intentionally buy such a torture device for their home?). Also I learn a huge amount from your writing-blogs & books book. Thank you, David.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Alexa and similar devices are interesting and I can see some uses of them for sure (how nice would it be to say, “Alexa, preheat the oven” without having to wash your hands and set the dials? or “Open the door” without fumbling for your keys…), but I saw a trailer for a PBS documentary on it, and one of the topics was how hundreds of millions of people consented to let a company listen to their conversations, many being transcribed, in writing. It is interesting to see how people have become adept at writing for search-engines, but those algorithms change (ditto on Instagram) and imho, it’s fragile to put all your proverbial eggs in one basket, as those parameters/SEO rules can change in an instant, which has happened several times.

    • Alla

    David, I hope your SEO ranking shoot straight up! Can this recipe be adapted for chicken? Thanks for both the recipes and the stories.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I’ve not made it with chicken but not sure you want to cook chicken for 3+ hours, so you’d have to modify the cooking time and maybe use less liquid? I might also recommend turkey leg/thigh which is a cut of meat/poultry that can stand up to long cooking.

    • Sharon Tucker

    David, reading your posts is something I look forward to each time. I would be happy if you don’t change a thing. I hope you will keep doing what you are doing and let the gripers get over themselves. They can always go to AllRecipes—but even there there are videos that might could their horizons. You can’t please all of us so please, please yourself! Cheers!

    • Bruce Taylor

    Did you say this a recipe for Slow Cooked Chipotle Pork? Because my wife likes pulled pork and I think she would really like this Slow Cooked Chipotle Pork. I think your photos are divine, David, as well as your recipes and posts for such things as Slow Cooked Chipotle Pork. We have a can or two of Chiles in Adobo Sauce in the pantry so that’s no problem. I think I may try your recipe for Slow Cooked Chipotle Pork very soon. Thank you for the post and the recipe. (About Slow Cooked Chipotle Pork.) Hope that helps.

    • Leu2500

    The problem isnโ€™t that you have to scroll. The problem is that you have to scroll past a ridiculous number of ads that take forever to load & jump all over the place, preventing you from reading the content!

    This post does not have this problem. Thank you.

    • PZ


    This recipe greeted me when I woke this morning. I had all the ingredients and made it. So delicious. Served it as a torta (Bolio bread, refried beans, shredded lettuce, tomato, Mexican creama, and a slice of avocado). Mmmmmmmmm

    To chime in, I love your stories.

    FYI… My husband has also choked down dry roast from a crockpot. Never again!

    With that being said, Youโ€™re the reason I ran out and bought Red Boat fish sauce, Citadel Gin, and chestnut paste. When my hubby asks me why….. the answer is because David recommended it. He knows exactly who I am talking about.

    Thatโ€™s what makes your site unique. You pull us in and share your life, Your joys, your frustrations, your relatable relationship with Roman.

    It not just recipes. Itโ€™s your life and you share it with us. We as your audience are blessed.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Glad you liked the recipe! Yes, that fish sauce is one of those life-changing ingredients (if you like fish sauce)…I just got some Red Boat fish sauce caramels which I’m sure are good, but I haven’t opened the bag yet ; )

        • PZ

        What?!! Now, Iโ€™m gonna have to order some. I bet they are awesome.

        You are oh so bad for me. Yet, oh so good. ;)

    • Lenita

    Don’t change what you’re doing and I wouldn’t miss your blog. I love how you write and your photos and explanations. Then it’s fun to get to the recipe. Forget the complainers.

      • Chantal Duvall

      Love your books, your recipes and your blog, never boring. But it would be a good alternative to have a button “go directly to the recipe” when one is in a hurry or doesn’t care about the subject .
      Thanks for being YOU David

    • Richard Anderson

    Thanks for this post, David! Chipotles in adobo is one of the few things we bring back from the US. No longer, I hope! Will check out that address soon!

    • Rachele

    I read your blog solely for the David Lebovitz factor. The recipes are an incredible gift with scroll.

    I noticed early on in this particular entry that a drinking game would be quite apropos…not only am I craving slow cooked chipotle pork, I find myself soused at 6am eastern time…well done, sir.

    • Susan Riggs

    I happen to like your writing-isnโ€™t that the whole point?!? I mean aside from the recipes.
    And I love the pictures-but now I am craving this dish!!!!
    Merci beaucoup David!!!!


    • ap

    I like your posts! There’s so much history and background and humor in them. I visit this blog weekly because of them. I read far more of your stuff than I make.

    When I google for a recipe, then yes, I am frequently skipping the actual post to get to the meat and potatoes, as it were.

    But overall, I don’t care if there is a lengthy post or photos. What I want is: a clear list of ingredients, a clearly written recipe, for those elements to be broken out from the rest of the text in an easily visible way (like yours with the gray box) and for the recipe itself not to be intercut with ads. Everything else is superficial.

    • Jacklyn Campbell

    I LOVE your headnotes! It makes reading your posts unique and enjoyable. Keep ’em coming! I cannot believe how people like to complain, about anything and everything!

    • Allison

    Iโ€™m a vegetarian and so would never make this recipe, yet I read every word. I love your writing, David, and thatโ€™s why I read your blog. Youโ€™re like NPR for me – introducing me to cookbooks Iโ€™d never think of and taking me with you on your travels in and out of France. Iโ€™ve loved those posts about vintage cookware and glasses.

    And your recipes arenโ€™t bad, either :-)

    • Bebe

    . Short little spans of attention. Subscribed for your lovely writing but find i have been able to put up with your recipes as well. Keep on keeping on.

    • Kelly Monaghan

    Et voila! Bien jouรฉ. This post comes up #2 for “Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork” in Google, #3 in DuckDuckGo.

    You could probably improve your ranking if you used “Best Slow-Cooked Chipotle Pork for Larger Penis.”

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      ….but then I might have trouble with the “truth in advertising” realm. (However, if that statement was, indeed, true, this recipe would definitely get a TON of traffic ; )

    • Laura

    Hi David,
    I don’t mind a little scrolling… but some blogs really take it to the extreme, posting multiple pictures that are nearly identical, making me think, “doesn’t anyone know how to edit?!” But I’d scroll all day for your recipes, they work and your writing is delightful. Bisous from NYC

    • Robin Tindale

    David, I love the story behind the recipe. Resist all pressure from those who donโ€™t like reading! For those of us who love to curl up on the couch or in bed with a cup of tea (or wine) and a good cookbook- the story telling us half the fun.
    A blog is a blog. Not a byline!
    My family also love slow cooked pork shoulder with chipotle and I will definitely try your version.
    Many thanks.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I often sit on the couch and read blogs, although I do it less and less as most of the food blogs I used to read aren’t updated anymore. (Many of them have been blogging for 10+ years.) Enjoy the slow-roasted chipotle pork!

    • Noemi

    You are a great cook I enjoy your recipes and love your site! I don’t mind to scrolling :)

    • Cadry

    I’ve thought of your blog many times when I’ve read the recurring diatribes about why bloggers should “just get to the recipe.” I’m so glad you don’t! While I am a long-time fan of your turnip pickles recipe, the main reason I have been a loyal reader for years is because of your stories. They give me a great sense of place & personality. I’m glad that you keep doing what you’re doing!

    • mumimor

    I haven’t commented here for ages, though I still read every one of your posts. But I need to tell you that the main reason you are my favorite blogger and author is the stories you tell before the recipes. Don’t ever stop being you. <3

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Thanks! : )

    • Bob Congdon

    Well played!

    • Vanessa

    Love your style of blog posting, writing and enjoy your books immensely!
    Just have a question…would there be any benefit to browning the pork shoulder before slow roasting? I was wondering how that would help or hinder the process.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I don’t think you could brown it with the marinade all over it. It would likely burn.

        • Vanessa

        Ahh, I understand, yes that makes sense!

    • naomi d.

    HA! I don’t even eat pork and I still read every bit of this post (well, I admit I skipped the recipe) as I do for any of your posts, because I love your “voice.” Then, I read a bunch of the comments and your replies too! Please don’t stop. You are one of the best presences on the Web.

      • Gina

      Love your tongue in cheek style! Keep it up for most of us!

    • May

    I really enjoy reading your stories so please don’t stop.

    • T

    I literally laughed out loud at this entry. Blogs that need SEO hits and have complaints about too much scrolling to find recipes are clearly the ones lacking quality content. If the blog is a good read, people don’t care whether there’s a recipe or not, though they’d appreciate one because they’re captivated by the descriptions.

    You’re one of the OGs of food blogging, thank you for all the years you’ve been writing.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      I was reading a food blog today that literally had 5 paragraphs (or maybe more) of information that was so generic, I wondered if they cut and pasted it to apply it to their other posts. I don’t mean to criticize what anyone else is doing, but I can’t imagine it being all that interesting.

      But a few years ago a writing coach told me he had a client whose objective was to make a lot of money when they started their food blog. It took 2-3 years, but (supposedly) their blog is getting huge amounts of traffic, and making a lot of money. I’ve looked at it and it’s just not that interesting. But there’s room for everyone, I guess, although I’m a little curmudgeonly because I remember when all this began, everyone was in it together, and we all had the same goal: To share stories, recipes, and foods.

    • Jayne

    Very funny to read – I love the story behind the recipes

    • Edith Douglas

    Your blog is fine…glorious even. It’s all the others who are just boring! Please don’t change what you do!

    • Rachel Cunliffe

    Brilliant David. Thanks for the morning laugh!

    • Deborah N Flanagan

    David, thank you for this fantastic recipe, Hubby and i LOVED the pork. So tender and so flavorful. And now I have enough for a few more meals. I made a pot of Rancho Gordo black beans to go with it. The pickled onions are a game changer. We’ve been topping all sorts of foods with them.
    Always excited to try your recipes which are sure winners.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Thank you so much – glad you and your husband liked the recipe! (And yes, the onions are very easy…and very good with it, too.)

    • Badger Bob

    This looks wonderful. I am a big fan of pork shoulder, braised or smoked. I have recently stumbled onto your site and I know I am going to enjoy it. I imagine as busy as you must be you don’t reply much to comments. I have a question. Would this recipe be popular in France, in restaurants, in homes? Curious

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Chiles and smoky flavors aren’t so well-represented in France, except in the Basque region but young people are becoming accustomed to them. A few Texas-style bbqs opened in Paris and they’re very popular!

    • Re

    Late to the conversation because I use your site as my end of the week reward. I have your stories in mind while cooking your recipes. If I cook the recipes enough with my friends/family, my own stories evolve. Love your site and your books. Thanks!

    • Mary Beth Halsey

    This is just excellent! Wow!

    • Blanca

    Thank you David for a great recipe and for not including cumin. Not all Mexican dishes have cumin as it seems to be believed in the US.

    You made my Saturday! Every weekend, first thing, I read your post. Always enjoyable!!

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      There is a trend to use a lot of cumin and it’s one of those spices that works very well if added in small quantities, but when there’s too much, it just tastes like sweat. A French chocolate company made chocolate with cumin in it, and gave me a sample. The taste was overwhelming and although I made a cake with it, the company eventually stopped making it : )

    • Michael O

    I just have to say a big Thank You for all the posts on your blog and all the recipes. Everything we made from cookies to ribs, soups and chocolate deserts turned out delicious. We are addicted to your recipes, being from the blog or your cook books everything comes out wonderful. Also enjoy all the stories and photos before the recipe, it just makes everything more interesting.
    One question, what is the red side next to the pork and beans? Red onion maybe?

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Glad you are enjoying the recipes! Those are pickled red onions, which are easy to make and go very well with dishes like this.

    • Gardener&Cook

    Good. Fork tender. Surprising barbeque flavor. Smoky chipotle favor downplayed. Recommend trimming excess fat from pork before marinating. Served with rewarmed leftover roasted potatoes and blanched pearl onions. Would also be good with a southwestern chopped salad and warm tortillas.

    • Nancy E. Sutton

    Ditto to all your fans!! And the nerve of the complainers! they don’t deserve your recipes, if they’re not worth a little scrolling! (There are a million other food blogs for them.)

    Plus, I love how comprehensive your recipes are…it shows your care for your readers, and gives many of us the confidence that we can repeat your successes.

    And, you take me to the ‘real’ Paris, and put a smile on my face :) Thanks

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Whenever I’ve been asked to speak about food blogging, I always stress that it’s about giving (like writing about food) – that you’re giving someone a story or recipe, and to think of the reader. That’s my goal and while I don’t always reach it, perhaps, it is my objective. Glad you like the recipes! : )

    • Christine M McGrath

    It is because of your commentary that I have become a better cook. Please donโ€™t ever change! Your recipes and commentary are fun, informative, and enjoyable. Thank you for sharing your talent and your world with us. โค๏ธ

    • Kurt

    Love this recipe for Slow-cooked Chipotle Pork. Also loved the SEO tips in this recipe for Slow-cooked Chipotle Pork :D

    • Bill and Rudi Weissinger

    You say that “some of the people objected to having to scroll down a post to get to the recipe, because they didnโ€™t like scrolling.”

    My wife and I read your posts, and your books (she just bought Drinking French, and we have three other of your books). We read you not for your recipes, but your commentary — yes, we love your recipes, but the world is full of recipe-purveyors but has few people that can deliver not only the recipe but also a pleasurable story to go with it. Please don’t skimp on your stories to please your Twitter audience, who I’m guessing make up only a small part of those who appreciate your work. If only you still offered tours in Paris!

    • Frank

    Hi David. Love your blog. Are the pigs that much smaller in France that the whole bone-in shoulder weighs only 4 pounds? Average size in the US is 9-10 pounds or more. Just curious. BTW, keep the long prose before the recipe. It’s really not that hard for the impatient people to scroll down.

    • Jeannine

    I made every part of this recipe today! well, except for the beans, I bought baked beans:) But the pork, pickled onions, and pineapple salsa were AMAZING!! What an incredible meal, thank you!

    • Patty

    I was very disappointed to hear that someone tagged you for the dislike of scrolling or the full discussion in the generous headnote. Shame on them. Your thoughtful headnotes and beautiful photographs make me a better cook/baker. I cannot thank you enough for the time you put into your newsletters and recipes.

      • David
      David Lebovitz

      Well, they tagged me in the discussion but the person who did said she did it because she thought I did it right; she was referring to others (according to her) that make you scroll through a lot of content to get to the recipe. Glad you’re enjoying the book, the recipes, newsletter, and photos – thanks for chiming in!

    • merry

    Hi dear, donโ€™t worry too much about the best practices, we love your content. I tried this recipe and it turned out to be super yum. Thanks a lot for sharing this.

    • Vikki G

    I just discovered your posts and I am up late browsing and addicted. Keep doing just like you have been doing. Your comments offer a lot of extra informative info. A lot of others’ recipes have a choice at the top of their pages “Jump to Recipe” to bypass the “talk”. But, for the ones that choose that option don’t know what they are missing! There is nothing empty about your info. Thanks for your time and recipes!

    • Vikki G

    I’m learning some steps for Mexican cooking of pulled pork. Heat an oiled skillet on med high and put in some loosely shredded pork to “pan fry”. Just cooking enough to crisp up edges to use for tacos, nachos or tortillas. Flip over meat to crisp other side. Can add a little cooking juice if too dry. We really like the difference it makes.


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